Erik: And my eardrums have been ruptured.

Me: I can't believe people liked this enough to want a sequel! Thank you to all my readers of 'Phantom of Summer Vacation'. You made this possible!

Erik: Now, on with the show!

Disclaimer: *Insert witty disclaimer with cruel joke about Raoul's hair here*

Me: *Is standing over my bed, where Erik is still sleeping* Wake up Erik.



Erik: *Jumps* Ahh! Alright, alright! Why are we getting up so bloody early anyway?

Me: School.

Erik: Oh right.

Me: Just get cleaned up! I have some other fictional characters to awaken. *Grabs a random pool noodle*

Erik: I like the way you think.

Me: If you'll excuse me. *Leaves. Seconds later, screams are heard*

Christine: EEEEEE!

Raoul: HELP ME!


Erik: *Sigh* She has all the fun.

*One hour later we're sitting at the table eating waffles*

Erik: I love these things.

Me: They are pretty awesome, aren't they? Okay, down to business.

Christine: Which is?

Me: You guys are coming to school with me.

Jack: Me too?

Me: Until MelodyHightoppTodd takes you back, yes. I've told the school that you're foreigners here to observe our school. Hopefully they'll buy it.

Erik: Do you really think that will work?

Me: Hey, it's my fanfic.

Erik: What?

Me: So just don't act to conspicuous, okay?

Christine: Us? Act conspicuous? No way!

Raoul: Like we would do anything like that.

Jack: Where's the rum?

Me: That's it, I'm signing you up for alcoholics anonymous.

My mom: Guys! Time to get going!

Me: that's our ride. Grab your stuff and let's go!

*We pile into the van and head to the school*

Me: *Sigh* It seems like just yesterday I was walking home from my last day of school and you fell on my head Erik.

Erik: Good times. Good times.

Christine: You live close to the school.

Me: Right around the corner! It's pretty cool.

Jack: This is an odd place.

Me: It's about to get even odder. *Gets out of the van* Thanks for the ride mum!

Christine: Wow. High school.

Erik: Here we go.

*We walk through the front doors to find the halls already full*

Me: Okay guys. Evasive maneuvers! *We start dodging people as we walk down the hall* 'Scuse me, pardon me, comin' through.

Christine: Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, excuse me.

Erik: Move, move, move, get outta the way, move.

Jack: Pardon me miss, 'scuse me.

Raoul: *Is buffeted this way and that until he falls down* HELP ME!

Me: *Goes back and saves him* I said evasive maneuvers for a reason. Come on, I got our locker numbers.

Erik: What are they?

Me: I'm 201, Erik, you're 202, Christine is 205, Jack is 207 and Raoul is 210. I have locks for you all. *Hands out the locks*

Christine: How do you work these things?

Erik: *Is dismantling his lock* Did you say something?

Me: Just turn the knob to the right numbers. Here, I have your combinations. *Hands them out* Don't tell these to anyone.

Jack: Well, my plans for the rest of the year just went down the toilet.

Me: …I don't want to know.

Erik: So what do we do now?

Me: I have a teen council meeting. Then there's an assembly, then there's class, then lunch, then more class, then home.

Erik: Sounds good. What's teen council?

Me: We decide and organize the events for the school year. And we get into dances for free!

Christine: Dances! Oooh, I can't wait!

Me: Let's go then *We head to the art room and the rest of teen council comes in with Mrs. Rutten*

Erik; Who's that?

Me: One of the most awesome teachers ever! She's our faculty advisor.

Raoul: Um, is it just me, or are we the only boys in here?

Jack: Works for me.

Me: …You're creepy.

Jack: Thank you!

Me: I think we're heading to the assembly. Grab a teen council sweatshirt.

Erik: *Picks up one and examines it* These look like they were made for girls.

Me: Because they were.

Erik: I'm not wearing this.

Me: Unless you want to be on your own here, I suggest you wear it.

Raoul: Erik, none of us can afford to be on our own here!

Christine: He's right! We can't survive without her!

Jack: I just want back on my ship.

Erik: Fine. I'll wear the dang sweatshirt. But I won't like it.

Me: I'm not asking you to. Let's go!

*We go to the gym*


Me: Raoul, relax! It's a mural!

Raoul: Why would anyone want that vicious thing on their wall?

Me: Our town mascot is a cougar. Our schools mascot is Gordy the cougar, and all teams are the cougars. So of course we have a cougar mural!

Christine: Makes sense.

Me: Let's go find a spot on the bleachers.

*We go sit down*

Erik: So, we just sit here listening to the teachers talk?

Me: Yes. Then there's gonna be a game, then we all get a free cookie.

Erik: Cookie?

Christine: Please tell me you just said that.

Me: I did. Only one you two!

Erik/Christine: Aww.

Me: I think they're wrapping it up. Now there's gonna be a game!

Erik: What is it?

Me: Come on, you guys can help demonstrate!

Raoul: I didn't sign up for this!

Mrs. Rutten: Now, the way this game works is you have to knock your pylon off the bench with volleyball.

Me: My friends here will demonstrate. Ready, and GO!

Erik: *Hits the pylon* WOO! I AM ON FIRE! YEAH!

Christine: *Just misses her pylon and started saying things I really shouldn't repeat in order to keep this rated T*

Raoul: *Hits Christine's pylon* Does that count?

Jack: *Throws it at a teacher* Oh, sorry ma'am. Your hair just looks like that cone I'm supposed to hit.

