A/N: I've been gone for a while but now i'm back with style,lol. so heres the first chapter of my alternate ending for the Squeakquel. And with that I have a scenario for you, what if the Chipettes still refused to sing for Ian after he threatened to barbecue them? What would happen? Read on and find out!

Disclaimer: I do not own Alvin and the Chipmunks, Chipettes, Dave and Toby Seville and Ian Hawk.

After refusing to sing for him he forcefully shoved the chipettes into a cage and locked it, putting the key in his pocket he grabbed the cage and made his way to his SUV parked outside.

"Let us out of here!" Brittany demanded as he put the cage in the passenger seat.

"Yeah right" Ian replied as he walked down to the lobby, "since you won't sing I might as well get what I can out of you" he said as he tossed them an evil smirk.

As Ian drove the Chipettes sat in the cage and tried to think of a way out but weren't being very successful. As they frantically tried to figure out a way out Brittany's thoughts began to wander, 'I should have listened to him, he tried to tell me about Ian but I wouldn't listen' she slapped herself mentally for not listening to him when she had the chance.

After about a half hour Jeanette started examining the lock and cage without success of finding a way out. She then walked over to where Brittany was sitting, and saw the troubled look on her face and sat down next to her and tried to comfort her, "Brittany are you okay?" Jeanette asked

Brittany just shook her head not even bothering to stop staring at the floor; Eleanor got up and walked over to her sister and tried to help comfort her.

"What's wrong Britt" she asked as she plopped down beside her sister.

"This is all my fault" Brittany said in a barely audible whisper. "What do you mean" Jeanette asked confused at what her sister had just said.

"He told me not to trust him" Brittany said, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Who's he" Jeanette asked. "And who's him" Eleanor put in.

Brittany took in a deep breath as she held back tears, "Alvin told me we couldn't trust Ian and he was right" she said wiping some stray tears from her eyes.

"Don't worr-" Jeanette started but was cut off by Ian "here we are" he said grabbing the cage and exiting the vehicle. All three Chipettes jumped to their feet and tried to figure out where they were, Jeanette spotted a sign atop the building they were heading for, the sign read 'Joe's Bar-Ba-Q Grill' and under the name was the slogan 'You kill it we'll grill it', "not good" Jeanette whispered as they entered the building. Upon entering they saw several tables and a serving counter at the far end which a man was cleaning. The man heard the tingling of the bells attached to the door as it opened and without altering his gaze said, "we're closed".

"Hey Joe" Ian replied ignoring the man's comment

"Ian, what brings you so far out of the city?" The man named Joe asked tossing his rag aside and wiping his hands on his apron. "Well, I brought something I want you to grill up for me" Ian stated.

"And what is it you would like me to grill up for you" Joe asked coming around the counter.

"Three chipmunks" Ian said holding up the cage for Joe to see.

"You didn't bring me Alvin and the Chipmunks, did you Ian?" the man asked jokingly as he started to peer into the cage.

"Nah, justsome other chipmunks" he said

"Ian can't you read the sign? It says 'you kill it we'll grill it'" Joe said seeing that the three chipettes were very much alive. "Come on Joe for your old friend… will it kill you to kill them?"

Joe shook his head "next time you kill 'em" he sighed and took the cage from Ian "well let's see". Just as he started to walk around the counter into the kitchen the phone rang, he handed the cage back to Ian and answered the phone, Ian shook his head, leaving his coat and the cage on the counter he sat down at one of the nearby tables and stated humming to himself as he looked at a magazine.

Meanwhile in the cage Brittany was freaking out, "Brittany this is no time to panic" Jeanette said trying to calm her sister down. But Brittany didn't agree with her sister in the least "we're stuck in this stupid cage, Ian's about to eat us for dinner, and we're probably hundreds of miles away from home, this is the perfect time to panic Jeanette!"

Eleanor gasped as she looked out of the cage, "hey guys" she whispered excitedly "Ian left his phone in his coat pocket".

Her sisters bolted across the little space to the front of the cage where they to spotted the cell phone in his coat pocket, Jeanette tried to reach for it but it was just out of reach

"I can't reach it" she whispered with disappointment in her voice, Brittany was looking around and noticed that part of the coat was right next to the cage putting her small arm through one of the holes in the door she reached down and pulled the coat close enough for her sister to grab the phone.

