"Just do it already, Berry," Santana snapped angrily. "Don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine."

Rachel put on her best brave smile when she noticed the fear in Santana's eyes. Brittany grabbed the latina's hand tightly as she whispered something undetectable in her ear. Santana craned her neck and pecked the blonde's lips softly, whispering soothingly against her lip. The scene made Rachel's heart clench. Rory placed a reassuring hand on Rachel's shoulder and led them from the two girls.

"Okay," He whispered, catching Rachel's attention. "You have to keep screaming until we get inside, just in case. You have to make sure that no one else here's it except for them unless they'll find us quickly. Can you make your scream a high enough frequency to not break any glass?"

"Rory, I don't know," She hissed. "Can you please stop stressing me out? Please."

"Fine. Skipping the stressful part, we need to avoid the guards and make it to the holding cells. That's where your friends are," He informed her. "I remember the cells being behind a large painting of the oldest Fabray. If we get separated, you need to find it. Underneath the painting is a panel. Apply pressure on it, and it'll open."

Rachel nodded in affirmation as her breathing became uneven and ragged.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," She whispered quietly.

Rachel looked towards the two girls fearfully before willing herself to take in as much air into her lungs as she could possibly hold. Her lungs started to ache and she felt as if she could burst. Just imagine I'm on a stage, she thought to herself. I've got to hit that high note to bring down the house.

She'll never forget what happened next. She let out a wail so loud and high pitched that it was basically undetectable. In the distance she could here dogs howling painfully, and she could see birds and other animals flee from their forest homes in the horizon. She could see tiny, almost unnoticeable cracks appear along the dusty windows. She held the note as she looked over to Santana who was twitching in Brittany's arm with her eyes closed together tightly. The blonde girl had tears in her eyes as she rocked the latina soothingly in her arms. She looked over to a terrified Rachel and mouthed, 'Go.'.

Rachel could feel Rory pulling her towards the mansion. She came to when she stumbled on a rotten tree root, almost loosing the note. She braced herself for impact, but Rory caught her and pushed her forwards. Rachel was sprinting towards the door until Rory dragged her away.

"Not the front door!" He called out, dragging her towards a boarded up window on the side of the house where the dogs were lying motionlessly.

She fought the urge to check on Santana before Rory signalled for her silence as he ripped the boards off the window. Rachel slammed her jaw shut, cancelling the note in it's track.

"Come on! Hurry!" He yelled as he hurdled over the window sill.

Rachel jumped through the window after him. Rory grabbed her arms and helped the brunette through.

"Come on, this way," He hissed.

Quinn was starting to think that this hallway was endless. Sure, they've only been jogging for five minutes in one direction, but Stealth and Jordan have tried escaping before, and she trusts them. And if her intuition is correct her cell should be right about-

"Guys!" She yelled in astonishment. Jordan, Stealth, and Lindsey immediately halt behind her. In her old cell were all of her- Rachel's friends. Kurt and Blaine were huddled together on an extra cot in the corner. A limbless Artie was being held up Mike who had his other arm around a quivering Tina. Karofsky was ramming his against the wall he was leaning on. But where was Mercedes and Puck-

Oh, shit. Puck!

Tina looked over to where the noise was and saw a surprised Quinn with her hands against the cell door. The Asian girl visibly tensed as her eyes locked with hazel ones. The rest of the inhabitants stared as Tina walked up to the door and cocked her head curiously.

"W-What are y-you d-doing here?" She stuttered madly.

"Jordan, get them out." She ordered the red haired girl.

Jordan made her way over to the circuit bored and fried it quickly. As soon as the wall between Tina and Quinn vanished, the goth girl struck her hand sharply across the blonde's face.

"Hey!" Stealth exclaimed as she pushed an angry Tina away from Quinn who was clutching the red spot on her face. "What the fuck? She's trying to help you!"

Kurt and Mike flanked Tina's sides and stared at the opposite group. Mike put his hand on Tina's shaking shoulder. Kurt grimaced and looked back to Blaine who shrugged and grabbed Artie in his arms. Karofsky chuckled darkly and stood behind the rest of the group.

"That's pretty rich coming from the bitch who caused all this to happen," Blaine spat out bitterly causing Quinn's eyes to rise in astonishment.

"Sorry, he's been like that for a while," Artie explained.

"Don't apologize," Mike hissed. "It's her fault what happened to Mountainview. I don't give a damn what Rachel thinks. She's bad news."

Quinn's heart picked up at the sound of Rachel's name. She was about to ask them about her until Lindsey interrupted.

"Um.. Who are they?"

"What? Are you to important to remember us now? It figures Harmony would team up with the Wicked Witch of the West," Kurt snarled.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on!" Stealth snapped impatiently.

"Well Fabray here betrayed us when her old man attacked our school. Killing and injuring a few students in the process, and causing the rest to go into hiding." Karofsky explained nonchalantly.

"Wait," Jordan held up her hand in confusion. "Fabray? Fabray as in... Russel Fabray?"

Quinn swallowed thickly under the newly hostile gazes directed at her.