Me: Jack, shut up.

Jack: Why?

Me: Because you're embarrassing me.

Mrs. Rutten: And that's how to play! *Starts picking volunteers and we sit down*

Erik: So now we just sit and watch.

Me: These bleachers are not very comfortable, are they?

Christine: No.

Raoul: I'd rather sit on the floor.

Me: *Shoves him off the bleachers*

Raoul: I didn't mean it literally!

Me: Oh, look. They're done. Let's go get us some cookies!

Erik: COOKIE! *Runs and grabs one on the way out*

Christine: HAHAHAHA! *Grabs her cookie and runs for it*

Me: *Grabs a cookie* Come on, let's go find our first class.

*We grab our books and we are told to go to the science room. I sit down and start writing in a large black book*

Erik: What's that?

Me: Nothing.

Erik: If it was nothing it wouldn't be there. What is it?

Me: Fine. I've decided to keep a journal this year, for my poems and stuff.

Erik: You write poetry?

Me: Yeah. Just little stuff though.

Erik: *Grabs the book* Megan, this book is covered with AVPM quotes.

Me: It has some Phantom stuff there! I just decided to fill the unlined pages at the beginning and end with quotes and stuff.

Christine: *Walks over with Raoul and Jack* People keep giving us odd looks.

Raoul: And they keep laughing at me!

Jack: I don't know what's so funny. They act like they've never seen a pirate before.

Me: Well, most of them haven't. and most men your age don't have hair like yours Raoul. And Jack, well, your hair is a little odd too. Just less girly.

Christine: And me?

Me: You are wearing a floor-length dress.

Christine: Oh.

Raoul/Erik/Jack/Me: THE RUT!

Entire class: ….

Me: um, sorry guys. As you were.

Erik: So this is your class?

Me: Yup. The guys I've been in a class with since kindergarten. We were always the loudest grade, no matter how we were split up.

Christine: And now they've put you all together?

Me: Yeah. I'm 85% sure we're gonna blow up the school this year.

Miss Down: Okay, sit down!

Me: Go find desks you guys! Hurry!

*They find desks and sit don. The rest of the class passes with us listening to a lecture*

Christine: That was so boring.

Raoul: Where do we go now?

Me: Right back there.

Erik: What? Why?

Me: Because that was just us waiting out the hour. Now we go to the actual science class.

Jack: This seems pointless.

Me: It is. Let's go!
*Back we go! I'm positive you don't want to hear about my science class, so we'll just skip to lunch, which finds us walking back home*

Christine: I didn't think the first day would be so boring.

Erik: Even we can't make it more interesting.

Me: Damn. I was counting on you guys to make me less bored.

Raoul: Do we have to go back?

Me: I'm afraid so. *We walk into the house* Who wants a grilled cheese?

Erik/Raoul/Christine/Jack: ME!

*Five grilled chesses later*

Me: Uh oh, time to head back.

Erik: Already?

Me: Yup. Move it people! *We all run outside*

Christine: I don't like school.

Me: I resent it for being so early.

Erik: Maybe if you went to bed at a decent time.

Me: No way.

Erik: Well, I tried.

Jack: Here it is! The dreaded building!

Me: I think we have English now.

Erik: Will it be more interesting?

Me: It will probably just be examining the course outline.

Erik: I want to go home.

Me: So do I masked one, so do I.

*One very boring English class later*

Me: Now it's U.S.S.R.

Christine:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

Me: No! How do you even know what that stands for? Never mind, U.S.S.R is our reading period. We just read. Don't ask me what it stands for. Come on, let's go to the library and get some books.

*In the library*

Erik: Boring, boring, what the heck, who would ever read this, boring, boring, piece of crap.

Christine: This looks good.

Raoul: What is it?

Christine: A book of fairytales!

Me: Oh, I read that last year. It's a good read.

Jack: I found a book about pirates!

Me: I've read that one too. Very good book.

Jack: A bit big though.

Me: Just attempt to read it. Raoul, find anything?

Raoul: Yup!

Me: *Is shocked by his choice of reading material*

Raoul: What?

Me: Tween romance novels? Really?

Raoul: Don't judge me.

Erik: Hey Megan, is there anything good to read in this library?

Me: Look for Frankenstein. It's in here somewhere. Hey, I found Dracula!

Raoul: What's with the monster books?

Me: These are classics! Now this is a real vampire!

Erik: Insert Twilight joke here.

Me: Oh, shut up. *We leave to the art room and start reading. We weren't allowed to talk, so I'll just take us to math class*

Me: Wow. Almost over. One more introductory class and we can go home.

Erik: YES!

Me: There is no need to yell.

Erik: Sorry.

Christine: I'm already bored. *Starts making paper fortune tellers*

Raoul: *Has fallen asleep on his desk*

Jack: *Is asking nearby students for rum*

Erik: *Is drawing on Raoul's face while he sleeps*

Me: Really, how old are you?

Erik: Young at heart Megan. Young at heart.

Me: *Starts whacking my journal against my head*

Erik: I think we broke her again.

Me: And that was my boring first day of school. Don't worry, it can only go up from here!

Erik: Now we have a question for you.

Me: We want to know where you would like to go on future phangirl get-togethers!

Erik: Leave your suggestion in the reviews.

Me: Or PM me. I love to include the phans in these decisions!

Christine: Don't forget to review!