This is just the first chapter I came up with while I was bored.
WARNING: Contains hard core yaoi in the future chapters. Tell me what you think.
It was a cold and cloudy winter morning in Konoha city.
The small light of the sun that hid behind the clouds had shinned through Sasuke's windown, giving the the place a little light.
He woke up by the sound of his alarm clock. From under his blanket, he extended his hand and turned off the alarm.
A few minutes later he finally got out of bed and into the shower. The cold refreshing water woke him up and cleared his thoughts.
After the shower he had made his way back to the bedroom. There were clothes lying on the floor. Some still from yesterday, some not even his.
After picking what clothes to wear, he grabbed his bag and left the apartment, arriving in front of the school almost an hour early.
At the fence, in front of the school there was one person already there. Short blond hair and a goofy smile on his face could be recognized a mile away.
"Well you're as cheery as always." Sasuke said
"Well, I had a great time last night." Naruto answered.
"It wasn't all that special." Said the raven haired boy, with a small and provoking grin on his face.
"So, is there a reason you're here so…" Sasuke's words were interrupted by Naruto, who quickly pressed his lips against Sasuke's.
When their lips touched, their tongues did as well. It was like fireworks. Naruto put his hand around the teenaged boy's upper body.
After a few seconds he did the same. With their eyes closed they didn't look around at all.
They couldn't. But there was someone watching them.
When their lips went apart, Sasuke continued to speak, without much concern of what happened. Naruto was always like this, it didn't seem any different now. He was just playing his part.
"Well I think you answered my question." He said.
"I have a surprise for you."
"You do?"
"Tonight, at my place…"
"Why would I…" Sasuke was silenced once more by the blond haired boy kissing him on the nose.
"Tonight. No questions." With that said he put his hands in his pocket and walked away smiling.
"Hey! Where are you going? We have classes you know!" Naruto completely ignored the other teen.
Sasuke entered the school a few seconds after there wasn't an answer.
The day it's self passed by slowly and because Sasuke was the best student of the school it was even more boring.
The last class for that day was English, and was thought by no other than Kakashi-sensei, his homeroom teacher.
The minutes passed by and the bell finally rang.
"Sasuke, stay here, I'd like to talk to you." Said the teacher and waited for everyone to leave, then came closer to sasuke's desk.
"Naruto…you two are friends, right?"
"We are."
"Well as I'm sure you know, skipping not only my classes but all of them can get him to fail the school year. I was thinking since you two are friends, you could maybe talk some sense into him."
"Heh and you're telling me this because we happen to be friends?" Sasuke stood up and was almost prepared to leave.
"I warned him a few times but if he doesn't listen, then that isn't my problem now is it? He has a lot other friends, ask them." The boy turned around and was leaving.
"A lot of friends, but only one lover." Kakashi's words made Sasuke stop moving. He stood still for a moment Shit, shit, shit. How does he know? He though.
"I'm sure you do know the school rules, don't you? Any Sexual Relations with a student of the same gender is forbidden."
He was right. This was a private school after all, one of the best around.
"I'm not homophobic, but those who do not follow the rules are scum."
Sasuke just kept quiet. He didn't know what to say, if in fact he wanted to say anything at all, but had no choice.
"Could I do anything, to make you forget seeing that?"
"Depends. You would need to do something for me." Sasuke turned around and took a few steps closer to Kakashi.
"And what would that something be?" Kakashi got closer to Sasuke.
"Beg me." He started caressing the boy's cheek.
"You heard me. Get down on your knees and beg."
Sasuke got mad. "What! Me, an Uchiha beg! Never!" he yelled. By pushing the teachers arm away with his left, he immediately made a fist and punched him with the right.
The impact pushed the older man back a bit. Sasuke quickly grabbed his bag and ran out of the class room.
He ran all the way back to his apartment.
How…how dare he! He thought to himself. Sasuke was the only heir to a rich family named Uchiha. It would be disgraceful for him to go that low in any situation.
With many thoughts running through his head, he threw himself on the bed and soon faded off to sleep.
The next morning, Naruto was waiting in front of the school again. Sasuke remembered that he completely forgot about yesterday evening.
"We'll it's about time Sasuke." His annoying voice had no bounds "Where were you yesterday? I waited for you."
