
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee! I love it, and I worship Dianna Agron, but I do not own Glee!

~-~-~-~-Preview -~-~-~-~

The first day of the new school year began just as it had every year for the students of William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio - with the Slushy-ing of those at the bottom of the food chain. And just as they had been for the past 3 years, the Glee Club was still the prized targets.

Quinn Fabray walked down the hall proudly, short blonde hair dancing around her ears , mid-thigh length baby blue sun dress rustling as she all but floated towards her locker. She was a senior now, which made her all the more of a star. As she was rounding the corner, she was forced to jump back suddenly as a teenager in a baseball cap on a skateboard came hurtling around from the other way. She jumped against the wall just in time to have the teen fly past her at a frightening pace, and to see the group of four teachers chasing after it, trying to stop him/her. The skater yelled an apology over his/her shoulder to Quinn, and Quinn waved back at him/her to tell that she was okay. The skater nodded and continued on its way, ducking and weaving between students until it was out of Quinn's sight. She sighed, shook her head, and continued on her way. I forgot how crazy this place is! That kid could have killed me… She thought.

When she finally arrived at her locker she opened it and placed her handbag inside. She quickly scanned her eyes over her timetable and smiled. Spanish and History. Great! I get to say hi to Mr. Schue first thing. She grabbed the text books she needed and closed the metal door, which made a sharp squeaking noise as it fell shut. On her way to Spanish she began walking with her best friends; Brittany Pierce – the smartest ditz around, and Santana Lopez – smack-talking bitch with a heart of gold. She loved them to pieces, and was psyched that they shared an almost identical timetable. They were laughing as they strutted down the corridor, linked at the pinkies to each other – Brittany on the left, Santana on the right, and Quinn in the centre of their small group. As they neared the Spanish classroom they heard someone purposefully clear his throat from behind them. They turned around to face whoever it was, and immediately regretted it.

The second their faces were towards the source of the sound, their faces were coated in cobalt blue ice-cold liquid. It hit Quinn directly in the face and got partially on the other two girls. She could feel it dripping down her neck and chest, and melting in her hair, and she raised her hands to beside her face. She heard spluttering beside her - which suggested that Brittany didn't have her mouth closed, and she felt Santana's body stiffen beside her. Oh crap. Here's trouble!

"¿Qué carajo? Me voy a patear tan fuerte las bolas padres lo siento! ¿Cómo te atreves a lanzar una Slushie a mí ya mis niñas en el Azimio primer día. Usted no sabe cómo manejar las herramientas en las alturas de Lima adyacentes! Tu vas a desear que nació una niña!" Santana yelled from beside her as tears started to form in Quinn's eyes. Brittany and Quinn were now each holding onto one of her arms to prevent her from flying at the small group of guys standing before them with empty cups in their hands and smirks on their faces. The group of boys – led by Azimio – just laughed and sauntered away from the three now blue girls. This happens every year! Why am I not used to it by now? Quinn asked herself as she ran her hands over her head and face to wipe off the icy beverage and the few tears that had escaped down her cheeks. Santana turned back to the two of them, her face visibly red through the blue food coloring, and rubbed Quinn's arm comfortingly.

"Come on. Mama's not gonna sit through Spanish looking like she should be livin' on Pandora" she said as she led both girls to the girls bathroom. They were late for class, but what do they care.


"Hey everybody! How were your summers?" Mr. Schue asked as he sat in front of his favorite group of kids – the New Directions. They all looked the same as they had at the end of last year, except Rachel looked tanner, Finn looked less overweight, Puck's hair had grown and Tina didn't have any colored highlights in her hair.

"Mr. Schue, I spent the summer with my father's brother in California. It was most relaxing and educational at the same time. We walked down Hollywood Boulevard, went to Venice Beach, and best of all I got an autographed photo of me and my greatest idol Barbra Streisand from when I saw her eating lunch at the Grove! I got one for you too Kurt as I knew you would love it!" Rachel went on as she dug around in her bag and produced a A4 glossy photograph that she handed to Kurt, who gasped and jumped up to hug the small girl. Pretty much everyone else in the room simply rolled their eyes and ignored her, aside from Mr. Schue who smiled and nodded at her.

"I helped at Kurt's dad's auto shop" Finn interjected, and the group acknowledged him. Everyone else rattled off something they did over the summer – Puck was sent to a delinquents farm, Mercedes worked in the mall music store pretty much all summer, Tina and Mike went back to Asian camp, Kurt stayed with Blaine at his parents condo in Florida, Brittany took Lord Tubbington to an all you can eat buffet and was kicked out for letting him eat off her plate, Santana spent the summer in her pool like usual, and Artie was pushed down a flight of stairs by a four year old. It finally came to Quinn's turn, and everyone turned to face her.

