This is a joint story although it is on my account it is co-written by destroy this city of delusion (Jo). For this chapter Jo wrote Hikaru I wrote Haruhi.

Disclaimer: We do not in any shape or form own Ouran high school host club although if we did Haruhi and Hikaru would definitely be together.

Hikaru's P.O.V.

We used to come in a package; Hikaru and Karou. But now that's all changed and we have a new addition to the group. Haruhi was always a great asset to the host club- girl or not- and now she is a great friend. She has been dating Tamaki for a few months now and they seem to be in love. It's cute honestly if slightly sickening, their secret hugs and kisses but love is not for me. I'm alone in the world apart from Karou but I'll figure my life out somehow.

Today Tamaki and Haruhi came into the club together, shooting each other those strange soppy looks, and I couldn't help doing a retching noise behind their back.

"Shut up Hikaru!" Haruhi could still tell us apart, which I still found rather creepy. No longer can we play the 'Which one is Hikaru' game, because Haruhi would just swoop in and tell them.

"We have a lot of clients today, and I want everyone to turn it up a notch. I want more charm, class and more you! We want to show off your personalities!" Tamaki announced. He always wanted us to do more, and quite frankly, I think I have reached my limit. The brotherly love acts are still going strong, and the girls are still knocked out by it.

"So Tamaki, how is it going with Haruhi?" I liked to show an interest. After all, she is my friend, and I would kill him if he hurt her.

"Good actually! I know I have always loved her, and I didn't know if she ever felt the same way. Now I can share my feelings with her, I hope she loves me back." His confession as always seemed over the top, but there was something about it that was rather heartwarming.

"I always thought that you two had a connection, you're a good couple." I found myself saying, even though I didn't whole heartedly mean it, there was just something about the two of them that wasn't quite right.

"I think so," He was smiling that lovesick smile of his. "Her birthday is next week, and I am throwing her a massive party! All the Host Club are invited and any of her old friends. I don't want anybody missing it."

"Sounds exciting! I love parties!"

The Host Club session went well, and everyone loved it. Tamaki is already planning a theme for next session, and at the moment its hippy theme. Lord help us all!

Kyoya came over at the end, and gave me a letter though how he had got it I did not bother to ask, Kyoya was always a mystery.

"This was delivered this morning for you."

I had no idea what it was; I never get post apart from on birthdays. Except...maybe I won that competition Karou made me enter? Something about a paragraph describing our dream holiday, we tried to come up with the silliest paragraphs possible. I can't remember what the prize was, and I had almost zero chance of winning anyway. I opened the letter and two pieces of paper drifted out onto the floor:

"Two Tickets To Greece. 3Rd - 10th of July."
That's next week.

Haruhi's P.O.V.

I walked into the club with Tamaki clutching onto my arm. Ever since the Ouran Fair we've been closer than ever before. I'm not really the love sick type but we are pretty close, in small ways. He sends me a message to say good morning every day, and picks me up with that stupid smile of his, which I can't help but smile back to. He gets me presents even though he knows I'm not very materialist, but he puts so much thought into them it's really touching. When we kiss, I feel special and wonderful and safe in an all too cliché way.

We have to be a bit careful though, the girls would probably get jealous if they saw us kissing or something. Then again Renge, who still hasn't determined my gender, told us how cute we were and what a great piece of moe we would make, when she burst out the ground from where ever she hides. But as much as I don't like admitting it, I like working at the host club and so I'll keep up with the pretence of being a boy for a while.

As we walk in I flash a smile at Hikaru, who despite his and Kaoru's teasing has been a good friend lately, taking a lot of interest in me and Tamaki. And he's probably one of the people I'm closest to out of all of the host club.

We're doing pretty well me and Tamaki, at first I thought it might not work out, we're so different, and yet it doesn't seem to matter we just balance each other out. Last night we went on a date to the "commoners" cinema. I told him we could just watch a movie at his unnecessarily large mansion but he seems to really want to try out my lifestyle. As far as I could tell we didn't scare too many people, sure he was shocked at the amount of adverts we had to watch, yelled at the couple making out in front of us, and did some sort of strange dance when he put his arm around me. It could have been worse.

Like when I told him it was my birthday next week, he's more excited than I am.

"Hey Haruhi, the guests will be arriving soon, I'm just giving everyone a prep talk," I gave him a smile and nodded knowing it was time for business.

I tuned out as I often did as Tamaki proceeded to give another of his inspirational speeches to everyone, being his usual melodramatic self. It's hard to believe someone who's so narcissistic could be in love with someone else. Love, that's a pretty strong word Haruhi, sure I like Senpai… a lot, but do I love him? I wave that thought out of my mind as the girls come in and my regulars sat down.

"So Haruhi we heard it was your birthday next week,"

"Gee, I wonder how you found that out?" I muttered whilst shooting glares at Tamaki, who seemed to grown small and shrink into a corner. Much to the alarm of the girls around him.

"We were thinking of getting you something," Said one of the girls shyly.

"Oh no you don't have to do that!" I really didn't want them spending lots of money on me.

"But we really want to!" They all chorused with identical smiles.

One of the most rewarding things about working at a host club is the girl's smiles. Tamaki wasn't exaggerating. It was one of the reasons I want to stay here with all my friend's as long as possible, to make other people happy and have fun. And much as I knew I couldn't I didn't want that dream to go away. But all things have to end, right?