"G'night guys. See you tomorrow," Reid called.

"Wait!" Prentiss shouted. "Uhh… can you just wait a minute? I want to ask you something."

She casually walked toward Reid. She didn't want to come off too strong, but she usually did. She had that kind of a personality. She noticed her palms were clammy. Damn, she thought. Not now, not now.

"Yeah? What's up?"

Prentiss knew that no matter how she said it, it was going to come across as awkward. Or snobby. She should just ask. "So… you know how my mom is an ambassador and all?" Reid nodded, but looked a little confused. Jeez, she thought. That was not how to start this conversation. "Well, she's kind of involved in D.C. society life. You know, rich people, fancy dinners, that sort of thing." Reid looked genuinely put-off. Damn it, she thought as she mentally kicked herself. "I mean, I'm not really a part of that. But there's this event, party, no, it's a gala, actually, that's being thrown in my mom's honor. Through Georgetown. Because, you know, she went there, and she's a serious benefactor, and all that."

Reid still looked puzzled. Damn it, Emily! She thought. Why aren't you any good at this? "Anyway, I have to go. And while high society black tie events aren't exactly my thing, it shouldn't be too bad. And since it is this fancy thing, I'm expected to bring an escort. So…"

Reid was still puzzled. Jeez, kid! Can't you take a hint? she thought, very frustrated. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to be my escort for the evening."

Reid didn't respond. "It's totally casual for us, though. I mean, I just need someone to go with. And to talk with when I don't feel like talking to my mother's snobby friends, you know?"

"I'm… uhhh… flattered, Prentiss, that you would ask me. But, I mean, I'm not really the 'high society' type."

"Well neither am I! That's why I think we might have a good time. Morgan's always joking about how you never get out, right? Well, now you'll have something to tell him about. But, I mean, if you don't want to go, it's no big deal."

"You need an escort, right?"

"Yeah. Well, technically I don't have to go with an escort. But it's 'highly frowned upon,'" Prentiss said in her best imitation-royalty voice. Reid laughed a little. She smiled. She thought his laugh was so becoming, so sweet, so sexy…

"Oh, all right, Prentiss. I'll go with you."

"Great! I have an invitation for you here. It has the dress code and stuff. You don't have to worry about the tickets or anything because you're going with the daughter of the honoree. My mom's arranged for a limo to bring me, so I'll pick you up around 8 on Saturday?"

"Sure. Sounds good."

"Great," Prentiss sighed. "Great. See you tomorrow." He waved and walked out of the room. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that she got him to come. She couldn't wait until Saturday night.