Author's Note~

Hey, everyone! First, I'd like to thank you for bothering to read my story. Second, I'd like to point out that this is based more on the movie than the games, considering I've never played any of them. But, since Silent Hill isn't IN the 'movie' category, I had to put it here. Sorry 'bout that, but there shouldn't be too big an issue.

Also, I'm trying to play by the rules of Silent Hill, here. I really am. So if the OC does anything that's kind of out of the ordinary for Silent Hill - other than initially waltzing on in - then just bare with me, here. This is my first SH fanfic, and I'm trying to make it good~ XD

Reviews are welcome, but don't be a hater/flame me, please~

Fear-Stricken. That was, quite possibly, the best way to describe her. Traveling alone in this hell would have made the Devil himself tremble, let alone a teenage girl. She didn't fully comprehend why she even agreed to come into this horrible place...

A dare.

That's right. A dare is what made her venture this far into Hell. She and a small group of friends out for a night of good, old-fashioned partying. Everyone got a little tipsy, all except for her. The 'good' one, the one who never did anything wrong. Because of that title, all the others thought it would be hilarious to see her go into that place by herself. They all wanted her to go in just so they could see her run back out, screaming like a little girl who had just seen a spider.

But oh, what she had seen in this place was far worse than any spider. And this was before the siren even began it's loud, echoing roar into the otherwise silent world.

"How could I be so stupid?" She chided herself, slowly approaching what appeared to be an old school building. "Letting them talk me into doing something like this..."

It was true. She had fought their dare for almost an hour before she grew tired of their incessant whining, and finally gave in. Oh, how she regretted that choice. She should have just kept saying no. Hell, she could have just gotten into her damned car and left their drunk asses behind...

No. Who was she kidding? She could never...she was too nice.

Too nice.

"Too late now, I suppose..." She sighed softly, her voice trembling as she grew closer to the door of the seemingly-abandoned building.

The poor girl had to push herself to move those last few steps in order for her to reach the door. Needless to say, those were the hardest steps she had ever taken. Up until that point, anyway.

"You can do this..." Cheering herself on, she stretched out a pale, unsteady hand only to miss the doorknob on her first few tries. "All you have to do is stay in this...this hellhole for thirty minutes. Thirty minutes, and they'll never call you a coward, again."

Pride. That's what this was all about, really. The pride of knowing she was able to do what so many other people were to scared to do. She had heard stories about this place, sure. She knew the kind of danger she was putting herself in. But none of that really mattered when it was her pride standing on the line.

She exhaled, slowly, turning the doorknob as quietly as she possibly could. Finally, the door creaked open as the knob was turned all the way. A soft whimper escaped into the cold air when the door made a horrible creaking noise as she began to push it open.

"I shouldn't have agreed to this..." She whimpered, again, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

She had never been this afraid, before. This place was the epitome of fear, and she had just walked herself right into the middle of it.

When the door was opened wide enough for her to slide through, she did so as slowly as she could, still trying to remain silent despite the attention that the door probably brought to her. Once she was 'safely' inside the building, she walked forward, not bothering to close the door.

"What the hell do they expect me to do in here, for thirty minutes?" She whispered to herself, nearly jumping out of her skin when a loud bang sounded from behind her.

She turned, sharply, expecting to see some ax-wielding maniac about to cut her to pieces. Instead, she saw the door. The closed door.

"The door...i-it was pretty heavy...I guess it, it must have shut from it's own weight..." She stammered, trying desperately to calm herself.

It wasn't working.