Chapter 9 - October 22nd - Part 2

'Santana we need to figure out what to do.' Quinn said softly, the girls sitting together at lunch.

'And how do we do that?' Santana asked, picking at her salad and moving it around on her plate.

'First I think we need to find out what they want.' The blonde suggested, also not eating very much as she stared at the Latina. Brittany placed her hand over Santana's, stopping it and forcing the brunette to look up.

'I think she's right San.' Brittany said, Santana sighing as she dropped her fork onto her plate. 'I don't like it when you're hurt.'

'I know B, me neither.' Santana smiled, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek before resting on her shoulder.

'We could do more research?' Rachel suggested.

'But I wouldn't know where to start.' Santana said, lifting her head back up.

'What are we starting on?' A voice said from behind them, all of the girls looking around to see Tina and Lauren coming over.

'Nothing.' Santana said, dismissing them almost instantly and facing forward once more.

'Seriously, you can't just stop talking when we come over and not tell us what's going on.' Lauren said, following Tina as they sat down either side of Quinn.

'Sure we can.' Santana said sarcastically. 'We just did.'

'San, maybe they can help?' Brittany suggested, Santana looking at her like she was crazy. The Latina definitely didn't need any more people finding out that she was a freak.

'We can do that.' Tina smiled to Brittany, the blonde's hand running over the surface of Santana's back comfortingly. Santana shook her head, sighing as she got up and moved away from everyone.

'You can tell them whatever you like. I can't do it again.' She said before walking off, Brittany momentarily catching her arm before she went.


'Look I'll be in the library okay, like Rachel said, research.' So she kissed Brittany on the lips before finally heading off.

'So….' Lauren began. 'Is someone going to tell us what's going on with her?'

'You can't laugh. Or be mean.' Brittany said, looking at them seriously.

'Okay, sure Brit.' Tina said, her tone also changing to a more serious one.

'Santana has recently found out that she…..' Quinn couldn't find the right words really but she continued anyway. 'She's special.'

'Right, special as in… how?' Lauren asked, sipping from a bottle of water.

'She can see and talk to people who have, passed away.' Rachel put it delicately, but that didn't help when Lauren practically spat her mouth full of water all over the table, and the glee girls across from her.

'That's, that's great. Thanks for that.' Mercedes said, picking up a napkin and wiping her arms.

'Holy shit, she is not serious.' Lauren laughed.

'No, alright. I asked you not to laugh or be mean and you're doing both!' Brittany practically yelled. She then proceeded to get up from the table and head after her girlfriend. Quinn and Mercedes both then looked at Lauren, Rachel shaking her head.

'What?' She shrugged. 'Lopez is probably just looking for some extra attention.'

'That's not what this is Lauren. Santana needs our help.' Quinn said, picking up her own bottle of water and taking a drink.

'So you all believe her?' Lauren asked.

'We've all seen it, so yeah.' Rachel assured her.

'Wait, what could you have seen? Lopez is the one who can talk to them, you probably just saw her talking to herself. That's called crazy, not special.'

'Lauren if you're going to be a jerk about it then you can leave, and you better not tell anyone else about this.' Mercedes said.

'Wait,' Tina said, having been very quiet throughout the whole thing. 'How do you believe her, I mean, what have you seen?'

'Well, she helped me say goodbye to my grandma.' Rachel said. 'She knew things that nobody else did, things that were just for me and my grandma.'

'And she gets really cold, or hot.' Quinn added. 'Like she picks up whatever the ghost is feeling when they're around her.'

'Lets not forget this morning.' Mercedes said, the other girls nodding.

'What happened?' Tina asked.

'She went completely stiff, and cold, like she would break if we toughed her.' Quinn started, Mercedes finishing for her;

'She was talking to the ghost and then all of a sudden she was thrown backwards, crashed into the wall behind her.'

'No way?' Tina said. 'With nobody around her?'

'Nope, we were standing back.' Rachel assured them.

'Okay, so how do we help?' Tina concluded, nodding and placing her hands in front of her on the table.

'Hang on, you're buying this?' Lauren looked at her.

'Well, I trust these guys. And I've always been a firm believer in the afterlife, so why not. If we can help our friend we should.' Tina said, the other girls smiling at her.

'Fine. I'm in.' Lauren confirmed. 'But I will not be convinced until I have seen something with my own two eyes.'

'Good enough.' Mercedes said, finishing her lunch.

'Santana?' Brittany called, walking through the stalls of the library, running her fingers along the shelves and pages of various books. 'San?' Lowering her tone once she saw the look the librarian was giving her but continued her search. She made it to the end of one bookshelf and looked right, finally setting her eyes on the Latina. 'San.' She sighed, relief also flooding through her.

'Hey B.' Santana smiled weakly and looked up, Brittany making her way over to her girlfriend and sitting on the back of the chair, one arm over Santana's shoulder.

'You okay?' She asked, planting a kiss on her head.

'Fine. How did they react?' Santana cringed, not sure she even wanted to know.

'Well, Tina looked okay with it, but it's Tina you know.' Santana laughed.

