Just to tell you dean 18 and Sam is 15 and their dad is on a hunt so they move around again and are going to McKinley High School –COUPLES- Rean ~Rachel/Dean~ Samantana ~Sam.W/Santana~ Klaine ~Kurt/Blaine~ Fuinn ~Fin/Quinn~ Matt cedes ~Matt/Mercedes~ Bike ~Brittany/Mike~ Tartie ~Tina/Artie~ Solly ~Holly Holiday/William Schuster~

Me and Sammy where sitting down on the white plastic chairs outside the principal's office because apparently he wanted to welcome us and give us someone to show us around, got to say through, the cheerleaders here are hot! Just then the Principle came out.

"uhh, Sam and Dean, i cant talk for long, Sue went on a stumpage, but here are the two girls going to show you around, this is Rachel and Santana." Rachel was HOT! She was wearing (look on my profile has outfit link on it.) She was defiantly hotter than the cheerleaders outside, i see Sam looking at Santana with a look that says 'You are the most gorgeous thing his ever has seen, The chick is nothing compared to Rachel in his point in view she was wearing (on profile the outfit) Plain and i mean come on! Rachel likes AC DC. Mr Figgan's left.

"Welcome to McKinley, with the sluttiest STD Magnet Cheerleaders, and douche Jocks that think there the god." Said Rachel staring them both down.

"Your both probably going to turn into jock douches, it would be a miracle if you didn't" Rachel said again "But watch out for Quin Bitch Fabray, she's a ice cold slut, that takes a advantage of people to be on top, Dean you're a looker better watch out she might make you her new pet." Then she left.

"sorry about her" Said Santana "Her boyfriend, well Ex boyfriend Fin of 1yr found out his been cheating on her the whole time...with Quin Fabray" That explains it. They walk out, and Santana showed them their lockers, Sam and Santana went off somewhere, then a blonde chick with green eyes came up to me.

"Hi, welcome to McKinley, what's your name handsome" she said in an annoying hazily voice

"uhhh Dean Winchest" then went back to the locker, i saw Rachel come down the hall and she snorted and saying "I'm always right" then kept going walking away

"Good man hands, keep walking" She shouted

"why don't you go fuck Fin in a Freaken DIRTY ASS JANITORS CLOSET OH WAIT, YOU ALREADY DID!" She Yelled

"you want to come say that to my face" She yelled when Rachel was just about to round the corner when she stopped turned, and stormed up to Quin and punching her right in the face.

"Get over yourself Quin" then stomped off

i was in shock for a couple of seconds, before then stepping over her curled up body and walked to my first class, this chick is a badass, and he liked it.