This is a lot later release than I wanted, but I've been busy with school I haven't had much time to do much outside. I wasn't even able to watch anime, despite so many new ones coming out. Well, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

Inside the restaurant sat four of the seven, now six Kings, around a large circular table. Yveles sat the farthest away from the door, leaning back in his seat playing with a knife by balancing it point down on his nose. Blond hair was pushed down by his fedora and a clean, expensive black suit covered his body, and the many tattoos that he had and sunglasses hid his eyes. The underworld that was thought to be controlled by no one person was in fact controlled by him, though it was only a fake persona that controlled it and it was only hobby of his to relive his boredom.

On Yveles right was the black haired Seth. In reality Seth seemed the least likely to ever be King, but he was just as powerful as the rest of the Kings. Dressed in a school uniform from some high school in Japan he read a book quietly, ignoring the fact that anyone had entered the building or was around him. His green hair was messed up as much as possible and his crimson eyes were hidden behind large glasses, he only dressed like that to not attract to much attention from the girls at his school. Seth was the only one of the Kings that had revealed his true, lazy personality in his hobby, without it turning sour. Ankh really respected that because of his sour situation when he was found out.

"Hiya." The interesting man that had been allowed at the King meetings for the last hundred years after helping with one of his little problems, Kisuke Urahara, sat on Yveles left and was the first that Aizen noticed. Aizen immediately reached for his sword, while Ankh burst out laughing from the surprise upon the emotionless Aizen. Before Ankh stopped laughing Aizen launched himself at Kisuke, who hadn't move a one inch upon Aizen's arrival.

It only took one King, not even a half their power, to send Aizen to the ground with just their reiastu. "Ankh." The voice of Silvia could be heard over Ankh's laughter, but he didn't stop. "Ankh." She said again this time more forceful and with a kick to the stomach.

"What is it bitch?" He yelled Silvia, who wore her normal clothing of a bikini top and short shorts that revealed too much of her sexy body that any normal man could stand "Put some clothes on, you granny." He laughed at the white haired beauty; making fun of her was too much fun. Silvia's current hobby to relieve her boredom was a swimsuit model, she frequently changed her hobby more than any of the other Kings.

She punched him in the face this time. "We are all the same age, idiot." She pouted. She pounded him over and over again, but none of the attacks would kill him. If he died from a force that could topple cities, just what kind of weak King would he be?

Ignoring Silvia he turned his attention to the suffocating Aizen. "I told you, didn't I." Ankh smiled. "To us you are just an ant, no. That would insult all the ants out there." He laughed at his joke.

"Aizen." Kisuke started. Ankh immediately stopped laughing hopping to hear something interesting come from the conversation. Motioning towards Silvia to release Aizen, which was obeyed instantly, Ankh opened his ears, hoping something to release him from boredom. "There isn't anything that I would rather do than kill you right now." Kisuke took his fan out, hiding most of his face from any onlookers, hiding his thoughts from all. "But to break the rule of the Kings is something that shouldn't be done, even he is afraid of them." Aizen shuddered, realizing just how much Urahara actually knew

With a loud bang the door that had only been closed was kicked open. "Hey everyone." Standing in there was little pink haired Yachiru, or whatever she changed her name to this century. From her clothing she was still playing around in the Soul Society, she had a bad hobby of following people she finds interest in. "Kenny's taking his nap now so let's play." The Captain of the 11th Squad was her current interest, Ankh could understand with that astonishing amount of power, that could rival the Kings if he could ever reach Bankai.

"Yachiru. Do you know what you just ruined?" Ankh yelled at the little King, who loved chasing after interesting people just like him. "I thought Kisuke and Aizen would get into an interesting argument and why don't you just bring Kenny here?"

Jumping from the doorway she sat on Ankh's shoulder. "Here Achi." She held out a piece of red and white stripped candy. It looked to tasty for him to pass it up. "You're such a good kid." She giggled as Ankh pattered her on the head. "If only some other people" It was astounding she had made her body so small, he was average size and she still fit on his shoulder pretty easily.

"Don't pick on Boobies." Ankh had to hold back the laughter of Silvia's new nickname for the meeting; he wasn't going to let it go at all. Every time Yachiru made Silvia's name reference something about her body, and every time all the other Kings would call her that as well.

"Yeah." Yveles laughed at Silvia's nickname, it was so simple but hilarious. "Don't pick on Boobies." Even Seth couldn't help but let out a little snicker from her nickname along with Urahara, only Aizen didn't laugh at Silvia's nickname.

"Hey." Silvia was used to this treatment but that didn't stop her from stomping down on the table, turning it into sawdust from the force. "Be quiet. What is taking Von so long?" Changing the subject was the only way to truly stop the laughing, her strength didn't strike fear into any of them, Aizen was able to withstand his ground which was disappointing to Ankh.

