A/N: Thanks to Zoey The Wolf for being my awesome beta! I hope you enjoy this, it is my first story ever, so please, please review! Now please read on!

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers


"We finally have a sparkling!" Lightning said as he looked down at his sparkmate, LunaBeam.

"I can't wait to see him!" she nearly screamed with excitement,"He is going to look wonderful standing in front of his... OH MY PRIMUS, what is that?" She screamed looking at the sparklings.

The nurse had just walked in with the two twin sparklings. "Well... the spark you two had created was actully two right next two each other. So instead of one sparkling, you get two! Isn't it wonderful?" The nurse stated with a a smile on her face.

"No, it isn't! We can't care for two! What are we going to do?" LunaBeam asked her mate in worry, her optics looking at him.

"Easy." he cooed." We'll just get rid of her. Drop her off on a street corner, some bot will pick her up and take care of her."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave any sparkling alone in the streets," LunaBeam stated, biting one of her lip plates in a worried way.

"I'm almost positive, that the first bot that lays their optics on her will pick her up," Lightning said with a sympathetic grin on his face.

They didn't know that at the moment their sparklings had been born, the Lord Megatron had ordered all sparklings and femmes to be killed on sight. So they left the little femme on a corner of a usually crowed street and left for their own home. As soon as they left Starscream found the little sparkling.

"Lord Megatron has ordered your kind to be offlined, so I'll make your death swift little one," Starscream said with a snarl on his face. He shot her without mercy, but little did he know that he had missed her spark chamber, so there she sat. Pain rolling through her little protoform, like uncontrollable energon waves, on the south side of Cybertron.

A/N: Hoped you liked it! Anyway, please review, because this is my first story and I want to know what you think, but please no flames. Updates right now will be kinda random because of school sarting, I will try to get them on a schedule sometime soon, but for they will be fairly random. Anyway, thank for reading, and again I hope you enjoeyed it!
