Hey hey hey! It's me, the one and only Dark Gothic Lolita!

(Ugh. And me, Leonessa del buio. Why am I even here?)

Aww don't be like that! Come on, be happy

(I am happy. I just don't show it)

Really? I thought you were mad. Oh well

(Just shut up and introduce the damn story already!)

Oh yeah, that's right! Well, I saw that there was only one Haru and Giotto fanfic, so I decided to make one. I'm a sucker for crack fanfics, if you haven't noticed. Well yeah so if the summary was gad, sorry! Just read on!

(She doesn't own KHR)

And neither does she! Sorry for my grammer and spelling mistakes!

All through the years

Chapter one

Haru was walking through the Vongola base. She sighed. She had still been trying to get Tsuna's attention even after ten years. He had seemed to have drifted away from his crush, Kyoko but seemed to be looking for no one in particular. When she asked him if he planned on getting married soon, he had simply laughed.

"Not yet. I don't want to put my wife and children in danger, so I'll stay single for a while." Haru really wanted to say that she wouldn't mind if she was in danger, because she can fend for herself. Luckily she had kept her mouth shut. She then remembered the look Tsuna had given her. It was as if he wanted her to say something to it, but she paid no attention to it.

Haru then kept on wondering if he was gay. She shook the thought away. "No, if he was, I would know. I won't be mad, just upset if he really was. Gah! Listen to yourself Haru!" As she walked into the kitchen, she saw Bianchi, Kyoko, Chrome and I-pin all in the kitchen making breakfast. Well, Bianchi was sipping some coffee. They all looked up to her. Kyoko smiled. "Good morning Haru! Did you sleep well?" Haru nodded. "I slept well thanks. How about all of you?" They all murmured their replies and continued with what they were doing.

When they finished, all of the guys came walking in with bed hair. Sure they could get chiefs to do the cooking, but they loved the girls cooking best. Lambo took his place next to I-pin who blushed slightly and Mukuro sat down next to Chrome. Yamamoto sat down next to his fiancé which was Kyoko and Gokudera sat as far as possible from his sister. She laughed and Fuuta took the seat next to her. All of the others just scattered around the place.

Haru couldn't help but sneak glances at Tsuna. "He's still the same as before. Cute and caring. Just like how the sky really should be." Haru sat back and let the scene before her just pass her by. By the time she had finished, she saw that everyone had gone except for the girls who were washing the plates and Tsuna who was staring at some paper work he had been given. Reborn then came sauntering in still all happy about being back in his adult form.

"Tutti uscire, ho bisogno di parlare con Tsuna stupido."[1] All of the girls left. I-pin looked to Bianchi. "What does he want to know?" Bianchi shook her head. "I have no idea what goes on in Reborn's head. We'll have to bear with it for now." Just then, Reborn came out of the dining room and beckoned for Haru to come in.

Haru looked at the others and they shrugged their shoulders. Haru followed Reborn and Tsuna motioned for her to sit down. Reborn spoke up.

"Okay, listen up Haru because I'll only say this once." Haru nodded and fidgeted with her hands. "I'm listening Reborn-San." She couldn't help but look down when she felt Tsuna's stare's on her. Reborn tilted his hat and smirked.

"We have a mission that only you can perform. Do you think that you can handle it?" Haru's head shot up at the sound of having a mission. She nodded again. "What is the mission about now?" It was Tsuna who spoke up again. "There is a family who has a little grudge over me and they don't want me in particular to be the Decimo. They have plans of going into the past and they are making Vongola Primo fall in love with someone else. You know what that means right?"

Haru gasped. "That means that you and your family would not have been born right?" Tsuna nodded his head. Haru then gave a puzzled look. "So what do I need to do then? What does it have to do with me?" Reborn let out a low chuckle and earned a little glare from Tsuna. Reborn lifted his head up. "We need you to make sure that he falls in love with the right woman.

"You have to find the woman and then somehow make them go on a date with each other. Of course you will have to gain their trust first and it's better when a woman does it, not a man. Are you up to it?"

Haru nodded and pumped her fist a little. "So when do I go then?" She was happy that she finally got a solo mission. Tsuna was bringing out a folder from the bottom of the pile. "This is the picture of the woman and all her information. Open it once you get to the past. And also, be careful of the spy working for the Terremoto Famiglia [2]. We don't know who it is, but we think that they too will be trying to gain Primo's trust."

