A Drop of Blood

Summary: Edward Cullen thinks he loves his girlfriend but when he gets dumped by Tanya, he decides to get her back by going out with nerd Isabella Swan.

Authors Note: Hey readers! I love this kind of plot so I thought I would try it out myself. Let me know how you like this chapter. I would love a lot of reviews. I hope 20 reviews won't be too much to ask for chapter 2.

I promise I'll try to update as fast as possible and I don't believe in chapters singularly for author notes so every update will be a chapter.




Edward (EPOV)

Once upon a time I loved Fridays. I mean it's the day before the weekend that everyone loves. I was one of those people until yesterday after school.

It was a typical Friday in the sleepy town of Forks, Washington. Nothing ever really happened in Forks. It's a small town with not a lot of people and like I said…sleepy. It's a pretty quiet town and the most eventful thing that might happen here is a car crash. Of course those are pretty scarce with our faithful police force and the scary chief of police. Chief Swan has been a thorn in my side since I got my license. I like to drive fast and the highest speed limit in Forks is 90 mph (on the highway). That is absolutely SLOW. So I've got a couple speeding tickets from the chief and he doesn't particularly like me. Okay…he hates me. I hate him. He specially changed his shift so that he would be on duty on the route I took to and from school when I took it. It was the highlight of his week if he caught me speeding even once. Plus he does alcohol checks on me at least five times a month. I swear that man has it out for me.

Today was one of those days that I was speeding. The speed limit was 70 mph and I was going 75 mph. Once again I saw the red and blue lights flashing in my rear view window. I groaned but pulled over. I was cursing under my breath when I heard a rap on my window. I pressed a button and it rolled down to reveal…not chief Swan!

"Mornin' son," the officer nodded.

"Morning officer," I replied. Mentally slapping my self. I had wanted to get to school early today but instead I was going to be late.

"Do you realize how fast you were going boy?" the officer asked.

"No sir," I lied smoothly. "I was in a hurry to get to school sir. My teacher wanted to see me before school but I was up all night studying for a test so I accidentally slept in. I really sorry sir."

More lies. I just wanted to get to school early to see my girlfriend. There was no test that I studied for 'all' night.

The officer studied my face, obviously trying to see if I was lying or not.

"What's your name son?" he asked finally.

"Edward Cullen."

"Dr. Cullen's son?"

"Yes sir."

The officer looked at me for another minute.

"I'm going to let you go today Edward but only because you're Dr. Cullen's son and I'm sure if takes a lot of hard work and dedication to follow in his footsteps. Sio I'm letting you off with a warning. If I catch you speeding again you will get a ticket. Understood?" he decided.

"Yes sir."

"Now tell your father Officer Mark says hello," he tells me.

I nod.

"Of course sir." Yeah right. There was no way in hell I was going to tell my father about what just happened. He would take away my precious Volvo. My baby.

"Now have a nice day Edward."

And I was off again, driving at an agonizingly slow speed of 70 mph.

I was almost late to school. I got to my locker just as the warning bell rang. I quickly entered my locker combo. Dammit! It didn't work. Wait. What was my combo? 26-45-11? No. 17-22-06? No. 21-01-19. YES!

Just as I opened my locker the bell rang.

"Fuck," I growled. I usually didn't care about being late but Mr. Mason was going to have my head if I was late again.

I grabbed my English binder but along with it came my schedule.











I crumpled it into a ball and threw it back into my locker. I grabbed my math and government binders, along with my sketch book. I quickly made my way to my English class. I walked in and everybody turned to stare.

"Well, well, well," Mr. Mason sneered. "Looks like Mr. Cullen decided to grace us with his presence today."

A few people laughed but I just rolled my eyes and headed to my seat.

"Since you were late Mr. Cullen, you can answer my question."

I sighed. Stupid Mr. Mason.

"At the end of Act 1 Scene 5, Juliet says, 'my only love sprung from my only hate, too early seen unknown and know too late'. What does she mean by that?" Mr. Mason asked snidely.

What a fucker. How that fuck was I supposed to know? I never read Romeo and Juliet.

I was about to tell him that but I saw the smirk on his face. Shit. I wouldn't let him get the satisfaction of beating me.

It should be easy right? What did my seventh grade teacher say? Oh yeah! Read the sentence over again and break it into parts. What the fuck? How the hell did I remember that shit?

My only love…meant the only man she loves or loved and will love…which one? Well Shakespeare wrote a lot about true love. Chicks back then believed in true love and soul mates and shit so it's probably the only man she will every love.

Sprung from...came from? I don't know. But it makes sense. The only man she will ever love came from….

My only hate…her enemy? Well her family and Romeo's family did hate each other (how do I know that?). I guess means her um… enemy?

So…the only man she will ever love came from her enemy…no. Wait! The only man she will ever love came from the enemy family of her family. That works.

Too early seen unknown…that's easy. Too early to see the unknown so she fell in love before she saw the unknown? No wait. She fell in love before she knew the unknown – before she knew the truth.

And know too late…she found out too late.

