Scream: Killers' Reunion

Chapter One: Rebirth

Author's note: I do have a plan for where I'm going with this. If you'd bear with me, I think you'll find it a very pleasant surprise. Also, I'm aware that Mrs. Loomis' first name is never out and out revealed, but in Scream 2, Mickey calls her Deb, so I make the reasonable assumption that her full name is Debbie Loomis. If it bugs you, sorry.

Seven people sat in a circle, facing each other.

"The world thinks we're dead," spoke one. He was a tall, handsome young man, with short, somewhat spiky hair. Mickey Altieri.

"Well, I guess we're just going to have to show them otherwise, won't we?" said a younger man, with long hair and a very mellow expression. Charlie Walker.

Another one laughed, briefly but joyously. "It's gonna be such a fuckin' blast! Second time around's going to be one hell of a party!" He had short hair, and was about the same age as Charlie. Stu Macher.

"Let's make a statement, together, and tell those mean-spirited, ignorant people that we won't be going anywhere for a long time," another said. This one was a middle-aged woman, with somewhat short hair. Debbie Loomis.

"On the way, let's make a quick pit stop, and do away with my pain in the ass half-sister," said a man in glasses. Roman Bridger.

"She may have gotten to be the last woman standing before, but this time, we will get the glory," said a short, lovely girl with long dark brown hair. Jill Roberts.

A young man with medium length brown hair nodded. "Yeah, this is sounding good. I can't wait." Billy Loomis.

Each of them produced a very familiar costume and knife.

Not so far away, Sidney Prescott was having a lot of trouble sleeping. Something just felt… wrong. She couldn't think of what, so she attributed it to the stress of her latest escapade, of finding out that her cousin had been so jealous of what Sidney had gone through that she had recruited an accomplice, like Billy and Debbie before her had done, and done all that she could to usurp Sidney's 'place' as the survivor of several attacks by vicious killers. It had been going on since high school, and while Sidney had been afraid each time, she was also, in a way, sick of it. Sick of always being a target, of everyone around her dying or being terribly hurt.

Still, shit happened to everyone, and Sidney tried not to dwell on the frequent attempts on her life. Even her book was more an effort to get past those events and clear the air than to, as many of her critics had claimed, cash in on the gore that had defined her life to others. She had once resented Cotton Weary for doing almost the same thing, but now, too late to make amends with him, she understood where he had been coming from. This was therapeutic, in a way.

The home phone rang.

At this hour? Sidney thought, partly annoyed. She still answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello, Sidney." That voice, again. She had lived with that voice so long, she couldn't even really remember life without it. "Remember me?" Absentmindedly, Sidney leaned over the check the caller ID. She had spoken to all seven Ghostfaces, but had gotten a thousandfold more calls from insensitive prankers.

The called ID said GHOSTFACE, and gave the number as W-ill-kil-lyou. Now, that was some trick.

"Fuck off," Sidney said, disgusted rather than impressed, and hung up. The phone promptly rang again. She hung it up again. It kept ringing, so she unplugged the line. And still it kept ringing.

Am I dreaming? Sidney wondered. Slowly, she picked up the phone.

"That's better," the voice of Ghostface said, chuckling. "But you're in for more of a surprise than this, Sid. Because you do know me, better than you thought. It's me," Ghostface continued, "Billy." Billy Loomis finished.

"Billy?" Sidney asked, now very sure she was dreaming. But if she was dreaming, how was the voice exactly like she remembered Billy's to be? "No, you're not. You've been dead for years. I visit your grave sometimes."

"I'm flattered," Billy replied. "Tell you what, Sid. Visit my grave again, and see for yourself. And see Stu's. And my mother's. And Mickey's. And Roman's. And Jill's. And Charlie's. We've come back for you, Sid, and we won't be going anywhere for a long time. But you'll see, real soon, even if you don't go to our graves. Soon, everyone will see." The other end hung up. Sidney was no longer sure that she was dreaming this. It would hardly be her first nightmare about Ghostface, or the killers that had been behind the mask. The worst ones were about Billy, Jill, Roman, and Mickey. But this felt so real, despite the impossible things happening.

She pinched herself, and didn't wake up. Splashed her face in cold water, and didn't wake up. Slammed her head into a wall, and it hurt. She still didn't wake up. Sidney knew then that she would have to take a drive. She was closest to the graves of Mickey Altieri and Debbie Loomis.

Sidney hit the road, her mind racing. She had thought to call the police first, but she had to see, had to know. If the graves of Mickey and Debbie had been disturbed, she would call the police then, tell them everything, and then check herself on the grave of Roman, then Stu, Billy, Jill, and Charlie. She had to see it with her own eyes.

In an hour and a half, she was at the Serene Memories Cemetery. She drove in, and straight to their graves. She occasionally visited these as well, and knew where they were. She could see even before leaving the car that something was wrong with both graves. She got out, and checked. The graves had been dug up. The coffins were open. And empty. The bodies of Mickey Altieri and Debbie Loomis were nowhere to be seen.

Sidney called the police.