I know its very short and all, I told u its a short one shot. P But I might actually write another chapter for Musa n Riv. Depends.

I always knew that we weren't what you call a lovey-dovey couple. Although we may fight a lot in the past…..what the heck, we still fight a lot these days too, sometimes more than once a day. Well, my point is, we are actually even closer because of these fights. And the truth is I don't really give a damn about what other people think, as long as I know that deep down Riven truly loves me as much as I love-

"Dreaming again, pixie?" That rough and husky voice filled my ears. I could feel his breath near my neck, sending a scorching heat down my spine.

"Stalking again, Riv?" I eyed him with my big blue eyes with a one hand on my hip.

"Hey, when it's your girlfriend, it doesn't count as stalking." He answered with a smirk on his face.

He doesn't really realize it, but he can be so adorable at times. Like now, his held his head high up in the air, with an expression that says 'I beat you, I could answer the teacher's question and you can't! '. That expression reminding me of one of a small kid. Cute as hell, but never would I admit that to him.

"Apparently, somebody ate something wrong yesterday, cause I'm pretty sure that expression on your face is a definite permit to Looney Ville. "

When someone tells you that Riven is a hot head jerk, You should believe them. Sure, he may be a hot guy with a hot bod and a sexy face to match, but his personality is just as hot. Although he's my boyfriend, his sometimes annoyed the hell out of me. Like now for example. And my solution to this:

"Hmph! I'm not talking to you!" I turned as fast as I could so that my back was facing him. I know immature right? But what choice do I have.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see his expression softening, his eyes filled with guilt and worry. "Come on Musa, you know I don't mean it." He used his head to nudge me on the shoulder. Now why did he do that, he knows I can't stand staying mad at him when he acts so….so adorable.

"Alright, alright, cut it out." I can't help but chuckled at his effort at apologizing. "Just don't be such a jerk next time."

"Maybe, if I'm in a good mood…." He trailed his sentence and gave me a cocky side way glance. He's trying to mock me, isn't he? Oh it's on now! I can feel the heat boiling at the back of my head.

"Now, you little-"

I was cut short when I felt warm velvety lips on my own. I can feel the heat from his breathing on my cheeks. Sending chills down my whole body. It was a soft kiss, sweet and warm nothing like his usual kisses.

After we broke apart, I had forgotten why I was mad at him and whatever the reason was. I just stood there stunned at what just happened.

Before I could react, Riven quickly get a hold my hand with his own. His temperature quickly spreading from his hand to mine, causing a warm feeling to spread from my heart. His head was turned to the other side, like he was trying to hide something.

"Let's go for a walk." I could see a light red shade on his face. Is that what his was trying to hide? He was blushing? The toughest, roughest senior in Red Fountain was blushing?

He tugged on my hand and I quickly control my urge to smile a big dorky smile at him, following him outside. The warm sun shining and the cool breeze blew a t us. The sky looks bluer than ever.

My boyfriend, Riven, just blushed. Because of me.

This was gonna get time to get used to. But I'm not really worry about that, cause I intend on spending the rest of life doing just so.

I leaned on his arms with my fingers tangled with his, not wanting to ever let go.

Waddaya think? Leave some reviews 4 me, thankx! I'm not sure which couple I might write nxt, but it will definitely be longer! Promise!