Summary: After years of abuse from her parents, ten year old Alex Fletcher runs away from home. Where does she run to? To the forest that rests only a block away from her home. After hours of travel Alex finds what she thinks is a abandoned shack but she couldn't be more wrong. The very same shack is owned by one Fenrir Greyback. How will he act when he finds a child sleeping in his bed? No Marysue. Maybe slight OOC

Rated: M for gore, murder, sexual encounter involving rape, swearing other things

Place of time: Summer after Goblet of Fire

Pairing: No one yet. If so far into the future

Chapter 1

Little Alex Fletcher ran through the forest as fast as her little, ten year old legs could take her. Her parents had always told her horrible stories about the forest and why she should never enter it but she figured they were just scaring her to further the abuse. Alex thought that the forest would be the last place her parents would look for her so she had to be safer there than with them.

Ten year old Alex never understood why her parents hated her so much. When company came around she would be forced to stay in her room as her parents called her an embarrassment. It was a lot worse when she was alone. Both her mother and father would beat her in places it wouldn't be noticed by the public; mainly her stomach, back, legs and upper arms. She was given food only twice a week although she was allowed water very day; although she sometimes had to drink from the bathroom tap. To top it off her parents would tell her the most horrible stories a child could hear; stories that would make the boogie man cry out for his mommy.

Alex's parents had also sent her to an all girl's boarding school. Because of some much abuse done to her Alex had turned herself into a mute so making friends was near impossible for her. Because she refused to talk and kept to herself the student kind of thought that she was a freak while the teachers kept trying to get her to bond with others. After a while the teachers gave up and just let the girl do what made her happy. Alex wasn't the best student but that didn't mean she was the worst. She got all Cs so that made the teachers content enough.

The little girl also felt really lucky that her the skirt that went with the uniform went down to knees so no one had noticed the cuts or bruises that covered them. The last time someone saw her beating markings her parents got furious. She was forced to tell the person that she was clumsy and the pet cat scratched her. Once she was in the privacy of her own home her parents locked her in her room with no food or water for three days. They only let her out of the room for five minutes at a time to use the bathroom, where Alex would sneak some water when watching her hands.

The little girl couldn't handle any more abuse from her parents. So shortly after her parents left to visit their friends at two, Alex filled her small backpack with as much clothes and food as she could. She even managed stuffing in her stuffed bunny her new decreased grandmother bought her and a thin blanket.

Since the Fletcher house hold happened to be only a block away from the Wolf Thorn forest it was easy for Alex to get to it unseen. Not many other kids lived on her block and those that did were inside. As for adults, if they saw the young girl running towards the forest they would have though she was going to the small playground that was just outside the forest area. Besides, even if they did notice that Alex ran into the forest it wasn't like her parents were going to care; they hated her.

As she Alex ran, her long, tangled and dirty black hair flipped in all directions. Her light green eyes held a wild, fearful look to her. Knowing that she could get caught at any moment put a fear into Alex; the last thing she wanted was to be caught and taken home. Lastly, because of her thin form and boney, from lack of food, it made her run fast without getting tired too soon.

A couple of times Alex would trip over a stone or a twig. The worst the girl would get would be a scrapped knee or an arm yet she didn't let it slow her down. After all the beatings she got from her parents a scrapped elbow and knee was no more painful than a bug bite. Every time she Alex would fall she would just brush it away, get up and continue to run.

Alex had stopped running when she was twenty minutes into the forest. Not only was her legs starting to burn but Alex was now far enough into the forest that she didn't have to worry about being followed. Besides even she knew that many people didn't wander into the forest and it wasn't because of monsters. It was do to the wolves that lived in the forest and, even if Alex knew wolves were very dangerous animals, that didn't even make her hesitate. Instead she only grabbed some dried meat chucks to throw their way if a wolf came close to her.

