"Well that was fun," Amy Pond spoke while walking back into the Tardis with Rory and The Doctor.

"If you call armies of zombies 'fun' I understand where your coming from," Rory replied slowly.

The door shut as they all got set to take off.

They centered around the middle as The Doctor started to press all of the buttons That were rarely explained.

"Where are we going?" Rory asked.

"To India!" the Doctor replied happily.

"We are not buying you a fez!" Amy exclaimed.

The Doctor pouted.

"Here we go!" The Doctor yelled as they all held on.

Then the Tardis started to rapidly shake.

"Why'd the Tardis just make a whooshey sound?" Rory asked gripping a metal bar with all of the strength inside of him.

"I don't know!" The Doctor replied trying to figure out where the three of them where being taken too.

"Doctor, this isn't funny!" Amy yelled her grip slipping.

"I didn't," then the Tardis stopped, "-mean it too be."

The doors to the Tardis opened as Amy rolled out.

"Amy!" Rory yelled standing up, "Are you okay?"

Then he and the Doctor ran to the door to reveal a tall man with black hair holding Amy.

Amy looked up at him, "I'm okay," she said letting out a big breath of air as the man put her down.

"Where the hell are we?" Rory yelled.

"I don't think I'm allowed to tell you…" the black haired man said to the three of them, "Myka! Myka! We've got a code," he got a blank look on his face, "-color here!"

Then a girl with brown hair walked out of a door.

And if you looked twice the door wouldn't be there.

"What is it, Pete?" she said and then noticed the three of them. She turned to Pete with a look of 'why don't you know this?'

"Code Intruder!" she yelled.

An old man came running outside.

"How'd you get here?"

"I don't know," The Doctor replied, " I was traveling through space and time and then my Tardis that blue box over there made a whooshey noise and I was brought here."

"Artie!" Myka yelled, "You believe him?"

"He's in a blue box…" Artie said mumbling to himself.

"Yes!" they all heard a yell from inside the large building. Then a girl with short red hair and highlights ran outside with a laptop in her hands, "I hacked the unhackable!"

She threw the laptop at the ground causing it to break.

"I hacked the unhakable!" she screamed again, "I am the queen!" she sang jumping around.

"You hacked my Tardis," The Doctor said in awe, "No one can hack my Tardis….No one…"

"Will I did, Doc!"

"How do you know my name?"

"The files, Doctor. The files."

"Claudia!" Artie yelled, "You're not allowed to go into the files!"

Claudia bit her top lip.

"So why'd you bring us here?" Amy asked walking over to her.

"You hacked my Tardis," the Doctor repeated.

"I wanted to hack your Tardis," Claudia repeated.

Out of know where Artie yelled, "Doctor!"

"Who?" Pete and Myka asked in unison.

"The Doctor," Artie said, "The one whose saved the world one million and over times. We could never track him down but he's here….."

"There's nothing special about him," Rory mumbled.

"Thanks to me!" Claudia exclaimed, "Does that mean I'm an official agent?"

"Come inside," Artie said completely ignoring Claudia.

Amy and Rory looked at the Doctor.

Thinking this was a bad idea.

"I have cookies," Artie said.

"Ohhhhh," The doctor said following him inside.

Amy and Rory sighed as they all started to walk back inside.

"Now the real question here is do you have a fez?" The Doctor asked as the door to Warehouse 13 closed.