A/N: Hi! I am so sorry I took so long to update! Life has been just a little crazy lately. But I promise you I am not dead, nor have I given up on this story! I hope you enjoy, and don't hate me fore taking forever. Also, a big thanks to everyone who has reviewed and a big, big thanks to my friend and Beta, Valkyrie-Pleasant! Cheers!

When Moira and I arrived back at the facility a few hours had passed but it was still bright and sunny outside despite the chilly air. As the sleek black car pulled up in front of the building's entrance a few men appeared from the doors and walked in the direction of the now stopped vehicle. Opening the door, I swung my legs out and firmly planted my Mary Jane heels on the concrete, steadying myself as I exited the car. The men came to the car and promptly retrieved the baggage Moira and I had brought back with us as Mr. Garber watched/supervised.

"Oh, good you're back," Garber explained as I was busy straightening out my brown, tweed coat, "These fellas are just going to place your things in your rooms, because I need the two of you elsewhere at the moment." He turned to look to me, "Mia, if you go straight down this hallway you'll come to a door that leads out back. Hank is waiting to take you and the other mutants to a sort of transmitter he's been working on."

I simply nodded and headed down the corridor as I saw Moira trailing behind Garber, going in a different direction than me. The temperature inside the building was considerably more comfortably warm than the brisk air outside and so as I was walking I undid the buttons of my coat, though keeping it on, but opening it just enough to reveal the structured, raspberry-coloured dress I was wearing underneath. Sure enough, as I continued my journey down the hall Charles, Raven and Erik came into view.

Charles was the first to speak, "Wonderful, you're here! Hank is already in the installation and is expecting us. Shall we?"

I agreed politely and began following Charles towards the exit. Standing off to the side was Erik, effortlessly opening the metal door and holding it for us to walk through. So he does have manners, I mused, incidentally catching his eye before I left the building. His face was expressionless, but I noticed a sparkle of mischief in his icy eyes, though I had no idea why.

As I turned my attention back outside to our destination, I saw for the first time the large structure in the middle of the yard. It looked like a giant golf ball held up by some sturdy metal posts. With my curiosity now piqued I quickened my step to keep up with rest. When we got to the bottom of the structure I could see a metallic spiral staircase which I assumed led to the entrance. Charles, naturally, was the first to venture up the stairs with Raven chasing eagerly behind. I, on the other hand, was having some minor difficulty getting up the stairs, seeing as the steps were merely steel grating and I was wearing stilettos. As I tried balancing and manoeuvring up the steps so as to not let my heel fall through the holes I heard a low, deep chuckle behind me. I instantly recognized the masculine voice, but still whipped my head around to face him and directed a dangerous glare at him. For the second time in the last few minutes, our eyes locked and once again he looked more amused than anything. Not really wanting to get in some kind of argument, I simply mumbled a 'shut up' and hurried as best I could up the stairs.

By the time I reached the top, Charles had already figured out how to open the latch that led into the actual installation and Hank was indeed waiting for us inside. "I, uh, call it Cerebro," came Hank's voice.

Charles gave an astonished laugh, "Isn't that Spanish for 'brain?'"

"Yes," Hank confirmed as we gathered around the odd looking device in the middle, "Okay, so the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof and, when he picks up a mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay. And then the coordinates of their location are printed out here." He walked over to an electronic graph-like thing.

Of course, Raven was right beside him, looking awe-struck, "You designed this?"

By this time I had kind of lost focus of what Hank was saying and was more attentive to the actual device. It almost looked like something you would see out of a sci-fi horror film. All sorts of neon coloured tubes were connected to a plastic helmet type thing. Charles also seemed more interested in the machinery and didn't wait for Hank's instructions as he climbed into the chair below it and placed the device over his head.

Now it was Erik who joined us, "What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles."

Charles didn't seem as humoured by the remark, "Don't spoil this for me, Erik."

"I've been a lab rat, I know one when I see one," Erik continued to point out, making me raise my eyebrow in suspicion. I had never actually gone inside his mind and picked through his memories so I really had no idea what he was referring to. I wanted to find out though, but the human way, if that ever even be possible.

"Ok, right," Hank interjected as he hooked Charles up to the device properly, "Are you sure we can't shave your hair?"

"Don't touch my hair," was Charles firm reply. I had to stifle a laugh; Men are more protective of their hair than women…

Once Hank had Charles situated, he went over to some of the computer equipment and flipped some switches, turned some dials. By now, we had all crowded around Charles and the machine on his head. The lights in the room dimmed and the neon blue got brighter. I could read the discomfort on the professor's features as the transmitter warmed up. I started feeling anxious, waiting for something to happen. Then suddenly, the centre of the room became bright and Charles yelped, bracing himself on the hand rail. His breathing became hoarse and heavy, making all of us concerned that it may somehow be hurting him. All of us except Hank that was; he was hunched over the computer.

