Hello all! Please read the important Authors Note at the end of this chapter.

Speedy was at the beach fifteen minutes before the scheduled meeting with Raven, planning how the conversation would go. First, he'd pretend as if nothing happened, like he had no idea she'd break up with him. Then, if she tried to say anything about what she wanted to "talk" to him about, he'd divert the conversation elsewhere. But if something happened and he couldn't divert the conversation, he'd break up with her before she could tear his heart out. He sat at the shore, watching the waves, thinking of his plan. There was always the chance she wasn't going to break up with him. He quickly shook the thoughts from his mind. Of course she was going to break up with him! She basically screamed it over the phone. But she also said that she loved me.

"Ugh," he groaned softly, placing his head in his hands. "Why's love so confusing?" He stayed like that for awhile, until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked up with a start, to see the young woman he had grown to love. The gentle wind blew at her violet hair, and her eyes looked sad, yet confused.

"Roy," she said softly. "Are you alright?" Not trusting his voice, Roy only nodded at the empath. He turned to look ahead at the ocean, and patted the space next to him. The young woman readily sat down next to him on the sand. They looked at the ocean in silence for a few moments. Out of the corner of his eye, the archer saw Raven turn to him.

"Roy," she started. He closed his eyes, it was coming.

"Hush," he said quietly, lacing their finger together on the sand. "Don't ruin the moment." Raven smiled softly and placed her head on his shoulder. She then turned to him, kissing his neck, his cheek, her lips soon finding the archers. Speedy returned the kiss, pulling the young girl closer. Maybe, I was wrong. Maybe she's not going to break up with me. He began to smile into the kiss, before breaking it off. Raven looked at him confused, for a moment, before the archer smiled brightly and pulled her into the sand. In a matter of seconds, she was on top of him, they kissed as if there was no tomorrow. To soon for his taste, Raven broke off the kiss.

"I'd forgotten how great of a kisser you were." She said with a smirk. She sat up, straddling him. The smirk disappeared and was replaced with a frown. "It almost made me forget why I came here in the first place." She said quietly. Speedy's eyes widened. She was going to break up with him now? After that hot, sexy kiss on the beach?

"But first, you need to answer these two questions. Honestly. Is that okay with you?" Questions! He eagerly thought. She's going to decide if she's going to break up with me through questions! He felt a surge of confidence, as long as he answered correctly, everything would turn out perfectly.

"That's fine with me Raven!" He said excitedly. She rolled her eyes at his eagerness.

"First question, what is with you today?" She asked concerned, tilting her head to the side. Speedy looked confused.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Raven rolled her eyes.

"Roy, you sounded so sad on the phone. When I got here you were so sad, even I was surprised. Since I've been here, you've been hopeful, devastated, surprised, just a storm of emotions!" She stopped talking, and looked at him with a worried expression. When she opened her mouth, it was soft and comforting, almost angelic. "It doesn't take an empath to see that something's up. I'm worried about you. Please Roy, tell me what's going on. The truth Roy, not some bullshit you made up so that you won't worry me or anything. Just tell me what's going on! I won't be able to help you unless I know." She pleaded. The archer thought for a moment, considering if he should tell her or not.

"You should already know what's up." He grumbled turning away from her. After hearing nothing, he turned to look at her. Raven was looking at him, obviously confused. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking 'bout Rae. You're about to breakup with me. Just say it and get it over with. You don't have to worry about me or anything, I'll take it like a man." To his surprise, Raven laughed. Not a giggle or a chuckle, she flat out laughed, before attacking his lips. To say the least, Speedy was just about as surprised as he was confused, but he did nothing to end the kiss. In his current state, all he could do was kiss her back. After a few seconds, Raven broke the kiss, and placed her hands on the archers cheeks, bringing her face close to his.

"I would never, and could never breakup with you." She said softly. "Roy Harper, I am madly in love with you. I could never stop loving you, no matter what happens between us." Speedy looked at the girl stunned, his mind racing. She wasn't going to breakup with him. She loved him, no was madly in love with him. How could this day get any better? "Now that that's all cleared up, are you ready for the second question?" Roy nodded eagerly. "How do you feel about children?" He looked at her curiously.

"Children?" He breathed. She nodded slowly. He looked at her for a second before a light bulb went off over his head. "Raven, are you…" he let the question hang in the air. She smiled sadly at him. To her surprise, he scooped her up from her lap, got up from the sand, and quickly twirled her around before hugging her tightly. "Raven," he said excitedly, looking happier than she'd ever seen him.

"Yes," She asked with a small smile.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS!" He yelled so happily, that Raven had to laugh.


The rest of that night was a blur. All Raven would remember years later, that that was one of the happiest nights of her life. After Speedy had somewhat calmed down from his excitement at being a father, he had insisted Raven spend the night at Titans East. Somehow, she had convinced him to wait until morning to share the news. Once inside Speedy's room, one make out session led to another, until eventually they repeated the same thing they had that one, magnificent New Year's night.


Speedy awoke early in the morning. He looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms, admiring her beauty. He tightened his hold on her, never wanting this moment to end. She snuggled in closer before her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning stranger." He drawled, gently bringing his lips to her forehead. Raven gave him a small, tired, half smile. Her smile contorted into a surprised expression. She quickly jumped off the bed and ran into his adjourning bathroom, Speedy hot on her trail. She lowered her head into the toilet and began to throw-up.