"I couldn't make it. I had to run some errands and my phone died, I couldn't reach you." It was a good thing, that he was a good liar and a fast thinker. Despite that, how could he tell him the truth?
"And by the way. Make sure you're in class today. If you fail this school year we can't go to the same college." He continued.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Grandma Tsunade's just saying that. She wouldn't flunk me"
"Fine…if you do your best to finish the school year." Sasuke got closer and whispered something into his ear. That made the blond teen smile widely.
"Ha ha! Okay, you got a deal." They both proceeded into the school.
Naruto was happy, Sasuke on the other hand was not so lucky. What Kakashi-sensei said the previous day, still kept him angry inside.
The classes passed by normal, until lunch.
Sasuke was walking in the school hallway. It was empty since everyone was in the cafeteria.
Suddenly he stopped. He saw a wall of pictures that was never there before. Pictures of all teachers of the school.
And who else would be nominated for the best teacher of the year than Kakashi himself. His picture was on the very top.
"Teacher of the year? My ass!" he yelled, grabbing the picture off the wall and smashing it on the floor.
Then, with the very corner of his eyes, he saw someone standing at the corner of the hallway.
Please don't let it be… he thought. But it was too late.
"Well, well. Damaging school property I see."
He recognized the voice. It was well known to him by now. Sasuke turned over and saw a man with gray hair and crossed arms standing not too far from him.
"Um…sensei…I…I…" Sasuke was running out of words.
As if things weren't bad enough, it only got worse. The sound of high heel shoes was getting closer to them.
From around the corner, an older blond woman arrived. Principle Tsunade.
"What the…who broke that picture?" she asked with a mean voice.
"I asked a question here. Did you do it, Sasuke?"
"I…um…uh…" he was in a tight spot. If he were to lie, Kakashi was there to prove it wrong. If he were to tell the truth, there would be no change. The raven haired boy glanced over to his sensei and looked at him, with pleading eyes.
"Actually Miss Tsunade, Sasuke just got here." said the gray man.
"Is that so?
"Yes. I got here a few seconds before him and it was already broken."
Sasuke was very surprised that the man stood up for him. He knew that it probably wasn't for free.
"Well, of course it wasn't Sasuke. He's one of the brightest students in this school. He'd never do such a thing."
"Well…" Kakashi started "I wouldn't give him that much credit."
"What do you mean Kakashi?"
"You see, Sasuke here, has a little secret. Something he'd perhaps like to share with you, principal."
Damn it Kakashi
"Really? Well, what would you wish to share with me Sasuke-kun?" she asked.
"Um…well. The thing is…" he was searching for his words and just couldn't get to them. Then, he finally got it.
"The thing is that I was kind of failing in English, so I asked Kakashi sensei to tutor me. But I didn't want anyone else finding out, so I wouldn't ruin my reputation."
"Really? Is that true Kakashi?" She looked at him. The man had his hands in his pockets. After a few seconds he smiled.
"Yes. It's true."
"Well, that's why you are the teacher of the year." She turned around and left.
Both men stood there in silence.
"Can we talk in private, sensei?" Said Sasuke. Kakashi nodded and entered his classroom that wasn't far away.
Once they entered the class room. Kakashi sat down on his desk and crossed his arms.
"You left quickly yesterday. You do know that physical violence is forbidden. Especially, when it's used on a teacher."
The boy remembered the brose on sensei's cheek. He had been looking at him and hasn't even noticed it. So, in conclusion, that's three rules broken in two days. This is something new. It isn't going to look good on your record." Sasuke knew where the man was going with this. He bowed his head and swallowed the saliva in his mouth.
"Yes Sasuke?"
"I'll do whatever it takes, so that this doesn't reach anyone else's ears."
"Whatever it takes?" Kakashi repeated.
"Yes sir." Suddenly, there was silence in the room.
"Well?" said the man after a while.
He took a small deep breath and then finally touched the ground with one knee. Two seconds later he did the same with the other one. With his head lowered and hands touching the ground next to his legs. He was in total submission.
"I-I'm sorry Kakashi-sensei. Please, please forgive me for my previous actions. I'll do anything you ask. Anything…"
Kakashi just sat there for a few quiet seconds. Then, he stood up and approached the boy, grabbing him by his hair just enough to raise him of the ground but still keep him on his knees. He didn't care that he was hurting him.
