Okay so on one of my many social sites (tumblr), one of my awesome followers/person I follow made a Sterek Playlist. So two separate play lists, one labeled The Jeep and the other labeled The Camaro. The playlist you guys, it's all sorts of awesome, and genius work. So basically the gist of the play list is basically the songs in the Jeep are songs about/for stiles and the songs that are in the Camaro are about/for Derek. So I immediately DL the playlist and as I was listening to these songs, an idea came and I had to roll with it. The idea deals with one of my own (Derek Laws) and touches base and uses the play list that the awesome person made. So before you guys get to reading credit for the playlist goes to: Emilee/derekstilinki. Disclaimer: I don't own Derek, Stiles nor do I own Teen Wolf. And you already know I don't own the playlist. I do though own the Derek Laws, least I'm sure I do.
You know how there's this thing called guy code, or man code whatever you call it. Yeah well Derek necessarily didn't know what guy code was. I mean he should considering its universal and all guys should know what it is, but Derek wasn't just any guy. Derek was a werewolf and instead lived by werelaws and Derek Laws. Stiles wasn't allowed to know the werelaws because he isn't a werewolf but he sure as hell knows Derek Laws, considering he was the reason they were made.
Stiles sat in the passenger seat of the Camaro as Derek drove them to the Argent's. As usual it was silent; Derek never played music when Stiles was in the car. It irritated Stiles because he was used to music blaring through the speakers. One time, Stiles tried putting in a CD that was labeled "The Camaro" but Derek stopped him with his ever famous threat of ripping his throat out with his teeth.
Stiles just threw him a look knowing full well that Derek wouldn't do that to him. To which Derek said "Stiles, I fucking mean it, in fact, I don't want you going anywhere near that CD or I will leave a mark that will be very unexplainable to your dad." And Stiles didn't argue because that was Derek Law number one, when Derek says something he means it.
So Stiles settled with tapping his foot and slapping his hands against his leg to a made up beat. Derek growled when Stiles began to hit the dashboard, the window and the chair. It was only a ten minute car ride yet the teen had trouble keeping still. Derek simply reached over and grabbed Stiles' left hand lacing their fingers together. Stiles immediately relaxed and let out a content smile as he leaned back in his seat. "You're not going to take too long are you?" Stiles asked.
"It depends on what Chris wants to talk about," Derek answered.
"But as soon as you're done we can go back to my place right?"
"Yes, I promise."
"Ok, good."
Several seconds later they pulled into the Argent's drive way. Stiles went to undo his seat belt but Derek stopped him. "You are to stay here," the lycan said.
"But Der-"
"No buts Stiles, stay here, this is strictly a Hale Pack and Argent meeting."
Stiles crossed his arms and pouted. "What am I supposed to do."
"Find a way to entertain yourself, you're good at that."
Stiles continued to pout.
"Stiles," Derek said gently, "When we're done, I promise you, I'm all yours for the rest of the night."
Stiles grinned liking the sound of the promise because the promise was Derek Law number one. Derek rolled his eyes but smiled down at his mate. He gave him a quick kiss and exited the car and disappearing into the Argent house hold. Stiles leaned back in his head; he played several levels of angry birds on his phone before his boredom took over. Derek had only been gone for ten minutes. Ten minutes and the teen was losing his mind.
Stiles looked around the interior of the Camaro and grinned when his eyes fell to the ignition. Derek had left the keys. He looked around as if he was being watched and turned the key forward a bit. He winced at the slight noise it made, he stopped and looked around, nope, no one was watching. He shut his eyes and held his breathe as his finger pressed the power button to the stereo. He slowly cracked them open as the stereo glowed back at him and the words "No CD" flashed in neon green.
The brunette bounced in his seat, to put in the CD or to not. If he did, Derek would most definitely follow through with his threat. That would be so much fun to explain to his dad, was that a risk he was willing to take. Stiles shrugged, why not, his mate was a werewolf and that was a risk already. It was even more of a risk considering that Derek was an alpha. So in reality, Stiles life was full of risks and chances and near death experiences. Playing a simple CD and getting a mark should be a walk in the park.
So Stiles popped in the CD that had the words "The Camaro" written on it. He turned the volume so it was high enough to be heard but low enough in hopes that Derek wouldn't be able to hear it inside the house. He leaned back and already he loved the first song. Why in the world was Derek making a big deal about this song? Say When by the Fray was currently playing through the speakers. Curious Stiles leaned over and pressed the forward button. He wanted to know why Derek was hell bent and making a big deal about a simple disk.
Start a Fire by Ryan Star.
Next song.
No one but you by Every Avenue.
Stiles smirked as he listened to the first few lines of the song. Then he leaned forward and pressed the forward button. Next Song.
Howlin' for You by the Black Keys
Stiles laughed at this one. Okay Stiles was beginning to understand why Derek didn't want him near this CD. He listened to Howlin for you, for a few more seconds when something in his gut told him to skip to the last song. The teen leaned forward again, he pressed the skip button till he got to the last song. He then leaned back as Edge of Desire by John Mayer played through the speakers.
