A/N- Look, another update. Be careful now, you might scare it away. They are, after all, very rare and shify creatures... Let's poke it with a stick!

Looking back on the events that had led them up to their current situation, Wally couldn't really blame M'gann for wanting to kill them. After all, some places were just special to people. Superboy liked the garage, Aqualad spent his time at the pool, Artemis and Zantanna hung out in the library whenever they had the chance, and Robin was all but glued to the gym. It was no mystery where M'gann enjoyed spending her free time.

With all that considered, it was a miracle that the Martian hadn't hoisted them in the air by their ears for what they had done. He and Robin had known that a food fight would end in disaster, but planning ahead when it wasn't necessary had never really been their strong suit. They were teenagers, it was in their nature to act childish. They were still technically children, after all.

"I want this place spotless." M'gann ordered. Her normal cheery demeanor had been replaced when she first noticed the desecration of her kitchen. In it's place stood the cold ruthless side of her personality that they never had the privilege to get to know before. Wally missed his ignorance. He could have gone his whole life without meeting this particular side of M'gann, and have been way happier than he was now.

But he knew better than to point out M'gann's severe emotional change. So, he stood there in silence and watched as M'gann floated around the kitchen, pointing at different appliances as she went. By this point, Wally couldn't tell one lecture from another. One second she was complaining that there was some unknown green gel in her toaster, and the next, she was screaming about the mash potatoes that were spread clear across the counters, floor, ceiling, and only god knows what else. Out of the corner of his eye, he could tell Robin wasn't doing much better, but as always he stood up straight, taking his beating like a man. Wally envied him. Living with Batman for five years had built the Boy Wonder up enough stamina to deal with the furious girl in front of them. The only reason Robin wasn't showing the same terrified face as Wally was because he had mastered his poker face years before hand. The sneaky jerk.

"Start. Cleaning." M'gann growled, and the red head had to hold back the flinch that wanted to make itself known. The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up, and they didn't rest until the green-skinned girl had flown out of the kitchen.

"Well, that went well." Robin said behind him, and if Wally hadn't used all the jello within the first five minutes of their fight, he would have clobbered Dick over the head with it.

"Well? I'm scared for my life." He mumbled. Those were the exact moments why he wondered why he and Dick were friends. The twerp always got him in trouble. The food fight was Dick's idea in the first place, not that anyone would believe him if he let that little information slip if they were asked about it later.

"Considering she didn't look in the dishwasher, I'd say it went well." Dick said with a grin. The small smile looked creepy on the younger teen's face. Mostly because Dick was coated with flour from the waist up, but it was also the look of an evil master mind who was weighting for the hero to discover their evil plot. But despite the uneasy feeling he got, he couldn't help agree with him.

"Oh god, don't remind me. At least we caught one lucky break." He said with a touch of relief. One thing going right was better than everything going wrong, wasn't it?

"Way to-" Dick started, but was cut off a crashing noise from inside the dishwasher. "Jinx us."

"It could be-"

"I swear if you say that sentence I will peel the pizza of the fridge and slap you with it."

"Just grab a mop, Boy Blunder. We've got work to do."

Hours had gone by, and Wally had never cleaned so much in his life. Not to mention that he was working with the kid who spent his time with a butler. Butler's knew how to clean, and it looked like Alfred was more than happy to share his knowledge with Dick. Every time he tried to wipe down a counter, Dick would correct him, and he would have to start all over again.

Wally was about to kill him, or maybe spark another fight. However, this one would be with cleaning supplies. His first step would be to pop his friend with the closest towel he could find. Hopefully a wet one.

"You're doing that wrong." Dick supplied helpfully from the floor were he appeared to be scrubbing at some kind of stain with a brush. He wasn't even looking at what Wally was doing, so how could he have known?

"You have to scrub the stove in small circles not big ones. It brings out the polish better." He instructed, still not looking up from his work.

This was the wrong thing for him to say.

"If you think you can do it better, why don't you do it?" He yelled, and he dropped his rag on the stove. With a dramatic flare that would have made Superman jealous, he turned and tried to storm out of the kitchen.

He hadn't even taken three steps before he felt the ground move from underneath him, sending him onto the floor. The after effects of the ever so familiar falling sensation that he had become used danced around in his brain and stomach, and he couldn't seem to remember how he got there.

Even though he was Kid Flash and was used to taking wipe outs, did not mean his back wasn't hurting from the impact. Nor did it make him any more comfortable that the world was suddenly upside down.

He stunned for a moment before he finally noticed that someone was standing over him. Robin smiled down at him, still covered in faint traces of food, and holding his brush in his hand. The only thing keeping Dick standing was Wally's good nature, and that was almost all used up.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I waxed the floor."

Then, he didn't hesitate to knock Dick's feet out from under him.

A/N- Not the funniest, but that line at the bottom has become the biggest inside joke myself and a friend of mine. If one of us falls, the other gets to say that.

Review my friends and arch enemies.

I fixed it... (You know who you are.)