The further Alex ventured into the forest the thicker the trees seemed to get, which made the forest darker in result. Even though she hadn't come across any animals, there was evidence that they had been in the area. There were paw prints in every direction, bushes and sticks that were trampled on and Alex even noticed some animal droppings; which she took note not to step in. The only animals Alex had seen so far were a few chipmunks and birds that chirped up in the trees.

The young child didn't know how long she had been walking and she frowned at herself for not bringing a watch. If she had to guess Alex would have thought it was around five or six, which meant she had been walking for three to four hours. The young girl was beginning to get tried but she didn't want to stop until she was sure she found a safe place to stay. She was currently looking at the thick trees and wondered if they would be strong enough to support her. Alex also thought about walking until she reached the other side of the forest, where she would find a road and where someone could help her. Although she had no idea how big the forest was and what was on the other side.

No mater how tired or how sore her legs began to get, little Alex Fletcher was not regretting her diction to leave. Anything was better than being back to with her parents, even if there was the risk of being mauled by a bear or a wolf. A bear or a wolf would more likely kill her in the end where her parents would not. They would keep beating her, keep denying her proper food, until she died from sickness.

'Come on, just a little further. There's a clearing up ahead; you can make it there.' Alex encouraged herself to keep going as a clearing came into view. Even when she was a lone the ten year old remained a mute.

Alex had turned mute shortly after she turned she turned eight years old. She was afraid that just the sound of her voice would get her parents angry as they looked for any excuse to beat her. While at school Alex would just keep quite in fear that the children would bully her and teachers would complain she was a whiner. After a year of being mute it had just become natural for Alex to keep quite even when she was all alone. The only sounds the young girl would utter would be sighs, hums, whimpers, yawns and screams every now and than.

Alex was surprised when she managed to make it to the clearing. Not only had she made her mental goal but there was also a small, old wooden cabin to the left of the clearing. Alex was a smart young girl and she knew she probably should have avoided the cabin. Who knew who could be living there, this far into the forest and so far from human life. Although the cabin would also be the safest warmest place for her to stay.

Alex walked up to the cabin quickly, eager to make it inside. Before she opened the door though, Alex knocked three times and waited a couple minutes for an answer. After waiting five more minutes without an answer the young girl turned the knob of the door and pushed door open. She then continued to stand outside for a moment as she gazed at the inside of the dark cabin. After a minute of hesitating, Alex walked slowly into the cabin, her eyes fixed on the surroundings.

The room that Alex had walked into seemed to be a kitchen/living room mix. On the left was the kitchen area which was complete with cabinets, a fridge and a table with a couple chairs. On the right was what looked like a living room. There was a couch that looked like it could only hold two people, a puffy arm chair, a small table beside the chair, and an unlit fire place. Alex noticed a short hallway in front of her with three doors. If Alex had to guess the doors lead to the bathroom, bedroom and probably a storage room. There was also few windows and the windows that Alex could see where covered, casting the cabin in darkness.

Alex walked the rest of the way in the house, closing the door to put her back in darkness. Now that she was fully in the cabin Alex noticed that the scent of wet dog lingered. She was sure that dogs, or more likely wolfs, had used this cabin as a home at some point of life. Yet the young girl was sure the cabin was abandoned by now. If the cabin had been being used Alex was sure that there wouldn't be so much dust very where. Even the wet dog smell was dulled enough to tell her no one had entered the house in months.

Feeling her stomach growl in an uncomfortable hungry Alex walked over to the dusty kitchen table where she placed her backpack. Sitting down on a dusty chair, Alex opened her the backpack and pulled the sandwich she had put on top. Finishing the sandwich quickly Alex got off of the chair to check if the fridge was working. In her panic to run away, the young child wasn't thinking straight and packed food that needed to be refrigerated. So if the fridge wasn't working Alex could possibly to starve in just a few days.

To her luck a rush of cold air met the ten year old's skin as she opened the refrigerator door. There was even a few things inside. The ten year old girl noticed a carton of milk, some meat, some bread that looked green with mold, butter and a block of cheese. Alex was sure that, if the bread was already moldy green, everything inside was bad and should be thrown out.

