
"Good afternoon, sorry for the wait." An ancient looking old man with glasses and eyes that seemed to glow like two moons said as he came out from the back room. "My what a group I have here in my little shop." he said looking with those big pale eyes at, Professor Snape, Giles, Remus, Sirius, and Buffy Oilver having left after making a date to teach Buffy to fly.

Buffy looked at Mr. Ollivander closely there was something about him that was not entirely human. She remembered the fading gold letters above the shop door that read Ollivanders : Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. she couldn't help wondering if Mr Ollivander was the maker of the fine wands back in 382 B.C. It wasn't his ageless eyes but a sense of agelessness she got when he came up to her and introduced himself listing off everyone's names and wands. Then those moon like eyes turned to her.

"Well my, my, my, I didn't think I would be getting the honor of being your wand maker Miss Evans-Potter or are you going by Snape now?" Mr Ollivander asked.

"It's Summers after my adoptive mother." Buffy stated clearly not wanting to have anything in common with Professor Snape. "

"Very well Miss Summers then. Which is your wand hand? " He asked.

"Actually I am ambidextrous. " Buffy explained.

Mr. Olivander blinked then seemed to smile. "Unique in so many ways." he observed. "You have your mothers eyes. I wonder if you will take after her in wands as well. Hers was ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wand for charm work. Well the wand will choose. Let's get your measurements then. Hold out your arms." Instantly a tape measure came to life and started measuring her up down and sideways.

Buffy was ready to slay the tape measure when finally Mr. Ollivander said, "That's enough." and the tape measure fell down where it was measuring the distance between her nostrils. "Give this one a wave." He said shoving a wand into her hand.

Buffy barely raised the wand when an explosion seemed to spontaneously occur breaking a vase not far away. Ollivander snatched the wand back from her and said, "Definitely not that one."

"I am really sorry," Buffy tried to apologize.

"For what," Ollivander asked?

"Uh, wasn't that my fault?" She asked pointing to the ruined vase.

"Oh, don't apologize for a little destructive magic when searching for your wand." Remus advised.

"Oh, yes that happens all the time. Come my dear we aren't going to find your wand without a little destruction." With that he simply forced another wand into her waiting hand. This started an ongoing search in which Buffy tried out nearly every wand in the store and left a trail of destruction in her wake. Ollivander seemed to become more and more delighted the more she tried and failed to find her wand.

"A tricky customer, oh yes. I wonder..." Ollivander trailed off looking at Buffy very sharply. "I wonder if that might just be the wand. It is rather an experimental wand, but it just might work." He said under his breath then spoke up talking to the group who had taken cover from Buffys wild magic under a table. "If you will wait here I have a couple more special wands in the other room."

Buffy furrowed her brow wondering if she would end up with some kind of Frankenstein wand. Was she just destined to be a freak? Then a dark thought entered her mind. What if he didn't have a wand that would work for her? She tried to reassure herself that if that happened she could go on using Merricks old wand. Except that wand really was difficult to use.

Before she could worry further over her wand Ollivander returned carrying a very old looking box of wood. Carefully Ollivander pulled back the dusty cover of the box revealing a beautiful wand looking like it had three different kinds of wood. Before Buffy could look any further Ollivander put the wand in her hand and she felt power filling her from her feet to her head and down deep in her bones. Then the wand sent out fiery sparks like a roman candle. The sparks were gold, red, blue and purple.

Ollivander clapped his hands and actually giggled. "I've been waiting so very long for someone with the power to handle this wand." He laughed then seemed to morph back into his usual somber self. "Amazing simply amazing. I thought no one would ever be able to use it."

"Excuse me but what is amazing?" Remus asked.

"This is a very special wand, the wood grew together from the three sacred trees, Ash, Oak and Hawthorn, they are bound together by Mistletoe which is a very sacred herb it's self. It has a dual core of light and dark phoenix feathers. That is what is amazing. Such power both of light and dark working together. I have never sold a wand with more than one power core in it before, not to mention different kinds of wood making up the wand. We can expect great things from you young lady. I have never sold a more powerful wand. Not even to he who must not be named. I wonder what you will go on to do."

Not liking the way the man was looking at her Buffy pulled out her money that Giles had given her. "How much?"

"Allow me Buffy I would like it to be my gift to you." Remus stated, and stepped forward to complete the transaction.

Buffy looked more closely at the wand. She had to admit that it was beautiful. So what if it was an experimental wand? She decided. It worked for her and that was what was most important. besides no one would really be able to tell just from looking at it how unique and different it was.

The rest of the shopping trip happened with Sirius, Remus, Giles and Severus. Infighting was the theme of the day. Though it wasn't without it's positives. Sirius bought her the broom that Oliver said was the best available.

"Gotta make up for all those missed Christmases and Birthdays." Sirius said.

Giles bought her a book on wandless magic, because even though she now has a very good wand as a slayer she might need every weapon in her arsenal.

They were almost finished purchasing her school supplies when Severus presented her with cauldron and a foldable box of potion making supplies that went far beyond what the school required. Buffy was tempted to throw it all back at the man but in the end decided to keep it. "It doesn't mean I forgive him or anything." She mumbled under her breath.