Haru took the folder and smiled. "I won't let you down boss." Tsuna smiled and shook his head. "Don't call me boss, call me Tsuna. You know that." Reborn smirked. He knew how much Tsuna hated to be boss, even if it had been ten years already. As Haru got up, Reborn spoke to Haru for the last time.

"If you head off to Shouichi, Gianni and Spanner right now, then we can get this sorted. You might feel faint once you get there." Haru waved at them and took her leave. "Okay then, bye for now." She stopped. "How long will I be there for?" She looked from Reborn and then to Tsuna. "Tsuna will start fading little by little. If he goes completely, then you will come back. If he's fully restored, you will still come back. That's how it works."

Haru paled and nodded. Tsuna smiled at her softly. "It doesn't matter." Haru frowned. "Yes it does. This is your life we're talking about! I'll do my best though." She ran out of the dining room. Tsuna sighed and sat back.

"I hope she'll be okay. She doesn't know that she'll have to fight." Reborn looked at Tsuna. "She'll be fine. She has perfect aim because of some one very special in her family, so she use guns and what not and plus, she doesn't know that the woman in the picture looks exactly like her." Tsuna gave Reborn a funny look. "Who's the special 'someone' from her family?" Reborn tilted his hat and walked to the door.

"If you finish your paper work on time, maybe I can tell you then. Or maybe if you were smart enough Dame-Tsuna, you can figure it out yourself." He left Tsuna who was fuming over the fact that he was called 'Dame-Tsuna.'

"I thought he stopped calling me that?" Reborn called out from the hallway. "Nope. It goes to show that you are still in need of training." Tsuna stuck out his tongue. He was NOT going through all of that training again.


Haru was standing in front of the technician's door. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Does she just walk in there and tell them? Why can't she knock? "I'm scared that's why. I can do this. Don't think of yourself; think of Tsuna and how he will disappear soon." Haru opened her eyes knocked on the door.

She heard a lazy 'come in' and knew immediately that it was Spanner. She pulled down the handle and pushed the door. She gave them a sheepish smile. "I erm, have erm, a mission and, I erm need y-you to send-." Haru mentally face palmed herself. Why was she stuttering?

Luckily, she was cut off anyway. Spanner put his hand up and interrupted her. "Yes we know. Vongola said that we need to send you to the past, so we have it set." Shouichi popped his head out from behind the computer screen. "He'll fade away if you don't right?"

Haru nodded and bit her lip. She soon tasted the iron that had burst from her lip. Gianni then came out from the behind the huge contraption that they used to take them to the future. "If you can step on this platform here, we will send you right away." Haru nodded and walked onto the platform. She could hear Shouichi typing away at some things and then she felt a glow all around her.

"We'll see you later, Haru. We trust you." In a flash, she was gone. The three men hadn't even realised when Tsuna came into the room. They all jumped when they heard his voice. Well, Spanner didn't. "Don't worry, Haru will be back soon." None of them had the guts to point out that he had tears growing in his eyes, but he held them there and they were gone.


Vongola Primo and his guardians were in a full scale fight against the Terremoto Famiglia. They had been away in a meeting in Palermo, and came back to find that the town that they had been protecting had been attacked. Giotto had gone a rage. "How can they do this? Who did this?" G. had to calm down his boss. Finally Giotto nodded his head.

"We fight them now." When Alaude heard those precious words, he went off on his own. Daemon was long gone and Lampo just wanted to nap, but he helped anyways.

Giotto grabbed one of the men by the neck. "Why are you doing this? What Famiglia are you from?" Giotto was long in a rage now. He tightened his grip on the injured man and he started to cough.

"W-we a-a-are from the t-t-Terremoto Famiglia! We were sent here to- ugh!" Giotto stared at the man and saw that he had been shot in the head by someone from the same Family. This person wore a white mask, so he couldn't see who it was.

"I can't have you spilling our secret, family or no family. We shall meet again, Vongola Primo." Before Giotto could do anything, the mysterious person dropped something and then dropped a lighter on the floor, then vanished quickly. Giotto dropped the dead man and called out to his guardians.

"Get any survivors out of here; we need to stop this fire!" He had found out that the substance that was dropped on the ground was oil, and this person had dropped it all over town.