As Alex was unsure where she could dispose of the expired food, she unpacked her own food to the other side of the fridge. Hoping that her own food was now save from getting moldy, the young child closed the door and was greeted by the damp, cabin air once again. As it was starting to get late the cabin was beginning to get darker, colder and Alex was starting to get tried.

Leaving her backpack on the table, Alex walked over to the three small doors to find the bedroom. The first door Alex opened was a tiny room which held a broomstick, dust pan, one blanket and cobwebs. Clearly this room was the storage, not that it stored all that much. Alex closed that door and next opened the one on the right. This time Alex found herself staring into the bathroom. Through the darkness Alex could see a bathtub, a countered sink, a toilet and a dust covered mirror above the sink.

Alex stared at the darkened tub for a while and wondered if the water worked in this place. Although, no mater how much she hoped, Alex doubted that pluming worked this far out in the forest. Yet, if the pluming didn't work why would there be a toilet instead of an outhouse? Alex pulled that thought out of her head for now and left for the one room that she knew had to be the bedroom.

Alex released a soft sigh when she opened the last door to see a big king sized bed. The child didn't so much glance around the room to see what else room held as she made a bee line for the bed. Alex quickly flopped down on the bed, coughing as all the dust flew up at her contact. Moments later Alex was sighing at the softness of the bed but frown softly when she found the smell of dog stronger in here. The girl figured that this was the room the dog, or wolf as it would mostly be like, mostly stayed in. Why else would this room smell more like wet dog than the others?

Giving a tired sigh, Alex dropped that thought from her mind as she kicked off her shoes and crawled to the front of the bed. Despite all the dust the bed, pillows and blanket were as comfy as she could ever hope for. The blanket itself seemed to be made of different animal furs, mostly deer, skunk and woof if Alex had to guess. It didn't bother the girl one bit. In fact, once she was nestled down in the bed, she found herself drifting off into darkness faster than a blink of an eye.

~Time Skip~

Fenrir Greyback, the most savage werewolf in the world, made his way back to the cabin that he had abandoned a little over a month's time. He hadn't really expected to be away for so long but he also didn't really expect for the dark lord to come back to life. Besides going to death eater meetings Fenrir had also gone back to recruiting werewolves for his pack. He had been incredibly busy day in and day out so he was looking forward for some relaxing time before he went back to his pack.

The moment the werewolf opened the door to his cabin he knew something was off. He didn't even had to look at the backpack that still sat on his kitchen table to know that someone was in his cabin. No, all Fenrir had to do was sniff the air and he could smell the human. As he caught the scent a slow, evil smile spread across his evil face. The scent belonged to a female child and if there was one thing he loved it was the flesh of a girl.

"Well, well, well. It seems to be my lucky night. I usually don't have my food delivered." Fenrir chuckled darkly as he shut the front door behind him. Kicking off his uncomfortable shoes, the werewolf made his way to the bedroom, preparing to have his welcome home dinner.

So how did you like chapter one of my story? I want to mention that when I was thinking of Fletcher I was actually thinking about Phineas and Ferb, not Mundungus Fletcher. So I am unsure if I will make Alex related to him or not. If I do I will say this now; he is not her father; instead of beating her he'd try to sell her.

Now I want people to review... please? I want to know how I did on my first Harry Potter story :) I don't really like how it ended though. I actually wanted to write more but then it would be too long. out of all my accounts my longest chapter is over 12,000 words long but that is only because I had a lot of details (it was a Naruto/Akatsuki story)

Also I made up the name Wolf Thorn Forest. If it happens to be real, well that's new to me. Oh and about the Fletcher think I am unsure if I am going to make her related to that thief; no he is not her father

If you happen to be Naruto or Vampire Knight fans I have other accounts. This account was actually supposed to be a backup for when I got my email hacked but I got the email back in 5 days so new stories come here. Naruto stories are in I love creepy things. My naruto stories are all about the Akatsuki being scent to the real world. AidoRockz is my Vampire Knight account. I got different things there but mostly OC/VK character stories