This is the first part of a two-shot I'm writing because the Yamamoto x Tsuna pairing needs more love! Like seriously :) So please enjoy reading this ^^


"Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life."

~ John Updake ~

For as long as he could remember he always had this very large crush on the most beautiful and popular girl of his school: Sasagawa Kyoko, the younger sister of his sun-gardian. But those feelings had changed after he'd been sent to the future, and now Sawada Tsunayoshi had this embarrassing crush on his rain-guardian.

The brunette could still remember the first time he saw the 10 year older version of Yamamoto Takeshi in the forest. All of his friends and gardians had turned out quite handsome but the baseball player was still the most handsome out of them all. The scar on his chin and his more narrowed eyes just gave him this 'bad boy look' that completed the picture.

When they returned to their own time after defeating Byakuran he began noticing more things about the black-haired teen than he ever had before. Like the fluttering of eyelashes and the smiling face when he fell asleep in class. Or the twinkling in those brown eyes when he talked to a friend.

But most of all Tsuna was amazed by the range of expressions the older teen showed when playing baseball. A serious expressions when he watched the ball be thrown towards him, concentrated as he swings his bat, joy when he hit the ball and then again determination when he starts running across the bases. It was all very amusing to see and that's exactly what the brunette was doing at the moment.

His rain-guardian and the Simon gardian Kaoru were practising their pitching and batting. The brunette and his red-headed counterpart were seated at the sidelines watching the game proceed. The other guardians had also been invited but they nearly all declined. Or they had accepted but due to certain circumstanced they couldn't make it to the field.

Like Gokudera for example. The guy had wanted nothing more that to protect his beloved tenth from baseballs going astray but at the moment he was to busy running across town to get away from a certain swamp-guardian. Shitt P. had also been on her way to the field when she saw her not-so-secret-crush walking by and she instantly began stalking him. When the silver-haired teen ran away she chased him.

Hibari was always threatening to 'bite everyone to death' for crowding so nobody bothered to invite him over. Right now he was probably 'disciplining students' before throwing them to Adelheid who would then dish out her own punishment because they didn't look 'clean' enough. But how could they after they had just been beaten by Hibari?

Aoba and Ryohei were training with each other while the sun-guardians little sister – Kyoko – was out shopping with Haru and Bianchi. I-pin – together with Fuuta – stayed at home where they joined in on the games Rauji was playing with Lambo. The Shimon's mountain-guardian really had the patient of a saint to be able to deal with the kids and not go insane. Luckily for him Nana provided him with enough snacks as compensation. Were Mukuro, Chrome and Katou where was unknown.

"So Tsuna when are you going to tell him?" Enma asked as he kept his gaze directed towards the practice game.

"Tell what to who?" The tenth Vongola boss asked as he turned to look at the boss of the Simon family.

Cozart's heir sighed as his red eyes met with brown: "What I mean is: when are you going to tell Yamamoto about your feelings?"

"WHAT?" Tsuna's loud exclamation was enough to cause several heads to turn towards them. Even the black-haired teen they were talking about was staring questionably at them.

"He he sorry." He mumbled as he scratched his gravity-defining brown hair while pink dusted his cheeks. When everyone's attention was back on the game he resumed his conversation with Enma. In whispers...

"I CAN'T tell him! What if he hates me for it? Or worse thinks I'm some sort of disgusting pervert? I don't want to lose my friendship with him because there is something wrong with me!" Depression and tiny bits of hysteria started showing themselves in Tsuna's eyes as he begged his friend to understand his point.

"Tsuna you can really be an idiot sometimes... And there is nothing wrong with loving another man. The people who say that are wrong in the head themselves." Another sigh. "Besides Yamamoto isn't the guy to throw away a friend based on such a stupid reason."

"So what do you suggest that I do?"

"Remember that assignment that we have to do for biology? If I'm not mistaking than you are partnered together with Yamamoto for it right?"

"Yes we are going to work on it over at his house after practise is over."

"So why not confessing then?"

When the other teen remained silent, Enma decided to get a little bit more daring. Even if it could mean getting his ass kicked by Tsuna. "If you don't tell him how you feel by tomorrow morning then I will."

