"Hey! Come back!" A young Agura yelled to the equally aged Vert, a handful of mud in her fist.

"You'll never get me!" He yelled from behind a tree in her backyard, the rain pouring down on them.

"HA!" She exclaimed in triumph, flinging the muck from her hand and just hitting his chest.

"Ah, gross!" Vert exclaimed with glee. "I'm so gonna get you for that!"

"Try me!" She replied, sprinting for shelter.

"Agura! Vert!" Agura's mother appeared on the doorstep of the back porch. "Come inside, its freezing!"

"Aw…" They pouted, trudging in, mucky rainboots and all.

"That was fun!" Agura said as her mother dabbed at them with towels.

"Yeah, but I'm c-cold." Vert shivered. Agura brightened.

"We'll have some hot chocolate! Pleeaassseee?" She begged her mom, who nodded.

"I'll make some, you two warm up in the living room."



Two weeks later. It was time for school to start. The two were in different classrooms, which they were none too happy about.

"I-I just wish we could be together." Agura pouted as they waited together at the bus stop. Vert gave her a cute hug.

"Don't worry, we can play every day after school!" He said brightly.

"O-okay. But what if the kids are mean?" Agura asked fearfully.

"You just tell them that if they're mean to you, I'll come over and beat 'em up!" Vert grinned, making a fist. Agura laughed.

"Thanks Vert. We'll be best friends forever, right?"

"Of course we will! Now come on, let's go!"

Both first graders ran onto the bus, claiming a seat together.


Vert ran over to Agura's house as soon as he saw her car pull into the driveway.

"Hi! Do you wanna play checkers?" He asked before she could even get out of the car.

"I guess." Agura sighed, sounding troubled for someone so young. Vert carefully studied his friend.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you think I have cooties?" She blurted out.

"No! That's silly." Vert said. 'And anyone who thinks that is a crazy-head!"

"Okay." Agura laughed.

"Besides," Vert began, moving a bit closer. "If I thought you had cooties, would I do this?" He daringly leaned over and softly kissed her cheek. Agura's face lit up.

"No." She grinned sweetly.

"Good." Vert concluded. "C'mon, let's go play checkers!"