Harvey woke up in a white room and an incessant beeping noise.
He wished it would cease. He had a humongous headache.
There was a weight on his chest that was oddly comforting, and so he didn't even try to push it off. He lay there in somewhat of a daze and stared up at the dull ceiling. Where the hell was he? What was going on?
The smell of anesthesia and other chemicals and drugs were intruding upon his senses-and then it hit him altogether and very abruptly. Mike.
"Mike..." he wanted to scream the name and get up and go looking for the pup, but all he could do was wheeze through the sudden pain.
"Just breathe hon," Donnas' voice floated from up above somewhere in the sky. "Just press this for some more good stuff." her delicate fingers caressed his hand as she pressed his thumb against a button on his bedside. Almost immediately, the edge was taken off of his pain, and Harvey became a little more aware of himself and his surroundings.
"Wher'd Mike g'?" his mouth felt like it was full of cotton. He could barely get any intelligible words out; but Donna, who'd been with him for forever, understand perfectly.
"Look down." there was a hint of a smile in her tone.
Harvey looked, only to be ambushed by a head full of his blonde associate. He blinked a couple of times. So that had been the weight...
Mike was peacefully asleep against his chest. His arm was attached to an IV, he had on a breathing tube, taped to his face, his leg was in a cast, his chest was wrapped tightly in gauze, as was his shoulder.
"Looks like shit." Harvey mumbled, putting his arm around the younger man and drawing him closer.
Donna was openly surprised by the action, but quickly recovered, and simply smiled. "Speak for yourself there, Harvey."
Harvey grimaced. His mid-section was covered in gauze as well, and his back was killing him. "Yea." he agreed, after a moment of silence. "What happened?"
Donna sighed. "When the firefighters finally managed to make an opening, the buildings' infrastructure-or what was left of it, at least-couldn't hold and collapsed even further. You and Mike were found unconscious There were a lot of minor injuries among the staff-you pretty much got the brunt of it, though, and Mike, too, but not from the building collapsing." she sighed again and went over to the other side of the bed, and softly patted Mikes' tufts of blonde hair, like a doting mother. "Poor thing's been through hell." she muttered. "You've been out for the last three days, Harvey."
Harveys' eyes widened like saucers. "What?" He'd lost three whole days? That couldn't be right.
"The doctors say you lost a lot of blood, but that no vital organs-thank the Lord-were nicked so after plenty of rest, you should make a full recovery." she beamed down at the two men. "Mike was also admitted to the hospital. He caught pneumonia " she grimaced.
Harvey blinked down at his associate in surprise. "Pneumonia?" he repeated, wrapping his arm tighter around the younger man, and resting his chin atop Mikes' head.
"Yea, it was really bad. He's steadily getting better though. His fever dropped yesterday and he convinced the nurses to let him visit you late last night. He ended up passing out here, and he was just too cute and cuddly looking at your side like that for anyone to wake him up and get him back to his room." Donna explained.
Harvey smirked.
After some more mindless conversation, updates on work, clients, and the Pearson and Hardman buildings' infrastructure repairs, Donna had to leave. She kissed both Harvey and Mike on the foreheads before strutting off, telling Harvey to say "Hi" to the pup for her when he awoke.
Harvey drifted off to sleep a few minutes later and didn't wake up again until later that afternoon.
Mike was still in his arms, in dreamland somewhere, breathing deeply against his chest.
Harvey pressed the button on the railing of his bed for pain meds after a moment, and sighed in relief when the pain in his mid-section lessened to a more tolerable degree. He channel surfed for a bit, and eventually became restless with boredom.
With the hand that was wrapped securely around Mike, he tapped the kids' shoulder. When that didn't work, he nudged him. After that failed as well, he called Mikes' name. "Hey...Mike...Mike...Michael...wakey wakey." he sighed. "I'm bored!" he whined, feeling all too much like a petulant child. "C'mooon Mike...wake up. Entertain me...talk to me..." he poked at Mikes' cheeks insistently. He was so so bored.
"Mmm." Mikes' eyelids fluttered open. "H'rvey?" all at once, he woke up, startled to see who he was sleeping on top of. His eyes went wide. "Harvey! You're awake!" he smiled.
"Nice deduction there, Einstein." Harvey teased. Then as Mike got up, propping himself on one elbow, and was getting ready to hop off the hospital bed, Harvey got the sudden impulse to place the associate right back atop his chest, where he'd been so comfortably resting seconds before.
And so he did.
Mike blinked, as he felt his head being cushioned by the warmth of Harveys' firm chest. "Harvey?" he questioned, letting himself rest there a moment, holding himself rigidly still.
"Sorry." Harvey uttered. "Just umm...we-I almost lost you. Can you just stay there a little longer?" the words coming out of his mouth sounded alien even to him. He cleared his voice. "You know, if you want to, I mean-"
Mike laughed. "Shh," he curled up against Harvey and sighed contently. "How are you feeling?" he felt oddly right in this position. He could hear the senior partners' heart beat resound loud and clear, feel the rise and fall of his chest-it was pretty perfect, basically.
Harvey calmed down and relaxed back into his bed, "Fine; a little out of it, but I'm fine. How about you? You're probably giving me your cold right now, you know." Harvey wrapped both arms around the young man and held him even closer.
Mike grinned. "I'm feeling a lot better. And I'll make you chicken soup if you catch it." he promised, relishing in the warmth of Harveys' body.
"I'll hold you to that, you know." Harvey lay his head against the associates' once more and closed his eyes. "You know Mike, I really am sorry for all that shit I gave you-I should have known something was off, I should have listened to you."
Mike sighed. "I shouldn't have come in, in the first place." he smirked. "After the car incident, I should've called it a day and told you what had happened, from the ER. But you know...I'm kind of glad all of that crap happened. Being shot and hit by a car and locked in a file room, all of that sucked, but I did get to meet some pretty great people because of it."
Harvey let out a snort. "I'll set up safe play dates for you next time you want to socialize, Mike." Mike laughed. "Really though, that day should go in the Guinness World book of records as the most terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day."
Mike laughed again, this time softer, as the Sandman drew him closer to sleep. "Definitely."