"You wouldn't... you would!" The brunette's face paled in horror before he let it fall forward until it met his chest. He didn't have a choice now did he?

"I'm going out for a little walk. Please ask Yamamoto to wait for me when he's done with his practise." And with that he stood up.

5 Minutes later a confused rain-guardian ran up towards where Enma was seated. "Hey kid where's Tsuna?"

"Out for a stroll." Shrugging he continued in a lower tone: "He'll tell you later tonight but remember this: if you hurt him I will personally make you go through hell before killing you." With that Enma himself stood up and walked over to Kaoru.

"Don't worry if it's up to me I will make sure that that boy experiences happiness for the rest of his life." Yamamoto's serious expression changed into his 'happy one' as he went to get changed in the locker room. 'Maybe it is best to take a shower as well. After all I have a date with a very cute brunette.'


Tsunayoshi was nervous as hell. Here he was sitting next to his crush and yet he could not think of one smart thing to say. He must really look like an idiot to the other. "So... euhm … what are we suppose to do exactly?" He asked sheepisly, turning bright red as he saw the other teen flash him a dazzling smile.

"Well according to this assignment-sheet the teacher expects us to do a short essay and lecture about chapter 8. Brown eyes looked towards the title of that specific chapter before widening and the rain-guardian's smile faltered for a few seconds. "Euhm... apparently we are discussing the male reproductive system."

If the brunette had been drinking something he was sure that he would have spit it back out. His residing blush returned tenfold and he couldn't help but wonder if God might hate him. Because that was what he was starting to believe...

One hour later and the 10th Vongola boss was beginning to think that his blush might become a permanent feature on his cheeks. He was just glad that he wasn't the only one affected by the contents of 'chapter 8' seeing as his rain-guardian was also wearing a blush. Less noticeable than his but still there.

But his reddened cheeks weren't Tsuna's only problem. His own 'male reproductive system' was responding to the things they had been reading and discussing and now he was doing his utmost best to will his erection away. Or at least to hide it from Yamamoto. Who knows how the other might react to it.

In his effort to will his little problem away he unconsciously began squirming which of course drew the attention of the baseball-player. "Something wrong?"

"N-n-no..." He had been trying to answer too quickly and in doing so he stuttered giving away that something was indeed wrong.

"Seriously Tsuna... If there is something on your mind you know that you can always tell me right. Is there something making you feel uncomfortable about this assignment?" Yamamoto's serious expression morphed into one of wonder before understanding flashed across his face. "Maybe al this talk about erections is making you hard?"

Tears sprang unbidden in the brunette's eyes. 'He's going to hate me now, I just know it. He'll kick me out and tell everyone what for pervert I am and then I won't have any friends any more and... and...'

"Hey don't cry." The rain-guardian said as he used his thumbs to wipe away the gathered tears.

"But you h-hate me now right? Y-you must thi-ink that I- I am dis- isgus- gusting." Just like that the tears began flowing harder and harder until the boy was sobbing his heart out. Yamamoto could only look at the boy with pity before he hugged the other.

"You're not the only one affected you know..." The bigger teen said as he placed Tsuna's hand on the perturbing bulge in his pants. Big brown eyes widened even more than what could be natural as the brunette's brain seized to function for a few moments.

He never had a change to react as his other hand was placed on the baseball-player's chest where he could feel the other's heart beat like crazy. Uncertainty was visible in the rain-guardian's eyes as he softly spoke the words that the other had wanted to hear for a while now: "Tsunayoshi, I really, really like you."

"I like you too Yamamoto." The words rolled off his tongue without him even knowing but the he could clearly see the effect they had: Yamamoto's face nearly split in two as he had the biggest smile on his face ever. Bending forward he kissed his boss so passionately that it left the other breathless.

"Hey do you need help getting rid of this?" The older teen asked as he himself cupped the brunette's bulge and gave it a squeeze. The moan that he earned was enough to let him know that the younger one wanted this as well.

"Come let's move this to the bed..."

I'm evil yes I know xD

But seriously I just wanted if people would be interested in this. So if I get one little REVIEW I'll post the sex scene ^^

Other than that I hope that you have enjoyed reading this :)µ

Hugs and kisses

Chibi Mathilda