Ah, this is why Derek didn't want him to play the CD; the man had a John Mayer song on it. Stiles closed his eyes and sang along, getting lost in the song.
Young and full of running
Tell me where has that taken me
Just a great figure eight or a tiny infinityLove is really nothing
But a dream that keeps waking me,
For all of my trying
We still end up dying, how can it beDon't say a word just come over and lie here with me,
'Cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see,
The teen didn't know when Derek got back or how he didn't notice the car door opening and slamming shut but he sure as hell noticed when he was pulled forward from his seat and was looking into a pair of red eyes. "Stiles, what part of do not go near my CD do you not understand."
Stiles gulped. "All of it."
Derek's eyes flashed back to its greenish grey. "You do realize what's going to happen next right."
Stiles nodded. "Yeah, Derek law number one," he muttered.
Derek nodded. "And Stiles, what's Derek law number one."
"When Derek says something, he means it."
Derek let go of Stiles shirt and gently shoved the teen back in his seat. Stiles knew that it was going happen but he was still shaking in anticipation. Derek started the car and the song still continued to play through the speakers. Stiles leaned over to stop it but Derek growled out, "Nope, you're going to let it play, it doesn't matter anymore since you already know what's on the CD."
Derek sped off of the driveway and drove a few miles before parking the car at on the side of the rode. Putting his car in park, he turned his keys, shutting off the engine but kept the music playing. "Back of the car now," the lycan ordered.
Stiles nodded and scrambled to the back and Derek was behind Stiles in seconds, pinning the boy down, his body draped over him. The werewolf leaned in, lips ghosting over Stiles ear as he sang along with the song "I'm just about to set fire to everything I see, I want you bad, I'll go back on the things I believe."
"Just do it already!" Stiles moaned out.
Derek grinned and pulled Stiles into a rough kiss, his right hand fisting his mate's shirt and the other pinning him down. Stiles trashed about trying anything to touch Derek back, "Der, not fair," he gasped.
Derek laughed trailing a kiss down the teen's jaw. "Sty what's section A, of Derek law one."
Stiles squirmed when Derek neared his neck. "There's no…oh shit…" the teen gasped when Derek gently bit down.
"Hmmm no, try again," Derek murmured.
Stiles squirmed even more when Derek's right hand loosed its grip on shirt and began to trail down and under. Stiles gaped out as he felt nails raking down his side. "Fair is tossed out the window!" Stiles yelled out when he felt Derek's teeth graze against his collar bone.
"Hate you so much right now," Stiles managed out.
Derek simply murmured "no you don't" before tugging Stiles' skin between his teeth, sucking and letting go. Stiles let out a moan and a gasp as Derek's tongue ran over the spot. Derek bit down again on the same spot and Stiles lost it, "Derek for the love of God let me move!"
"Say please," the lycan growled out, tongue running over the mark.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Stiles glared.
Derek grounded his hips into Stiles eliciting a loud moan from the teen as he still continued to bite and nip at his mate's neck. "Der please," Stiles whined.
Derek loosed his grip and shifted his weight allowing Stiles to move. Stiles' hands immediately grabbed Derek's shirt fisting it in his hands and pulling the werewolf into a heated kiss. Derek growled deep in his throat as Stiles fought for dominance. The teen lifted his hips to create some friction causing Derek to let out a moan. "Fuck," Derek gasped.
Derek tore his lips away from Stiles and grinded his hips to meet his mates. He moved his mouth back down to Stiles' neck to continue what he started. The teen craned his neck a little giving Derek easy access as the two continued to grind against each other.
That's when Derek could feel it, Stiles was close, and his heart rate picked up. The song continued to play in the background. Derek moved up, lips lightly touching Stiles' ear he sang "I want you so bad, I'll go back on the things I believe."
Stiles lost it; he came in his pants with a cry. Derek groaned, he thrusted his hips one last time and came with a rough growl landing gently on top of the teen. Once Stiles regained his breathing he leaned up and kissed Derek on the forehead. "Damn do I love that song," the teen said.
Derek laughed. "So do I Stiles."
"Mmm and I love Derek Law one.
Derek chuckled. "Mmm you know which Derek Law I love."
"Which one?"
Derek lifted his head, eyes connecting with Stiles. "Number twelve."
Stiles grinned. "I made that one!"
Derek laughed. "Sty, don't you mean you were the reason it was made."
"Same thing, I was the reason it was made ergo I made that one."
Derek placed a gentle kiss on the teen's lips. "I love you Sty."
"I love you too Der."
Review? Please? From the awesome play list. Thanks again
Songs that helped me write this story (Genius songs! Sadly I don't own them):
Start a Fire by Ryan Star.
No one but you by Every Avenue.
Howlin' for You by the Black Keys
Edge of Desire by John Mayer
Say When by The Fray