"I didn't really do anything. The most exciting thing that happened at all was this morning when I was almost run down by some crazy person on a skateboard in the hallway, then Slushied by Azimio and his groupies. I didn't have a bad summer, just an uneventful one" she finished, and the group nodded in understanding. Mike suddenly sat up a bit straighter in his chair.

"That's right Mr. S, I heard about what happened this morning! Who was that?" He asked, obviously referring to the skater. The whole group mumbled and murmured in confusion, all curious as to what was going on that morning.

"Oh!" Mr. Schue laughed, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, all I know is that whoever it was - was caught draining the Slushy machines into a foam box and dumping it in the garden outside. No-one knows who it was; they had a cap on and were just too fast for the faculty to catch" Oddly, he didn't seem upset by this at all. Neither did any of the Glee kids.

"So whoever it was – was trying to save us… huh!" Quinn muttered, and Mr. Schue agreed. They all started laughing and clapping for the unknown bandit. Finally Mr. Schue stopped them, and got into the lesson plan.

"Okay, guys. I was thinking that this year we do something a bit different. I am going to assign each of you a lower classmen, and you are going to become their McKinley mentor. Show the new kids how awesome Glee Club really is. These lower classmen are going to become like a little sister or brother to you, and I want you to convince them to stay in Glee club. Do whatever you can to show them that we really are the best group in this school! Do you understand?" He asked, and the whole room became dead silent. Most of their faces shouted no, aside from Kurt and Rachel who were no doubt dreaming about remodeling a freshman into a mini-Rachel/Kurt. Quinn shivered at the idea of more than one Berry wandering the hallways.

"Mr. Schue, I really don't think this is a good idea. How are you gonna choose the students? And… I mean, what about Puck… That could be trouble" Artie began, but stopped when he saw the look he was receiving from Puckerman. Mr. Schue smiled at the group, who all (save for Rachel and Kurt) had uneasy looks on their faces. Quinn thought the idea was good, but was a little bit worried she wouldn't be a good role model for whoever she got. It's like Beth all over again… She thought, her stomach almost turning at that idea.

"The kids who have been chosen are ones who have ever expressed any talent in any kind of creative subject; dancing, singing, acting, even art! We haven't made this too hard for you guys, but it'll still be a bit of a challenge. I do truly think you can handle t though. Look guys, this is not up for discussion. We're doing this." He said, liking the way most of their expressions gradually changed to acceptance, and some to minor excitement. He went over to two big black boxes on the piano and stuck one of his hands inside each, pulling out two small pieces of paper.

"Now, drumroll Finn… the first mentor and protégé is-"

This is an OC contest for the brand new glee story – Mentors. I need new students; freshman, sophomores or juniors, to be taken under the wings of the current New Directions. I will need people to be mentored by Rachel, Finn, Puck, Santana, Kurt, Artie, Brittany, Mercedes, Mike and Tina. This is set at the very beginning of season three, completely disregarding anything that happens after the Season 2 finale. The story will mainly focus on Quinn and her mentee, Nixon.

Please fill out the form bellow; please no Mary Sues, I need both guys and girls, you can submit more than one character, and please be very VERY detailed when filling out the form. The more details, the more likely I will choose your character. This is definitely not first come, first serve. I will judge them all equally, no matter who submits first.

Full name:



Mentor: (Which character would you like to have as a mentor? Please list two or three in order of preference)


General background:(An absolutely typical, uneventful, normal childhood is possible, but that's a little boring so try to be a little creative. Maybe talk about a particular memory with their family, some great revelation about life or a discovery about him/herself.)

Personality:(Not just a whole bunch of adjectives, please be VERY detailed. Also be sure to name at least one flaw – nobody's perfect)


Sexual orientation: (Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Bi-curious. At the beginning of the story, and if you want it to change or be questioned over time)

Appearance:(Height, weight, Hair style and color, eye shape and color, build, body shape, race, skin tone, etc.)

What they wear: (Their style, the types of clothes they like, particular articles that they particularly like – a favorite top / pair of pants / dress / shoes / etc. Anything they won't ever wear, e.g. a color, style, etc.)

Clique: (Prep, jock, geek, queer, etc.)

Home Life:(Family and relationship w/, financial status, other important details.)

Quirks: (Funny little things that they may do subconsciously, or any small oddities about them)

Pet peeves: (What really bugs them?)


What they look for in a relationship:(Friendly relationship AND romantic relationship... especially romantic relationship.)

Something they like about him/herself:

Something they hate about him/herself:

Would they want to join Glee club?:

Favorite style of music/band/song to listen to:

Favorite style of music/band/song to perform:

Audition song:

Anything else I have forgotten: (Anything random that doesn't fit into any of the questions above, or just more details on it! I love details!)

Please submit! I would like at least 10 submissions, but I would love a lot more! And review the preview of the first chapter!