AN: Here is We Meet Again as I promised. I really hope its as good as all of you hoped it would be so read and review any suggestions comments ect. Also I say this for mall my stories but I don't own TNLOCK.

Alek: And She never will

Me: Nope sadly I wont but atleast I get to read and write about it and also watch it:D

Alek: Too bad you'll never get to own me

Me: If I owned you youd be screwed and not literally.

Alek: I hadn't even thought of it like that

Me: Uhuh sure anyways on with the story

~~Chloe's POV~~

My name's Chloe King, Im 19 years old. I'm part of an ancient race called the Mai. We are the descendants of Beset a powerful cat goddess. We used to get along with humans. We were their protectors and we guided them. Then we had a falling out. We got tired of taking their orders. I am The Uniter. I was born to unite the races. I have done my job. I still have 3 lives left. It went against the prophecy. But the prophecies can be wrong. But now im living a happy life in Berlin with my baby girl Natasha Amy Petrov . She's almost a year old her birthday is next week. Im flying out to San Francisco to celebrate it with my family and her father and his family. But he doesn't know about her. That's why when we get there im going to say her last name is King. My flight leaves tomarrow morning at 5 am, so im spending tonight get the moving van situation. Only 3 people know about Natasha, Amy, Paul, and Jasmine. After the Moving people left decided to take a little cat nap. Catnap get it. Anyways Natasha was fast asleep in her crib soon I followed.

The next day (Still Chloe's POV)

It was 5 am and I was so tired. I had all of mine and Natasha's things packed and we were in a taxi on the way to the airport. I was holding her in my arms because there wasn't a car seat. After about an hour we got to the airport we checked our bags and everything else you have to do before getting on the plane. Finally after an hour of waiting, we boarded the plane. The plane would me taking us to LA then we would take a train to San Francisco where I would look for an apartment. It was a 32 hour flight so I had a lot of time to kill. I was thinking of what Alek would think of me. Had he found someone else. I mean I would see if he had, its been 2 years. Well not exactly 2 years. After I left I had just found out I was pregnant. I decided to name her after my best friend the one who was there for me through everything. Amy. I also like the name Natasha so I decided to make her middle name Amy. I felt myself getting sleepy so I decided to just close my eyes and relax. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

2 days later (Chloes POV)

Natasha and I were on the train. We were about an hour away from San Francisco. I had taken her to the bathroom so I could change. I knew I would be seeing Alek today so I wanted to look nice. I decided to put on a pinkish corset tube top, a white cover up, a black, white, and pink puffy skirt, pink flats, and my black fake jeweled dangle earrings. I decided to dress Natasha in pink also. I dressed her in a pink sailor dress. She looked adorable. I decided to put on some nude lipgloss. By the time we got back to our seats it was time to get off. I grabbed mine and Natashas bag. I would be meeting Amy and Jasmine and Paul. Amy would be taking Natasha while me and Jasmine go back to the apartment and prepare to go apartment hunting. I was sitting on a bench when I heard that familiar voice. "Ohmygod Chloe" Amy yelled. "Amy" I yelled back. She ran over to me staring at me and Natasha. "Can I hold her?" She asked. "Yes but you can do more than that. Can you take her while me and Jasmine go apartment hunting?" I asked a little nervous. "Of course and by the way I LOVE YOUR OUTFIT. Did your aid my closet?" She giggled. "Thanks Ames you're a life saver and no I haven't seen you in almost two years but im glad you like it." I replied. We talked about random things until we got out. Amy took Natasha and Jasmine and I went back to the apartment. "I must warn you Alek will be here." Jas said. "I don't mind. Has he been seeing .. . " I paused. "Anyone else." I finished. "Actually he has her name is Mimi. But hes not as happy as he used to be. She replied. "Why, what do you mean not as happy as he used to be?" I asked. "When he was with you he was so happy. Now its like hes missing half his heart. He misses you Chloe. When you were in hiding he would cry in his sleep for you. The hole in his heart never fully went away but with Mimi it healed a little bit." She replied sadness in her eyes. "I see, I missed him too I even used his last name as Natasha's. But I cant let him know that yet." I said. Jasmine Unlocked the door and as we walked in I saw Alek sitting on the couch with his arm around Mimi. Its been 2 years but why did I feel my heart breaking? "We have a visitor." Jasmine said. "Who, you never told me about someone coming over." He replied. "Yes well it was a surprise." Jas said. He looked up staring at me. "Hello Alek" I said. He just sat there stunned. "Chloe?" He asked. "In the flesh" I stated. "Can me and Chloe talk alone?" He asked. Jasmine and Mimi just nodded. They walked out of the apartment and went down to the lobby.

"I can't believe it. Its really you." He said as he pulled me into a bear hug. At first I didn't know what to do but I decided to hug him back. "There is something you should know." Alek said. "What is it?" I asked confused. "Mimi and I . . . are engaged." He stated. I tried to hide the sadness and the hurt in my eyes. "Well congratulations Alek, I'm so very happy for you" I smiled the best fake smile I could muster. "Are you sure" He asked. "Of course im sure. I want you to be happy and if Mimi makes you happy go for it." This time I meant it. Sometimes you have to let the ones you love most go. I got a text from Amy saying Natasha had gotten hurt. "I- I got to go. It an emergency. I said and ran out. "Wait I'll come with you" He said grabbing his jacket.

~~Alek's POV~~

I wasn't going to let her walk out of my life again. I knew she was upset about Mimi. But the truth is never stopped loving Chloe and I don't think I ever will. She was my first love and I hope she'll be my last. "So what exactly is the emergency." I asked confused and worried at the same time. "Its Natasha." She said. "Who's Natasha?" I asked. "She's my daughter." She said.

AN: So cliff hanger dun dun dun I hope you liked it

Alek: Very suspenseful

Me: Why thank you Alek

Alek: No problem. So what now?

Me: I don't know wanna play Parcheesi

Alek: Sure why not

Me: Read and review while I kick Alek's ass at Parcheesi baai