AN: So this is from the YJ Anon Meme. Danu (the OP of the meme wanted this:

The YJ team decides to cut their ties with their old lives, run away, and start over again (were they so stressed they thought they might crack and become villains, was it because they wanted to be in an OT6 relationship but the mentors said no, or some other reason?). So one night they just disappear.

Fast forward ten years and the mentors finally find their charges, though said charges have changed very much. They're together as an OT6, they have kids, they're as normal as they can be, and they're quite happy to remain that way.

I thought to flex my hand at interpreting the characters more. So here's my take on it.

Considering this is a Fanfiction site- All originals in JL/YJ belong to DC. The kids, on the other hand and random made ups are mine of course.

Also, all songs so are not mine unless stated otherwise. Also..did I mention this is unbeta'd?

Things Change

1. One of these mornings,

won't be very long,

you'll look for me

But I'll be gone.

-"One of these mornings" Patti LaBelle/Moby

There are some things that are learned the hard way. For the League the hard lesson is when six teenagers decide to go against what they believed was sound judgement and disappear.

It was mind-bogging, that even after a few months, none of their usual villains seem to know anything. Batman couldn't even find them. In the words of Flash:

"If Bats can't find them, no one can!"

In ten years, many things have changed.

In ten years, a lot remained the same.

On nights when it's quiet and they are not needed so much, they look in vain for their wayward children.
And every dawn that breaks, they resign themselves to the possibility that those children may very well be lost to them.

At least, until they picked up a trail. A supposedly innocent cafe called "The Cave" appeared not too long ago on scene.

It's what gives them the tip they badly need.

"According to this, there have been sightings of a group of vigilantes in that town. It's not known for having a particularly high crime rate, though." Batman had informed them.

"So what makes you think it's them?" Flash was shifting from one foot to another, "I mean, how does this all add up, Bats?"

"The Cave is equally owned by six people." Batman said flatly, "It's unusual. Especially for a town that size."

"But why now?" Green Arrow toys with his goatee for a moment, "After all this time?"

"Perhaps it's because a decade has passed and...well they are no longer children. There's no need to hide." Martian Manhunter turns away, "If we do find them, perhaps we should leave them alone if they are happy were they are. My only wish is to see that M'gann is treated well and is happy with her choice."

Aquaman nods but he wasn't sure whether to be relieved that his ward could be very safe-happy even or disappointed that he felt he couldn't come to him for anything. "We should depart immediately."

While the others filed out, Batman looks to Superman for a long moment, "So, I see you won't be coming."

"What?" Superman frowns, "Of course I will. After"

"Right." He breezes by him, "It's partly your fault in the first place."

"What? I had a reason for it!" Superman follows him,"He could've-!"

Batman whirls around and glares at him with something worse than his infamous 'batglare'. "And it cost us our children!" He breathe out, feeling the old stirrings of emotions that had been locked away for a better part of the decade, "You cost me my you wish to stay in one piece, Clark, stay the hell away from them."

Superman watches him leave, the guilt from all those years ago threaten to drown him now. It was his fault. If only...If only he hadn't...

He shakes his head before walking on. After all, Batman didn't say he couldn't go. Just..stay away. Thank gods for Super vision.