"He is…." Yveles started to look around for the last King. "Urahara did you see where he went?" With his cane Urahara pointed at the ceiling, where no the less Von was sleeping wrapped up in a sleeping bag. It was rare to see Von awake or even outside his sleeping bag, the only thing ever visible was his one silver eye, sleeping was the thing Von did as a hobby.

"Shall we begin the meeting then?" Ankh took the empty seat next to Urahara, thinking it funny to have Aizen as close to Urahara as possible.

"Why are you here?" Aizen had control of himself again, though he was ignoring Ankh in the middle or that he had even asked to start the meeting. He was overstepping his bounds again, but Ankh would allow it this time because this seemed interesting; Ankh shot a glance at everyone to not interfere with his fun. They all understood to remain silence while Ankh enjoyed his own hobby, of playing with interesting people like toys.

"My buddy, Ankh, helped me when I had a Hollowficiation problem a hundred years ago." Ankh remembered that day well, it had been a slow day of challengers so he left to find some fun in the Human World for a few moments and the last time he had found something interesting till Aizen.

*****100 years ago******

"Interesting." Ankh spread his skeleton wings and jumped off the roof he had been watching the lowly Humans as he felt a surge of powerful reiastu flow several miles from him. The thought of him being bored all day had left his mind from this strange reiastu that reminded him so much of something from so long ago. It had been more than a few trillion years since he last felt this kind of reiastu.

Flying to the source he found himself at a small wooden shop, hidden away from any Human kind. The shop looked newly built, but it was soaked in so much reiastu that it seemed to have been standing there for thousands of years. "Interesting." The words left his mouth once again; it had been so long since he had truly lost any of his boredom cause from his immortality.

Without a single fear in his mind he walked through the wall of the building. The store was spotless inside, clean of any dust or grim that could possible accumulate. There was also not a single customer within the store or even a store clerk. The stands had items that shouldn't exist in the World of the Living as well. It was turning interesting with every moment.

Following the lingering feeling of the reiastu he went down into the ground, underneath the shop. It was getting less interesting the further he went down into the ground, he wasn't sure what could possibly be down there, he was getting tired of this. The thoughts of turned back, blowing up the shop, and then leaving back to his land crossed his mind often, but the lingering reiastu was farther down than he was so he waited hopping for something interesting.

The hope was answered. The boring brown ground turned into a large training room. It was interesting that something like that could even exist in the World of the Living, but he didn't care of the details at all. "Intruder." A large man with a funny mustache yelled as he rammed Ankh to the ground. The man had great perception to realize Ankh's presence so easily, or he had seen him enter by a fluke it didn't matter it was interesting.

The large man then jumped into the air as Ankh laid there waiting for what happened next. The large man extended his right arm out in front of him while grabbing his right arm with his left. "Hadō 88: Hiryūgekizokushintenraihō" A fierce blast of reiastu was shot straight at his chest, exploding upon contact. It was only a little tickle to Ankh though, a Hadō that wasn't even in the four hundreds would be nothing to him.

"Boring." With a simple wave of his hand he sent the man flying from just the sheer unhindered power. "Not even worthy of killing." None of his challengers had even been as weak as this man was, it had defiantly been a fluke that he had been spotted.

"Oh my." Another man entered wearing clogs and funny green clothes. He hid his face behind a fan and walked with a cane despite him not needing one. "What do we have here?" This man was somewhat interesting, he had seen his partner sent flying with ease yet he remained calm. There was no reason to kill him, if he proved to be interesting.

"I felt reiastu that reminded me of the past." Ankh changed instantly to a more humanoid form, changing his size from that of an adult to a child, hiding his wings inside his body, and draping his body in a pure black cloak that hid everything about him. "Do you happen to have some Hollowfided Shinigami with you?" The interesting man remained calm.


"They are probably stuck like Hollow's, would like my help in fixing them?" This would be interesting for Ankh, it would even pass some time for him till another challenger appeared in his domain.

"How can I trust you?"

"You can't."

"Ok." The green man said without a word of thought. It was truly interesting that Ankh couldn't help but let out a little laugh. This man, Ankh was sure, wouldn't be boring for a long time to come.


"Yep." Ankh let out a laugh remember that interesting day of coincidences. "I will do anything that is interesting." This was truly interesting seeing Aizen have a look of fear inside his eyes, realizing just what he had gotten his hands into when he recruited a King; but that wasn't even the start of it.

"Let's start the meeting already." Seth slammed his book down, knowing that Ankh couldn't milk much more out of Aizen from a simple conversation. It was about time to actually start the meeting, they had been stalling for long enough.