Title: Double Whammy
Words: 300
Genre: Romance/Drama/Angst/Smut
Rating: M
Warnings: None
Summary: Roy's little getaway doesn't yield the relaxation he'd hoped for...
Written for live journal's fanfic_bakeoff big thanks to vexed_wench for the beta *hugs*

Roy Mustang needed to get away from it all. He had a lot on his mind and for once he didn't want to think it over he simply wanted to forget about it for a while. He loved his friends as well as his job but sometimes a man just needed some space. This need is what brought the Flame alchemist out to the middle of nowhere to his best friends fishing cabin.

It's been ages since they had come out here to fish and relax but Roy still had a key to the place and he was looking forwards to watching the sun come up over the lake and a few evenings spent swaying in the hammock. The weather was perfect for that sort of thing and that is how he'd planned on spending his three day weekend.

He unlocked the door, walked into the kitchen. He sat his lone duffel bag on the floor walked into the living room and nearly dropped dead at the sight before him.

He was so stunned he couldn't even gasp.

There on the couch right before his eyes was his best friend with his head thrown back in ecstasy as none other than Roy's ex Edward Elric sucked on his cock.

Part of him wanted to back away silently and try to pretend he'd never seen this. The other half of him wanted to beat both of them senseless.

What a double whammy, knife in the back and in the heart all in one fail swoop. Ed was the reason why Roy wanted away, he'd broken their relationship off suddenly and with no explanation. Maes was the one he went crying to when it happened.

This hurt and and when he did find his voice there would be hell to pay.