"I- I didn't have a choice. I'm sorry."

"Thanks for getting us out, but we don't forgive you," Tina said quietly. "We're going to leave now, but we can handle it from here."

"We'll join you guys," Stealth said casting a weary glance at Quinn. "I think it's time me and Jordan split, Fabray."

Quinn's heart stopped in her chest.

"Y-You guys are just going to leave me here?" She asked incredulously.

"No," Jordan said as she got out of the way so that the group of kids could walk by. "You can have Lindsey. If you want to file a complaint, take it up with your daddy."

Lindsey and Quinn stood there aghast as everyone glared at them before creeping up the spiral stair case leading to the main floor.

"It's okay, Quinn. We don't need them..." Lindsey trailed off, looking doubtful.


"Wait," Rory held up his hand, halting Rachel in her tracks. "Do you hear that?"

"I don't hear anything." She shrugged.

"You go on ahead... I'll stay back here and check it out." He whispered.

Rachel bit her lip worriedly.

"Are you sure?"

Rory nodded, pushing her toward the large double doors.

"Through that large room is the hallway with the picture. Get to there and you'll figure out the rest." He grabbed her shoulder reassuringly before keeping low and running down a separate winding hallway.

Rachel entered the room and checked her surroundings. The room was completely circular with matching white tiles on the ceiling and floor. Surrounding the room were large metal machines and glass containers holding wisps of multicoloured smoke. In the centre of the ceiling was a single sky light that illuminated the room along with the flashing lights from the machinery. Rachel's shoes clicked as he crossed the floor, the sound rebounding off walls eerily.

The she saw it, flaming locks of short golden hair and stormy grey eyes watching her from the corner.

"Q-Quinn?" She asked hopefully.

The grey eyes widened. Rachel held her breath as a familiar silhouette came into her view.

"Rachel." The voice whispered back hoarsely.

Rachel felt relief and joy overwhelm her as Quinn stepped out of the shadows. Rachel let out a laugh as she bounded over to the blonde and threw her arms tightly around her waist. She felt Quinn's old breath against her neck as she cried out joyously. The blonde ran her hands up and down Rachel's bare arms soothingly.

"You cut your hair..." She whispered against Quinn's chest. "That's new."

"I'm really sorry about this." The blonde whispered against Rachel's hair. "Well... Not really."

Rachel frowned in confusion as she lent out of the cool embrace.

"I know that you didn't have a choice, it took me a while to realize this, but- but I forgive you. I came to get you, and Kurt, and the others." Rachel said hurriedly. "I want to- I want to try this friendship again."

"Oh my god!" Rachel jumped back aghast at the blonde's outburst. "Are you kidding me!"

Quinn laughed incredulous.

"I can't believe how- how dependant you are on her!" The blonde yelled hysterically, waving her arms madly around her. "You always have to have somebody don't you. You always have to be involved in everyone's business, and no matter how much they treat you like crap, you always come running back!"

"Quinn, I don't- What are- Is this-" Rachel stuttered trying to find the right words.

"And you're just so damn trusting, always expecting the best in people. It was just so damn easy to get everyone rounded in one place."


"Stop calling me that!" Quinn shouted, gripping the brunettes shoulder. "I don't ever want to be her again! My name is Lucy!"

The blonde shoved Rachel away. As Rachel braced herself for impact with the ground, a uncomfortably cool feeling ripped through her skin. Her eyes cracked open and she saw tendrils of ice wrapped around her arms and legs, supporting her in mid air. She looked on terrified as Quinn's short blonde hair rippled and turned a dark pink before her eyes. 'Lucy' pinched the bridge of her knows tiredly as she loomed over the brunette.

"Oh, and just in case."

Rachel flinched as the pink haired girl lent in so close that her breath washed over Rachel's lips. Rachel tried to protest, but found that her lips were frozen shut.

"Finally after all the time having to listen to you go on and on and on." Lucy drawled as she traced her icy finger around the terrified girl's jaw in invisible patterns.

"You know, you actually come in second to your insistent ramblings. Sue, god I have so much to thank her for, but she just can't shut up. After St. James screwed up royally she had to go through all that work to find someone to replace him. Sugar is a much better replacement if you ask me." Lucy said matter of factly as she combed a stray lock of brown hair behind Rachel's ear. "It's amazing, her affect on people I mean. Like as we speak, that elf kid is probably going berserk on your little friends. And just a couple of minutes ago she got the leprechaun to get you here."

Rachel's eyes widened in realization. She tried to scream as she struggled against her frozen bindings.

"Naw uh, bad girl." Lucy smirked. Rachel made inaudible sounds of protest as she watched the ice tendrils wrap around her tightly. "I never said you could move."

"Ugh, how does Quinnie put up with you? Well then again, she's not the smartest blonde in the bunch. After all her messed up childhood, missing child, and having no friends, I would say that she has an excuse."

"Do you know what this room is? It's the room where dreams come true!" Lucy giggled. "It's where Sylvester does some of her best work. And to tell you the truth..."

