A/N As the summary indicates, this is my first White Collar fic. Funny how I'm always nervous of the response when entering a new fandom! Am I the only one? I have three chapters already written, so I will post one every few days or so... this will give me time to finish the final chapters - which are all mapped out, btw. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this story! Any and All reviews are MORE than welcome! And may just get the following chapters posted sooner than planned! *wink*

A/N 2 I have been trying and trying to write more for my Three Rivers story but this little diddy just flat out REFUSED to leave me alone! I will return to 'When Past and Present Collide' as soon as my muse allows!

Chapter One - AFTERMATH

As soon as Neal told Mozzie that he wasn't going to leave with him, wasn't going to run away with the treasure, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off not just his shoulders but his heart. Because, as fond as he was of Mozzie, as much as he cared about his oldest friend, his bond with Peter was stronger. The FBI agent who had chased him across the globe and back, had arrested him - twice! - had, nevertheless, become his closest friend. Neal chuckled to himself, feeling like he was nine years old again, deciding who was to be labelled as "best friend". Would that make FBI headquarters their club house? Okay, it was official. Neal Caffrey was downright giddy! Making the decision not to run, without being forced to make the choice by having a pair of handcuffs slapped on his wrists, was having an odd effect on the ex-con. Part of him wished he could tell Peter, make him proud, but that would mean telling him about the treasure... which would have the exact opposite of the desired outcome. Regardless of the fact that he hadn't stolen the treasure, he had kept it a secret once he found out that Mozzie had been the one to sneak the art out and blow up the warehouse. For months, Neal had entertained the idea of leaving, running away and never looking back, partially because of the rift created in his and Peter's friendship when Peter had been sure that Neal was guilty of the theft and had proceeded to investigate him with an undeniable vigor - the agent had probably been feeling a little betrayed himself, Neal realized in hindsight. Since then, however, their friendship had proven stronger than any suspicion or second hand guilt and had survived all the tension and almost-lies.

Unfortunately, Neal's good mood deflated into an empty vacuum of despair when the cab finally pulled up in front of the Burke household... surrounded by both police cars and unmarked FBI vehicles, emergency beacons flashing! A knot of concern formed in the pit of Neal's stomach as he watched Peter screech to a stop at the curb, leap out of his sedan and bolt up the walkway. The knot grew exponentially as he followed, unseen by his partner and fearing the worst. El? No. Please, God, no!

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as he stepped into the house and heard Peter's voice, filled with dread and barely contained panic, "Where's my wife?"

"Boss, the neighbours saw them leave in a black van," Diana said, softly. "She was alive when they took her."

"Peter," Neal ventured in hesitant query.

"He took my wife," Peter said, pain filled eyes now focused on Neal. Then, in an instant, that pain morphed into an anger Neal had never seen in the other man. He saw it up close and personal today, however, when Peter suddenly lunged forward and slammed Neal back against the wall, pinning him there with both the arm across his throat and the glare boring into his heart and soul. "This is your fault," Peter growled low in his throat. "Keller took El to get to you and your stupid treasure!"

Neal's eyes widened. "No, Peter, I don't have - "

"Don't even bother denying it, Caffrey," the agent bit out venomously. "Everyone knows you stole it! Even Keller knows! And now he has my El!" The words were yelled with such outrage that Neal was left speechless. Never, in all the years he had known him, had Peter ever looked at him with so much hatred.

He barely noticed Jones pull Peter off him, nor did it register that Diana was leading him out of the house until the cool evening breeze caressed his flesh, pulling him out of his stupor. "I think you'd better go home, Neal," Diana was saying.

"No. No, Diana, I know Keller better than anyone. Please, I want to help."

"I think you've done enough already, don't you?" With that, Diana gave him her back and re-entered the house, shutting the door behind her.

Neal immediately pulled out his cell phone and dialled. "Mozzie, call me back when you get this," he whispered into the phone. "It's urgent, Mozz."


Neal left Peter's place on foot. He walked aimlessly around the city, not even caring if his anklet went off. He wasn't sure how much time had passed before his phone finally rang in his pocket. The caller ID showed a number he wasn't familiar with but he answered anyway, knowing that the perpetually paranoid Mozzie may have purchased a burn phone to call him back.


"Hello, Caffrey. Miss me?"

"Keller," Neal bit out, halting his steps and scanning the area around him, knowing there was a very real possibility that his nemesis was nearby, wanting to revel in Neal's pain. He saw no one, however. In fact, whatever street he was on seemed completely deserted. "Where's El?"

He could almost hear Keller shrug as he said, "I thought that might get your attention."

"You should've just taken me."

"Aw, now where's the fun in that?"

"This is fun for you?" Neal asked bitterly.

"Little bit," Keller responded, sounding way too gleeful for Neal's liking.

"What do you want?"

"Come on, Neal. You're smarter than that."

"The treasure."

"And the FBI lapdog gets the prize."

"I already told you, I don't have it."

"Don't insult my intelligence, Caffrey," Keller snapped.

"Fine. I'll lead you to the treasure. But you have to let El go, first. Unharmed."

There was a long pause. "We'll meet you at your apartment. And, Neal? Come alone. I get even an inkling that you brought the FBI with you, and I'll kill her. You know, I will."

"I'll come alone, Keller. Just, please, don't hurt her."

The line went dead. Neal snapped his phone shut and took off in the direction of his apartment.


He entered the house quietly, wary of an ambush from the less than scrupulous Keller. All the lights were on downstairs, which was odd because June was supposed to be out with friends for the evening. Neal wanted nothing more than to call out to her, ensure she was safe, but doing that would inevitably put her in danger. So, he held his tongue and proceeded up the long stairwell leading to his apartment.

The door was open but only darkness awaited him in the realms beyond. He reached out and flipped the switch, flooding the room with ambient light... On the floor, mere feet away from him, were the too still bodies of El, Sara and June! "No! No, no, no, no!" He took a step towards them. The needle prick he felt in the side of his neck brought him to his knees before he could even think about defending himself. But he no longer cared. June was dead. Sara was dead. El was dead. Peter would never forgive him.