"Try again Jeanette" she whispered softly, her sister reached out once more and was able to grab it "I got it, I got it" she squealed softly as she pulled the phone up against the cage door.

"There's got to be someone in here that can help us" Brittany stated looking through the phones address book.

"Hmm, David Seville… hey isn't Alvin's last name Seville?" Jeanette asked.

"Yeah, it is" Brittany squeaked in excitement "I just hope somebody's home" she whispered pushing the talk button.

At the Seville home

Toby was helping the boys get ready for the competition when he heard the phone ring, Alvin was about to run out of the room when Toby said "Alvin, I'll get it, you finish getting ready".

As Alvin slowly walked back into the bed room he heard Toby's more confused than normal voice ask "Ian Hawk?"

"Ignore it" Alvin replied then quickly bounded into his bedroom

With the Chipettes

"No no no, pick up" Brittany wailed softly at the phone as the answering machine picked up

"Try again" Eleanor said, Brittany shrugged then nodded as she pressed the talk button again.

Back at the Seville home

"Ian Hawk again" Toby said looking over at Simon.

"Well" he said cleaning his glasses on his shirt "I think you should answer it"

Toby nodded then answered "hello, yes, hold on" he looked at Simon and said "it's for Alvin" Simon took the hint and ran off to find his bother.

"Hey Si" Alvin called from their room "who's on the phone"

"I don't know but it's for you" Simon said jumping up on to his bed.

With a puzzled look on his face Alvin hopped off his bed and ran out to the kitchen, Toby laid the phone down on the counter and went to the bathroom to help Theodore finish getting ready.

"Hello" Alvin asked.

"Alvin is that you?" Brittany asked in a whisper

"Brittany!" Alvin asked in surprise

"Alvin just listen to me we need your help now" Brittany said in a desperate tone of voice.

"Brittany what's wrong? Where are you?" He asked starting to get worried.

"We're at 'Joe's Bar-Ba-Q Grill' on the outskirts of the city, please hurry" Brittany said, Alvin could tell she was near the point of tears just by the sound of her voice.

Alvin then yelled "Simon, Theodore, Toby… Brittany I am coming to get you, just hang on".

After hearing him yell their names they all ran out from where they were, with Toby nearly tripping over the other two chipmunks "Alvin what's the matter" Simon asked as he jumped up onto the counter followed by Theodore.

"Ian's got the Chipettes at 'Joe's Bar-Ba-Q Grill'" Alvin stated

"Okay…do you have an idea where you are?" Simon asked over the phone.

"No" she replied sadly

"Toby go to the computer and tell me what you get for 'Joe's Bar-Ba-Q Grill', Alvin get me a map of the city".

"Got it" Toby said as he darted out of the room.

"I'm on it" Alvin yelled as he hopped off the counter

"Simon, Ian's coming back I have to hang up" without waiting for a reply she hung up

"Hello?... Hello…are you there?" Simon asked as Alvin came back into the room with the map.

"Simon what's wrong?" Alvin asked getting more worried every second. "They hung up…" Simon replied letting his voice trail off.

"Let's go get them" Alvin yelled as he bounded out to Toby's car quickly followed by his brothers and Toby.

"Quick get the phone back into his pocket" Brittany squeaked as she heard Joe say "sorry about that man important phone call you know".

Ian shrugged "no problem" a big smile came across his face as he said "shall we do this?"

"Sure" Joe said leading him into the back. Each of the girls felt a chill run down their spine as they entered the kitchen, their eyes widened in terror as they saw the different knives and cutting utensils hanging on the wall and the cutting boards stacked on a rack against the wall as well as the one on the counter. They watched as Joe reached up and took down a huge cleaver and started running it along a toning rod.

"Well, get one of them out" he told Ian. Ian smiled as he reached into the cage and felt around for one of them, the three chipettes were dodging his hand until he finally grabbed the end of Brittany's tail and pulled her out of the cage. He roughly slammed her down against the counter and ripped off her miniature clothing and put her on the cutting board pinning her chest down with his thumb. As she wriggled and squirmed to get free her eyes latched onto Joe's giant clever that was being lifted into the air. Brittany squeezed her eyes shut in sheer terror as the knife started falling straight towards her neck….