Disclaimer: Do I owe The Incredibles or Meet the Robinsons? That is an excellent question...

Prologue: And So it Ends

"In the late 80s, an Anti-Super bill was passed in Congress, making any super vigilante work illegal and ending what was once called the "Golden Age of Supers". Supers stepped down to hide in the framework of society, creating new lives, and hiding their old ones, hated and forgotten by the ones they had sworn to protect…

"It would take over a decade and one madman under the name of Syndrome to remind the world of the glory days and to bring supers back to the pedestal of society. Leading the forefront of the Rebirth of the Golden Age of Supers were the Incredibles, a super family of Golden Age supers Mr. Incredible and Mrs. Incredible – formally Elastigirl – and their children Invisagirl, the Dash, and later Morphius. The Incredibles led a new generation of heroes, fondly called the Capeless generation due to an inexplicable trend of not wearing capes. When asked about the lack of such a super hero iconic symbol the only reply was: 'She doesn't do capes anymore'.

"The Incrdibles, along with the National Supers Agency, or NSA, promoted the civil rights of supers across the nation. Though many criticized the government and their reliance on supers, some argued –

"Wilbur Robinson!"

The startled five year old fumbled with the remote to the television in a useless attempt to seem innocent despite being caught red handed. Though, in his defense, how was he expected to go asleep when the television network had decided to show an old documentary about Supers when it was pass his bed time? Young Wilbur Robinson thought of it as injustice and would have thoroughly declared it so if his young mind could come up with such a word as "injustice" and if his mother wasn't such a scary woman when angered.

"Wilbur Robinson," his mother repeated, hands on her hips as she stared down the young boy. "Why are you not in bed?"

Getting up quickly in all his space ship footie pajama glory the boy raised his hand, pointing a finger up as he had seen his father do once in a boring lecture he had been forced to sit through – his father's inventions themselves were amazing to the child, the actual science behind them not so much. "That," he said, "is a very egg-cellent question".

Holding back a laugh at her son's antics, Franny Robinson sighed before bending down to pick up her son.

"Ok space adventurer, time for bed."

"Ah, Mom! Do I have to?" Wilbur whined.

"Yes," his mother answered as she stepped into one of the transport tubes, landing in the boy's room filled with toys and child drawings of super heroes and space explorers. On the wall above where his bed was place, was a scribbled drawing with stick figure representations of each member of his family including himself in a cape.

"Ok," Franny said tucking Wilbur in to bed. "Night, night, good night, don't let the space bugs bite," she sang.

A drowsy Wilbur turned over onto his side, letting out a yawn. "Silly mom. Space bugs…only…bite girls…"

Mrs. Robinson smiled softly before planting a gentle kiss on her son's forehead, before slipping out of the room and letting him dream of heroes without capes, space bugs, and force fields…

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