When all the remaining people had gotten out and the dead people were left, the guardians heard coughing coming from one of the houses that had been badly set a light and headed towards it.

Haru was inside that house trying to rescue someone. All the smoke was finally getting to her and the roof could no longer hold the weight. "I'll help you! Don't worry; you'll get out of here soon!" The woman shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can last. The woman pointed to something and Haru quickly grabbed for it. When she tried to give it to the woman, she shook her head and pointed towards Haru. "Please, I don't know who you are or how you appeared into my house, but please, give this to my daughter. You remind me of her. Now go, you need to get out."

Haru brushed the tears out of her eyes and shook her head. "You're coming too. If you're going to die, you will at least be found!" She swung the woman over her shoulder as she was very light (Reborn made sure she lifted weights with the help of Ryohei) and walked over to the door way. Behind them, part of the roof fell and she could hear shouting outside.

Haru's face lit up. "There are some people out there!" The woman coughed. "You really are something. If I didn't know better, I would have thought you were a relative of mine." The woman's voice was getting quieter and quieter. She gritted her teeth together and walked faster. Part of the roof then caught fire and got unto Haru.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Haru was in so much pain and almost dropped. She stood up shakily and carried on walking. She almost dropped the folder Tsuna gave her, but she finally made it out of the burning building. She didn't even realise the Primo and his guardians were coming up behind her. She lay the woman down on the floor and put the box beside her. The woman smiled at Haru. Now that she got a better look at her face, she saw that the woman had black hair that would have been jet black, but had some grey's peeking out. There was a tattoo of a flower going down the side of her face.

If Haru was in the mood of thinking, she would have remembered that she has seen this look before. "Listen child. I'm not going to make it, but you brought me out of the fire which is good. I need to tell you that my daughter is being targeted for something and is not here. She will be sad to find out that I'm dead, but I only trust you with this information. I'm the main reason why the town is on fire. They needed to find her but she wasn't here."

She stopped to cough and Haru patted her gently. "Carry on, if you want." The woman gave out another smile and pointed to the box. "Inside is a weapon that has been used in our family for ages. It's only for the women though. When you find my daughter, please give it to her." Haru tried to ignore the pain that was eating at her leg.

"Why do you trust me so much?" The smile stayed on the woman's face. "I just do…" The smile was nothing but a ghost smile. Haru could literally feel the woman's soul leave her. Her body lay lifeless in Haru's arms. Haru cried silently. Not only for the woman, but the town. Her legs were burnt and the time travelling was finally getting to her. She put the documents in the box and tried to stand up.

Giotto finally got up to Haru and saw she was talking to a woman. He tried to come towards them, but Alaude stopped him. It seemed that they were talking about something important. Giotto's hyper intuition told him that the woman was going to die whether they helped her or not.

When Haru tried to stand up, she turned around to see the first Vongola generation. As they all walked up to her slowly, Haru fainted. "How can I faint now?"

Giotto rushed to catch her and G. followed. "Do you think she's dead?" Giotto shook his head. "No, she just fainted that's all. Out of all the people we saved, she's the only one who's been so badly hurt. I think we should take her to the mansion."

No one dared to speak when Giotto was in this mood, not even G. Daemon and Alaude, so they all nodded their heads and walked towards the mansion.

[1] Everyone get out, I need to speak to stupid Tsuna

[2] Earth quake family

Did ya love it? Did ya really?

(Why are you talking like that?)

*shrugs* I thought it would be funny

(The only thing that would be funny is if one of Mukuro's illusions killed you. That would be the day)

*smirks* Hey Leo? I just bought a fresh brand new BB gun, would you like it if I shot you in the head with it?

(*gulps* Would you like a jam sandwhich?)

Yes! I would love that. Anyway, let me say this now. It might take me a while to update this because school is next week. Those who keep up on me, I shall be updating 'What just happened here', maybe today? 'Dusk Nightmares' shall be updated soon and as 'For you', well, that one might take a while to finish because I have writers block. Don't fret though, it shall be finished!

(Do you like it?)

Hmmmmmm. I don't really trust you I'll eat it for now. If I find anything bad in it, I won't hesitate to kill you, yes?

(Don't eat it then! *Runs out with the sandwhich*)

I was unto her!

Plz don't forget, rate or hate!

Dark Gothic Lolita

(Leonessa del buio)