After a moment Charles started looking less uncomfortable and more amazed. I gave a small sigh of relief just as Hank looked up excitedly from the machines, "It's working!"

Intrigued, I stepped towards the printer that was typing down geographical coordinates, staring at it in awe. Within no time, there was a long list of other mutants, most of which looked nearby. I could feel a presence to my right and glanced over to see Erik, somewhat to my surprise.

"Amazing isn't it?" I observed in a lowered voice. I really didn't expect an answer, but again I was taken aback.

"All these years I thought I was the only one," Erik admitted quietly and what he said made think. He always came off so guarded, so calloused. I knew from personal experience that when someone put a wall up, it was because they were doing their best to defend a vulnerable and wounded inside. I doubted Erik would ever show me, or anyone for that matter, that side of him. And I wasn't the type of person that liked using telepathy to figure out what makes people tick. I maybe have mutant abilities, but I am still human. I think…

"Mutants have been around for longer than you think," I told him, though the words were barely loud enough to hear. I could tell, by the way he turned his head to look at me directly with an inquisitive expression, that he had heard what I said. I met his gaze briefly before turning away, worried I already revealed too much. Like I said, I'm like the patron saint of keeping private. Telling him about my past and family history would only complicate things right now.

Luckily for me, Charles interrupted before Erik could drill me with questions or make some sarcastic remark. I was too preoccupied to notice that Charles had stepped out of 'Cerebro' and was almost hovering over Erik and me. "Erik, why don't you and I go to one or two of these locations tonight? Look," he suggested, pointing to one of the localities on the white piece of paper, "This one is right in DC."

I squinted to get a closer look at the location, the address not familiar at all. For some reason I wanted to be a part of the recruitment process. Maybe it was because I knew there indeed was strength in numbers; the more mutants to stop Shaw, the better. Or perhaps it was so I wouldn't have to stay here with Hank and Raven. I cringed at the thought. Hank was lovely, but Raven… She was a nice girl, I suppose. She just got on my nerves. Also I think part of me was hoping that Charles would have some extra insight on my abilities; after all he was a professor that specialized in genetic mutation. And Erik? Well. He certainly wasn't the reason I wanted to go…

Before Erik and Charles could leave, I decided I should pipe up after all, "Hey, Charles?"

He stopped and looked at me amicably, "Yes, Mia."

"Can I, um, come with you guys?" I was somewhat nervous to ask, I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. Charles seemed surprised by the request and, out of the corner of my eye; I could see Erik also looking at me now with nothing more than a blank expression. Feeling like I should explain myself before the men dismissed the idea, I continued, "I mean, I think I might be able to help to some extent at least. Besides, I'm CIA and a mutant. I'm sure that will put Garber's mind more at ease."

I could tell when I said that last sentence that Charles was now more open to the idea. Erik, on the other hand, was not as he jumped in before Professor Xavier could. "Garber knows we don't want suits involved. You would only complicate things."

Though unexpectedly stung by his last words, I raised my eyebrow playfully, "I think I am more than just a suit." My rebuttal earned only a snort from the German.

"Mia, why don't you come with us tomorrow? Erik and I will go to a couple of these locations ourselves to get the feel of it first," Charles kindly offered the compromise. I merely gave a simple agreeing answer, though I could swear I saw Erik roll his eyes when I did. "In the meantime, why don't you give Cerebro a shot?" Charles suggested.

"No!" I blurted out without thinking of the suspicious way that would come across. I swallowed, trying to calm my voice, "I mean, no thanks." I mentally slapped myself for sounding so ridiculous.

Charles gave me a confused look, "You'll have telepathic powers for a while when I leave, right? You could help find mutants here. The machine isn't as frightening as it looks."

I'm not worried about the machine or finding mutants, I'm worried about who might find me, I wanted to tell him. But that would really only compromise the defensive wall I've built over the years protecting my past and vulnerabilities. "I'm nowhere near as practiced as you and besides, I think Garber wanted to see me after I saw Hank's installation." I replied quickly. It wasn't the best excuse I had ever created but it would have to do. I had suspected that Charles would ask me about my telepathy but I thought I had more time to think of a convincing lie. Oh well... If I couldn't find a long term solution to avoiding the installation now, a short term one would have to do. "Maybe I could try it another day?" I added, trying to sound complying whilst also trying to not commit to anything.

Charles frowned, as I was sure he could tell that there was more to my excuse than I was willing to let on. But instead of fighting it he nodded and he and Erik opened the latch to the exit. Raven and Hank soon followed, leaving me to rush after them before I was locked in with that now daunting transmitting device. I sighed as I wandered behind the rest, rubbing my temples gently with my fingers. What on earth have I got myself into….