The characters in this story belong to the Nikita franchise. This story is not intended for children to read and it is a parents responsibility to monitor their children's use of the internet, not mine.


Nikita drifted from the living room to the bedroom and back to the kitchen where Michael stood. The look of pure joy on her face filled Michael with satisfaction.

"I love it!" She twirled around and threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. The contact took them both by surprise and although neither could deny it felt incredible to hold each other, she pushed him gently and awkwardly away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drool on you." She said mischievously, lowering her eyes and brushing the imaginary saliva off of his lapel.

"Apology accepted." He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, feeling slightly uneasy. "Nikita, this is a big deal and a huge transition for you. You need to remember you're freedom comes second to Division's needs. It's the price you pay for this second chance."

"I know." She looked at him with a hint of sadness. Having finally been promoted to a Field Agent, she had been moved out of the sterile recruit room that had been home for over a year and given keys to a furnished apartment in the city. She didn't need to be reminded that freedom was an esoteric concept when you're part of a clandestine organization, but sometimes, she did need to be reminded, to stop wishing that pigs could fly.

The pensive look faded and suddenly her face lit up. "Are you hungry? I'm starved and I could make us some lunch in my brand new kitchen!"

Michael smiled at her enthusiasm and stifled a laugh when she opened the refrigerator door to find it empty. In the back of his mind, he knew it was a mistake, but he asked her anyway. "I tell you what, how about I buy you lunch. I know a place we can walk to."

Nikita told herself he was just being nice, but a thrill went through her. "All right, but only if we let Percy pay." She said with a glint in her eye.

He gave her a crooked smile, and she thought how sexy the little lines around his eyes were when he smiled. Michael held the door for her, and when they walked out into the cold winter air, tiny snowflakes floated in the air around them.

It was a little after two in the afternoon and the bulk of the lunch crowd at Matt's Grill had come and gone. The twinkling white lights around the windows and the old, rich decor was calm and inviting. Michael led her to a booth and they slipped into it. The waitress, an attractive older woman, with an infectious smile, took their order. She looked at Michael affectionately, he called her by name and she reciprocated

"You must be a regular here." Nikita murmured, looking around at the dark mahogany woodwork with it's aged patina and the well worn marble floor. The soft sound of Christmas music played in the background.

Michael nodded but said nothing more. He found himself staring at her and realized this was much different than the other times they shared a meal. They were here by choice, not by Percy's mandate and there was no Target to "deal with."

Nikita suddenly felt self-conscious, she sensed he was uncomfortable and that normal wasn't something either were used to. "So where do you live?" She blurted out trying to fill the silence between them.

Michael's eyes darkened and he shook his head. "You don't really need to know, besides I spend most of my days and nights at Division, it cuts down on commuting and is more efficient."

She knit her brow and wondered if she should feel sorry for him or be annoyed. "I thought you and Percy and Amanda shared an Ivory Tower, complete with a dragon guarding the gates." She muttered under her breath.

Michael looked as if he might say something, but the Waitress brought their lunch, a large salad for Nikita and a sandwich for Michael. Her eyes grew big and she looked pleased as she checked out the platter of crisp greens in front of her.

"Wow, this looks great!" She squeezed a wedge of lemon over the top and mixed the salad up with her fork before taking a huge bite.

Michael leaned forward and picked up the cold beer that had been placed in front of him and took a drink from it. He watched her, eat her salad with delight. Her dark hair shone in the light and she had a fresh and natural quality about her. The thought that she was a sweet, beautiful and very desirable woman, crossed his mind.

"You should eat too, never know when your phone will ring and we'll have to break into a building and steal secrets or cover up some unfortunate event." She said the word unfortunate with emphasis and attitude.

"Nikita, Percy and Amanda believe you're on your way to becoming an important asset to Division. Don't blow it by being cocky." He still felt this obligation to remind her not to become too full of herself.

Nikita looked him in the eye, being away from the oppressive environment known as Division, made her feel bold. "You're always so serious." She quipped.

He tilted his head at her, and gave her a smug look before picking up his sandwich, and taking a bite.

Their lunch time conversation was filled with current events, hot spots around the world and which terrorist marks the State Department were monitoring. It was interesting and amiable, the black ops version of small talk.

Nikita pushed her plate aside with a contented look and drank from her glass of iced tea. This is not a date, she told herself. We are colleagues and nothing more. She looked at Michael wistfully, she had grown to admire his scruffy good looks and loved his compassionate nature, but what she really wanted, was to know what made him tick.

When his phone began to buzz in his pocket, she gave him an I told you so look. He picked up the call, and then abruptly told her. "I have to take this, I shouldn't be too long." He slid out of the booth and walked toward the back of the restaurant disappearing around a corner.

It has to be Division, she thought to herself. Who else would be calling? She picked up her glass of ice tea and used the straw to stir it. She could hear the cheerful sound of Santa Claus is Coming to Town coming out of the speakers.

The waitress came to the table and gave Nikita a friendly smile. "What happened to Michael, he didn't leave, did he?"

"No, he had to take a call. It's probably work, they're always bugging him." Nikita sounded apologetic. "So how do you know Michael?" She was always curious and looking for tidbits of information on her enigmatic mentor.

The older woman smiled at her. "One night about a year ago, a group of drunks were in the bar and hassling one of the waitresses. Matt, my husband, was tending bar and told them to leave and two of them jumped him. I got shoved around when I tried to hit one over the head with my tray. Michael comes out of no where, he'd been eating here on and off for a while, but we didn't know him, he really keeps to himself, and he took two of them down in about three seconds and broke the fingers on the guy that pushed me." She looked at Nikita with sincerity "He's one of the good guys." She broke out in a grin. "You must be special, he never brings anyone here."

The remark pleased Nikita, but also made her feel uncomfortable. "We just work together."

The waitress nodded her head and gave her a friendly but doubtful look before clearing the table. With her arms filled with empty plates, she turned to go to the kitchen and bumped into Michael as he walked back into the dining room. Nikita watched them exchange a few words and was surprised when the waitress gave him a peck on the cheek. Was Michael blushing?

Sliding back into the booth he was all business. "Nikita, you're being sent out on an op. You'll be Percy's escort for the evening at a business dinner."

Nikita shot him a cold look. "Sounds like fun, but could you say I'm his date instead of escort. I am not a call girl."

Michael looked a little troubled. "Try and remember, you're serving your country. You should be flattered, he and Amanda wouldn't have picked you if they didn't think you could stand up to Percy's colleagues. They need a beautiful woman to be a distraction."

It was Nikita's turn to blush, although she wasn't sure that was a compliment. "All right, where's the shindig going to be?" She tried not to sound too concerned.

"The Capitol Club in Washington, D.C. Amanda will brief you on the details." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a round compact, it was inlaid with mother of pearl, and he slid it across the table."

"It's beautiful." She took it from his hand and her fingers brushed against his palm sensuously. The compact glimmered in the dim light.

"Careful." He warned her with a hint of amusement.

When her finger found the tiny button on the side, she pressed it and and a very sharp blade shot out. "Beautiful, practical and deadly, too."

"Consider it an early Christmas present." He meant for it to sound like he was joking.

"Michael, you're much too good to me." She countered, but was a little taken aback when she saw the expression on his face. She wondered if it was her imagination or if what she saw in his eyes meant something.

"I'll walk you home." He muttered and abruptly looked away.

Nikita shook off the contrast in his behavior. "Home? I like the sound of that."

He helped her put on her coat, and before they left, he pulled two bills out of his wallet and left them on the table. She saw he left a very generous tip, and he smiled at the waitress, before they walked out of the restaurant together.