"Well since you put it that way. From this moment on you are my pet. My pet! You'll do whatever I ask you to do, whenever I ask it."
"Uh...w-what? Your pet? No wa.." It hurt him as sensei pulled always harder. What followed was a smack to the face that quieted down the younger one.
"No talking back. Understand?"
He nodded in submission.
"Good. I'll call you when you are needed." Kakashi let go of Sasuke's hair and nearly throwing the boy backwards.
He left the classroom and closed the door.
The boy was on all fours and held one hand against his cheek. A few tears dropped from his eyes. T-that bastard! Motherfucker!
After a short while Sasuke got up and left the school avoiding any schoolmates he could have met along the way.
When he got to his apartment he closed the door behind him as he leaned against it and sat down on the floor.
"Why is this happening to me?" he asked out loud.
He was embarrassed. Never in his life was he humiliated so.
What's going to happen next he wondered? How is this so called "pet" thing going to work out? Just how exactly?
Hours passed by as the silence was broken by the ringing phone in the boy's pocket.
He took out the phone and saw an unknown number. He answered it like any normal phone call.
"Good evening Sasuke." It was like a sudden punch in the face.
Kakashi was on the other line. Just the sound of his voice made him shake.
"G-good evening, Sensei..."
"It's time to start buying my silence. Come over to my apartment."
"Yes, right now. The address is 116b Konoha Avenue, third floor, door number four."
"The one with a palm tree in front of it?"
"Yes. I'll be expecting you shortly." He hung up. It was eight in the evening and in the middle of the week. It would take him at least half an hour to get there.
Never the less he threw his school bag on his bed and changed clothes, leaving right after that.
Thirty minutes later he arrived at the building with a small palm tree in front of it. He had made his way up to the third floor and knocked on the fourth door in the hallway. After a few seconds the door opened and in front of him was Kakashi sensei, staring at the boy with domination.
"Welcome, come in."
"Hello…" the boy stepped in as Kakashi closed the door. His apartment was very small. His room had a king sized bed, a plasma TV on the wall, a desk with a lap top on it, a couch and a dresser.
The other parts consisted of a kitchen and a bathroom.
Sasuke took off his coat and before he was able to put in on the hangers in front of him, Kakashi already made his move.
He leaned towards him, forcing the boy to bulge against the wall as much as possible.
With his right knee he pressed just a little above his waist, pressing him against the wall even more.
"Ugh, s-sensei…" he said with uncomfortably. He tried to push the man away but it was no use. Kakashi grabbed Sasuke's hand and held it out of the way.
Desperately moving his vision out of the way, he couldn't bring himself to stare at the man's eyes in the position he was in.
Kakashi grabbed the boy's chin and made him face his way.
He then started licking the raven haired one's lips. Slowly and softy he continued before he moved down to his neck.
Kissing and licking it, he removed his hand from the boy's chin and moved it lower.
He was now stroking his torso. Carefully lifting the shirt, just enough to get his hand underneath. Sasuke's warm and soft skin was out of this world.
This isn't happening!
He was experiencing what it like was to be the submissive one. Exactly what Naruto was experiencing for the past two years, the perfect foreplay.
He was turned on. He couldn't help it. It was good, but felt so wrong.
"S-sensei...ugh, don't...n-not there, ugh." Kakashi didn't listen. His hand already moved even lower and was now squeezing the boy's private area.
"N-No...I said no!" Sasuke finally managed to break free of the man's grip, slightly pushing him away.
"Don't..." he said "I can't go through with it. I just can't."
Kakashi hesitated for a few seconds before moving away from the boy.
He turned around and took two steps away.
"Get out." He said with an angry voice.
"I said get out!" he raised his voice by just a little.
Sasuke grabbed his coat and left right away. He didn't walk. He ran. He ran all the way back home, not even bothering to wait for the bus.
He shut the door behind him and locked it quickly like he was being chased by someone
He moved a few steps backwards and kept staring at the door.
Why the fuck is all this happening to me?
Indeed he had done it with Naruto countless times before but this was the first time that he was going to be on the receiving end. He was scared and against it. Kakashi was his teacher, it just wasn't right.
He threw himself on his bed, without taking his clothes off and faded off to sleep.