"Morning sickness?" Speedy asked as he comfortingly rubbed Raven's back. Raven nodded her head as the throw-up slowed to a stop.

"One of the many perks of pregnancy." Raven responded sarcastically. They both left the bathroom and went into Speedy's room to put on their clothes.

"Aren't you excited?" Speedy asked as he sat on the bed, pulling on his pants.

"Excited about what?" Raven asked, turning towards him. Speedy gasped, no matter how many times he'd seen her naked or only in lingerie, he was always struck by her beauty. Today was no exception; clad in only a black bra and matching thong, she'd managed to take his breath away. He beckoned her over to him, and pulled her into his lap. He gently placed a hand on her stomach.

"Excited to tell the world that we've created the best thing since sushi and fish tacos." Raven stared incredulously at the archer.

"Are you seriously comparing our child to food?" She asked, flabbergasted by his statement. He chuckled lightly, before pulling them both down so that they were lying on the bed. He rolled over so that his red hair grazed her stomach, tickling it. Before she knew it, he was gently kissing her bare stomach.

"Not just…any food…love… but…the best food…to have ever…been created." He said between kisses. He stopped his kisses and rested his head on her stomach. He closed his eyes as she played in his red locks, careful to not muss it up.

"Roy," Raven asked timidly. Speedy opened an eye to look at his goddess, wondering what was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Are you just being nice, or do you seriously mean this stuff?" She asked worriedly. He opened both eyes, looking at her questioningly.

"What 'stuff' hon?" He asked curiously. "The baby Roy!" She wailed pushing his head from her stomach and sitting upright on the bed, as tears welled up in her eyes. "We've only been dating one month. Most couples have just had their first kiss or told each other 'I love you.' But I'm already pregnant! This will completely change our lives Roy, and you know it. Are you just saying all of these amazingly sweet things because you feel responsible for this? Are you just saying all of this because you feel it's your duty to step up and be a father to this kid?" By this time, tears were running freely down her face. Speedy was scared, to say the least. His normally calm, stoic and monotonous girlfriend had just broken down sobbing. But he knew now was not the time to dwell on his fears, but to calm the girl down. He quickly embraced her in a tight hug, pulling her close. She sobbed into bare chest, softly pounding her fists against his abs. He pulled her into his lap, whispering sweet nothings into her ear to calm her, gently moving back and forth in a rocking motion. After nearly fifteen minutes of this, her sobbing turned into quiet cries. Speedy continued to gently rock her until tears only trickled down her face. He softly kissed the salty tears away. Raven looked at him with large, doe like eyes.

"Sweetheart, I meant every single word I've said. I love this baby so much already, and do you know why?" Raven shook her head. The archer smirked, and gently tapped her nose. "Because, my dear, it's apart of us. This little, innocent being growing inside you is ours. Something we can look back on in twenty years and say, 'Hey, at least we did something right as teenagers.' I know you may think this sounds crazy, but I love this child so much I'd kill for it. Even though I've only known about it for a couple of hours, I am prepared to commit murder for it. I am prepared to give up my life, just so that it may live. Hell, I'll even stop eating seafood for this kid. But honey, no matter what happens, I will always, and I mean always love Little Chris or Little Julia."

Raven chuckled as her eyes welled up again. "Little Chris or Little Julia?" She asked with a laugh. The archer shrugged, smiling.

"Hey its as good a time as any to start picking out names." Raven laughed, before breaking out into a new bout of tears. Speedy looked worried, but held on to his girlfriend tightly as she cried.

"You do care!" She wailed through her tears. Speedy chuckled nervously.

"Of course I care darling. But are you alright?" Raven nodded, wiping the last of her tears away.

"I'm fine," she said nodding her head. "It's just these damn hormones." Speedy nodded his head in understanding.

"Don't worry my dear," he said half-jokingly and half-seriously. "I'll love you no matter how crazy those damn hormones get." Raven smiled at her boyfriend, before pushing herself off his lap, and transforming her face into its normally stoic expression.

"Well," she said monotonously, placing her hand on her hips. "What are we doing here? Shouldn't we be telling the world that we've created the best thing since sushi and fish tacos?"



Hello fans, I just wanted to say a few things at the end if this story.

First of all, thank you to those of you who have read, reviewed and followed the story. And another thank you to those who added my story to your Favorites, or added me as a Favorite Author. Your support meant so much to me throughout the course of this story.

Secondly, thank you for being so patient with me throughout the story. At the beginning, I would religiously update the story. The last few chapters, however, have been updated months apart from each other. So thank for remaining interested in the story throughout my long periods of abandonment.

Thirdly, It's My Life and I'll Do What I Want With It is the most likely the first in a trilogy about Raven and Speedy. Please let me know via your reviews if you would like the story to be part of a trilogy. If the majority amount of answers is yes, the sequel should be posted by the end of this year, at the latest. I am aiming to have it posted and at least halfway completed before I return to school in late August for Eighth Grade. But, as we all know from my previous Authors Notes, I am constantly grounded, and left with no way to update, so I make no promises. But, I do promise the first chapter of the sequel will be up by the end of the year.