Lucy lent in really close causing Rachel to shiver when cold breath hit her neck.

"I kind of want to see my 'friend' that's burrowed somewhere deep in your brain..." She whispered, poking the centre of Rachel's forehead. Rachel thrashed wildly as a cold burst washed over her brain as if she ate her ice cream to fast, but ten times worse.

"All I've got to do is call Sylvester down here... She'll be pretty excited to meet you."

"But what about having some fun first."

Just as Lucy reached to touch her again, a loud shatter rang throughout the room. Rachel craned her head and looked up to see a tiny ball of black propel through the sky light.

Sunshine grinned madly as she pulled the trigger. Lucy eyes widened in shock, but she managed to quickly dodge the bullet before it hit. Soon after Sunshine touched the floor and unclipped herself from the rope, two boys jumped after her. Rachel tried to call out as she saw Puck do a barrel roll as he hit the floor. The other boy fell at a speed so fast that he created a crater in the floor.

Finn! Finn! Finn!

The tall boy ran with the force of a bull at the pink haired girl, sending her sailing as they collided together. Puck jogged over to the imprisoned girl and got to work on breaking the bindings.

"Die, bitch!" Sunshine cackled as she fired rapidly at a running pink blur. Lucy stopped and waved her hand in an arc motion, creating a shield of ice to stop the bullets. No sooner had she created it, Finn barrelled through the ice, and grabbed the girls throat.

"Hurry up on those bindings, Puckerman!"

"San, try helping by being nice, not mean."

Santana? Brittany?

No sooner had she thought it, the latina's cocky smile came into view.

"Guess who we found lurking in the forest after you ran off without me?"

Rachel tried to smile back, but flinched when her jaw stretched unnaturally so that it hurt.

Brittany smiled sympathetically at Rachel and patted her hand comfortingly.

"Don't worry. It's almost-"

Before she could finish, a cold wind ran down her spine. Rachel tried to shout as she looked up to see a solid ice Brittany holding her hands.

"Brittany!" Santana screamed agonizingly loud. "No!"

It seemed as if time had stopped. Everyone looked over to a heaving Lucy who was smiling maniacally.


"You little-" Santana yelled tearfully. She lunged for the girl. Lucy smirked and grabbed an almost unconscious Sunshine by her collar.

"You touch me, and the bitch gets the same treatment blondie did." Lucy snarled.

Rachel slowly felt her jaw begin to uncramp.

"Santana. Don't." Rachel hissed painfully.

"But- Brittany-" Santana choked as her eyes began to water.

"You are all so pathetic. It's people like you who drive me insane." Lucy laughed lightly as she shook Sunshine's limp body causing the tiny girl to groan deeply. "I mean seriously! You guys just make it so fucking eas-" Lucy stopped and her eyes bugged out.

Rachel's breath cot in her throat as she saw a large icicle-like spear protruding from Lucy's chest. The pink haired girl hacked violently causing her to drop Sunshine, allowing the other girl to roll out of the way. Lucy looked at the spear, stunned.

Lucy's body dropped to the floor with the spear still stuck in. A blonde girl stood there heaving violently and looking surprised at her hands while a darker haired girl appeared next to her with a blank expression.

"Quinn?" Rachel asked breathlessly.

Quinn's eyes tuned from a look of surprise to one of worry.


"Harmony?" Santana snapped.

"No, Lindsey." Lindsey corrected.

"Lindsey?" Santana said confusedly.

"Long story." Quinn huffed.


Puck managed to free Rachel from her binds with a little help from Quinn's defrosting. As soon as Rachel was out, Quinn enveloped her in a tight hug.

"I am so so sorry." Quinn mumbled into Rachel's hair.

Rachel nodded mutely and pulled away from Quinn's hug.

"Me too."


Rachel's smile grew even wider.

"Finn." Rachel laughed as her best friend hugged her and spun her around.

"What? No hug for the Puckster?" Puck mocked.

"Look, can Quinn just hurry up and unfreeze Brittany!" Santana snapped.

Quinn looked from Santana to Brittany, then back to Santana with a sad look.


"No. No!" Santana shouted at the lack of response. "Don't 'Santana...' me! Fix her! Now!"

"Santana... Brittany's gone. No one could possibly survive that degree of cold. I'm sorry... She was my friend too." Quinn whispered softly.

Santana ran her hand over Brittany's frozen form gently before collapsing at the ice statue's feet.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" She cried.

"Santana. We have to move before the guards show up-"

"I'm not leaving her! I'm not- I'm not-"

"What are we supposed to do now?" Rachel asked the solemn looking group. "We have to get out of here before the guards show up."

"Whatever we do, we have to stay together." Puck said quietly, eyeing the hysterical Santana.



A/N: That's it. Thank you all for all of your reviews. And I'm sorry if this seems rushed. Don't worry, it's not completely over. There will be a sequel :) But it will mostly feature Quinn, Rachel, Santana, Puck, Finn, and Sunshine with some guest stars.

Sorry about Brittany :'(

I don't own glee, but I do own all my errors- unfortunately.