"We're waiting Mr. Cullen." The fucker smirked.

"Um…it means that the only man Juliet would ever love came from the enemy family of her family and she fell in love before she knew the truth. By the time she found out it was too late because she was already in love," I answered cockily.

The shock on the fucker's face brought out my smirk.

"Very well Mr. Cullen. I hadn't realized you'd already read Romeo and Juliet," he coughed and started his lecture.

I looked at him confused.

"Psst! Hey Cullen!"

I turned to see Mike Newton grinning.

"How'd you answer that? It was a trick question," he explained at the look on my face.

"I don't know man. Just popped into my head," I told him.

I hated Mike Newton but unfortunately he hung with my friends and me. The popular people.

I felt my phone vibrate and I saw I had a text from Tanya.

hey baby. where were u in morn?

Cop pulled me over. Speeding 2 c u.

Aww poor baby

"Cullen! Put you phone away and pay attention!" the fucker barked.

I sighed and put my phone away.

Today was going to be a long day.

By the time school ended I was exhausted but content. I got another A+ in math, finished a sketch in art, started a composition in music, and had a great lunch. Tanya and I got caught in the janitors closet by her ex.

"Hey baby. Can you come over?" Tanya purred after I kissed her goodbye in front of her car. "I need to tell you something."

"Right now?"

"Yeah." She gave me another kiss.

"Sure. I need to tell you something too."

I was grinning as I drove behind her to her house.

I loved my life. I was Edward Cullen. I was rich, captain of the soccer team, had the hottest girlfriend and I think I loved her. That was what I wanted to tell her today. That I love her.

Surprisingly, Tanya didn't go straight inside when we pulled up on her driveway. She waited as I came out of my car and kissed her against her car. We kissed long and hard. There was a desperate edge to our kiss. I didn't think much of it but kissed back harder.

"What did you want to tell me?" she panted, pulling away from the kiss to ask me.

"You first," I groaned as my cock strained against my jeans.

"This isn't working," she moaned.

"You wanna head inside?" I whispered. "We'll be more comfortable without clothes."

"Edward that's not – ," she whimpered. "You know what? Fuck it. Let's go. We can talk later."

We both ran inside and didn't even bother going upstairs. We went straight to the living room. Tanya's parents wouldn't be home for another hour so we have to whole house to our selves.

Tanya pushed me onto the sofa and unbuttoned my pants with her manicured fingers.

An hour later I was sitting on the sofa with Tanya. The same sofa that I just got an amazing blowjob and fuck on.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked with a grin.

Tanya had a really guilty expression on her face but I figured I was just reading her wrong.

"Edward. This-this isn't working," she said quietly. She was looking down at her lap.

"What isn't working?" I was confused.

"Us," she whispered. "I think we should break up. It's just not meant to be."

"What?" I shouted. I jumped up and looked down at her.

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true. There is no future for us." Tanya stood up too and placed her palm on my cheek. "Please Edward. Try to understand."

"Understand what? That we're not meant to be? That there's no future for us? How could you think that Tanya? We're it. We're the couple."

Tanya just shook her head.

"Why would you say such a thing?" I asked her quietly. I was still in shock. I couldn't understand how she could do this to us. "Why don't you believe in us?"

Tanya was quiet for a minute but then she looked into my eyes and said the cruel, harsh words that destroyed my life.

"I've met someone else."

We were both quiet while my mind processed what I just heard.

"Oh," I mumbled.

Tanya nodded.

"Edward. I'm sorry," she whispered. "I want to be with him but I don't want to cheat on you anymore."

"Anymore?" I narrowed my eyes at her slip up. "You've been cheating on me?"

"It was a spur of the moment thing. We couldn't help it. The passion was just building," she tried to explain but I cut her off with two words.

"How long?"

"Two weeks," she answered quietly.

I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on. Then I headed to the front door. Just as I was about to leave the front door opened. I was met with the surprised face of Mrs. Denali.

"Edward? Are you leaving?"

I nodded.

"What's wrong? You're deathly pale. Is everything alright?" Mrs. Denali was worried and I knew she was a phone call away from telling Esme.

I nodded again.

"Everything is just perfect." I spat the last word and left without a backwards glance.

In two minutes tops, Mrs. Denali had told Esme everything. Well as much as she knew. I had pulled off the highway and parked off the side. I couldn't drive anymore. My cell told me I had 5 missed calls and 3 text messages. I ignored them all. I didn't feel alright. I was going to tell Tanya that I loved her but then she dropped the bomb on me. She had been cheating on me for two weeks. Two weeks. I hadn't even been two days since I realized I loved her.

I didn't want to go home. Esme would insist on knowing what had happened. Alice and Emmett would bug me until I told them. I didn't want anyone to know though. Of course by Monday morning all of Forks would know. Tanya and I were the couple of Forks. Everyone knew about us.

There is no future for us.

"FUCK," I screamed. I didn't cry. My pain was too much for tears.

My phone beeped, signaling another text.

I sighed and started my car.

I hate Fridays.

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~ Shagun, Lovenyx125