'Yeah, what about Zizes?' She asked.

'She spat water all over the table and laughed, saying you just wanted the attention.' Brittany informed her honestly.

'Great.' The brunette sighed.

'But I left before they really explained, so maybe she'll come around.' Brittany smiled, nudging her playfully on the shoulder.

'Maybe.' Santana agreed unconvincingly.

'So, what are you doing?' Brittany looked over her shoulder and read the computer screen.

'Just trying to figure out what they're still doing here. But it's all the same crap we've read before.'

'It'll be okay Santana.' Brittany assured her, but then something caught her eye on the web page. 'Wait, scroll back up.' She said. 'Stop, read that bit.' She pointed to one of the paragraphs as Santana began to read out loud;

'Based on the natural cycles of the Earth, people believed that on October 31st the veil between the worlds was thinnest and most easily penetrated. On Halloween, history has it that the laws of space and time are temporarily suspended, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living.' Santana finished and swallowed, looking up to Brittany before a cold chill took over her.

'San?' Brittany felt the sudden drop in her temperature and was instantly worried. 'You're cold.'

'I know.' Santana said, wrapping her arms around herself. 'But I can't see anyone.'

'Come on, lets go find the others.' Brittany said, pulling Santana up from her seat.

'Wait, Brit.' Santana said, taking her hand and holding her still, listening to a voice no one else could hear.

'Now you know.' The voice whispered, and Santana knew who it was immediately.

'It's the woman.' Santana said, her teeth chattering.

'What woman?' Brittany asked.

'An… an old woman. I don't….. I don't know why she's here.' Santana said.

'You know what we want….. Santana….' The woman whispered.

'What?' Santana spoke to the voice, looking around and expecting to see her somewhere.

'You know…..' She said, a chilling laugh cutting right down Santana's spine. Her grip on Brittany's arm tightened, the blonde wincing at the pressure, Santana's body becoming more uncomfortable.

'Okay, that's it. Come on San!' Brittany said, heading to the exit and dragging the Latina behind her. They got out of the doors and Santana could no longer hear the woman, but she was still cold.

'B…Brit.' She whispered, her shoulders shaking as the blonde pulled her into a hug.

'Jesus San.' Brittany replied when she could feel the cold coming through her girlfriend's clothes. 'Come on.' She said once more, pulling Santana towards the nearest bathroom. Once the door had swung closed Brittany let go of Santana, letting her wander over to the far wall and slide down it. She then promptly took of her jacket and wrapped it around Santana's shoulders. 'Are you okay?'

'I… I don't know…. What's wrong….' She admitted, the shaking not stopping.

'Okay,' Brittany said, standing back up and getting her phone out of her pocket. She dialled number two on her speed dial.

'Hey Brit, what's up?'

'Quinn, can you come to the girl's room outside the library?' Brittany asked.

'Yeah, is everything okay?' Quinn asked, suddenly worried.

'No, I don't know what's wrong with her, but can you bring like coats, or blankets? She's so cold Quinn.' Brittany informed her.

'Sure, yeah. I'm coming.' Quinn said before hanging up the phone.

'It's okay San.' Brittany smiled at her before sliding down the wall next to her, holding the shaking girl in her arms.

About five minutes later Quinn burst through the doors carrying her cheerio's jacket, a blanket from the nurses office and a cup of steaming hot coffee, followed by the rest of the glee girls, Rachel with more coats in hand.

'Guys, hey.' Quinn said, rushing over to them. 'What happened?' She asked, all of the other girls filing in and standing back slightly.

'We were in the library and she heard a voice, then got really cold like she always does.'

'But…' Rachel prompted.

'But now she wont warm up, I don't understand.' Brittany said, rubbing her hand up and down Santana's arm.

'Okay, San put this over you.' Quinn came forwards with the blanket and draped it across her, Brittany tucking it in underneath her. 'And take this okay, it's not full up but it's really hot.' Santana managed to nod, lifting her hands from underneath the blanket and taking the cup in her hands.

'T..thanks Q.' She smiled, almost hugging the cup into her chest.

'So what did the voice say?' Mercedes asked, sitting on the other side of the Latina to try and keep the heat in.

'She, she said that….' She stopped to control the chattering of her teeth, Brittany pulling her in tighter. 'That I know, I know what they want.'

'Why do they think you know?' Tina asked, sitting up on the sink.

'I don't, I….' Santana closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. 'I don't know.'

''Well, what were you doing in the library? Did you find anything else?' Rachel asked.

'Well.' Brittany said, leaning her head back to the wall. 'We read something about the veil between the living and the dead being thinner on Halloween. That time and space gets suspended.'

'So what?' Lauren said. 'They're gonna come through? I thought they already were through?'

'Maybe they're warming up, building their strength?' Mercedes suggested. 'I mean this stuff has only started to happen recently.'

'Maybe, but why are they picking on Santana?' Quinn wondered, pacing around the bathroom. By this point Santana had calmed down, Brittany and Mercedes adding heat to her and she could feel herself warming up.

'Because.' She said, everyone looking over at her. 'They know I'm the only one, who can stop them.'