I am very sorry to say this, but this story is being discontinued.

This is my second discontinued story, and quite frankly I'm disappointed in myself, but I can't do it anymore.

You see, when I started the original, it was a fun way to liven up my summer with my new fandom. But I've branched out and it's hard to stay on topic when there's so much else you want to talk about that no one will understand. But that isn't the only reason.

The thought of sitting down to update this story makes me cringe. I've lost my muse. I don't know how to be funny anymore and looking at what past me wrote makes me want to smack her. The thought of trying to write another get-together also makes me want to delete my account and run for the hills. Those things are harder than they look!

To avoid beating around the bush, I'll just say this; writing this story is no longer fun for me. And if a hobby has to become an unpleasant job, I'm not going to continue with it.

I have made so many friends from this website, including one of my best friends. In a way, Fanfiction saved me when I needed someone most. But I can't do the writing anymore.

You are all amazing, and I want to thank each and every one of you for putting up with me for this long. But this will be the last thing I ever post to this website.

Less-than-three, Megan.

Character Epilogues! (You didn't think I'd leave you hanging, did you?)

Erik eventually got sick of hanging around a teenage girl all the time. He moved out, got a job writing opera songs for 6-year-old prodigies, got some plastic surgery and lived a happy, normal life. Until Megan decided to drop him back in the 2004 movie. He got real pissed at her for that.

Christine also left home, and wound up becoming the Doctor's companion. She accidentally fell in the fountain of youth while on a distant planet, and the Doctor was forced to drop her off with some random human family. She then grew up to become Sierra Boggess, and inspired her own appearance change. How's that for a paradox?

Raoul stayed with Megan, because she had finally admitted he wasn't a fop, but actually a pretty decent guy. (If a tactless one.) They now cosplay Homestuck trolls together (Megan as Vriska, Raoul as Eridan), and watch 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' on Tuesdays. They both agree that Pinkie Pie is the best pony.

Megan is still badass.

The Bouncing walrus escaped from the ACOPHF and is now on the loose. Lock your doors and windows and prepare for impact.

The readers remained awesome for all eternity.