Going with Gabriel

It's been a week since Will and said what he had said to me. I was still stunned and I skipped meals so that I didn't have to see him. I was in the library reading when I heard footsteps,

"Miss?" I looked over to see Sophie standing there,

"Yes Sophie?" I asked standing up and straightening my dress,

"Charlotte has asked for you in the study," I nodded marking my page in the book I had been reading and following her out. I noticed that everyone was in the study,

"Tessa dear thank you for joining us I have news the Lightwoods will be joining us for dinner!" Charlotte sounded happy and a little angry,

"Why?" Will sounded pissed,

"Gabriel wants to get to know Tessa he seems fond of her," I perked up,

"Of me?" I asked Jessie choked and then jumped up,

"Tessa we have to get you ready," she grabbed my hand pulling towards the door I looked back and saw Will staring at me I thought I saw hurt flash over the anger. Jessie dressed me up in a gold dress a tear up the leg to the hip she said it was the new "thing". I had a bit of make-up and I thought I looked good. A knock on the door Will and Jem walked in after,

"Wow you look-" Jem started then Will coughed loudly turning around and walking out the door I got up,

"Shall we go?" I asked Jem he nodded. We walked down the stairs and Gabriel was standing there with his parents,

"Tessa," Gabriel smiled at me, "Miss Charlotte." He nodded at her the Lightwoods were sweet all night very pleasant. Gabriel spoke a lot to me and I had a great time in months. I was walking through the halls after dinner when I heard shouts,

"Will!" Jems voice rang down the halls, "Gabriel!" I started to run in the heels appearing to the scene where Gabriel and Will were fighting,

"Gabriel!" I gasped the boys stopped fighting so I walked over to them grabbed Will and pushed him towards Jem. Will staggered a little over towards Jem I helped Gabriel up scowling,

"Tessa I swear Will attacked me I was trying to be civilized," I sighed, "please can we go on a walk London is quite pretty at night,"

"I would love to Gabriel." The moon was bright and Gabriel took me took a park where he sat on the grass and I sat beside him,

"You look amazing today I looked apone you the first day and I was in awe," he looked down, "I thought you were with Will but when I found out you weren't ," I smiled,

"Will is nothing to me anymore," Gabriel moved closer to me leaning over he kissed me. His lips were soft and then he moved even closer and closer suddenly he shifted me on to his lap. This was fast but it felt good actually great. I felt him nip my bottom lip opening my mouth his tongue slipped in. I pulled back giggling,

"Slow down soldier boy," he laughed with me I got off him and he walked me to my room leaving with a slow romantic kiss,

"Goodbye beautiful," he said. I looked up and saw Jem and Will watching from Jems doorway Gabriel looked and winked at me, "can you deal with Wayland on his own?" He joked I smiled,

"Can you make-out with-out an audience?" Will retorted I felt the heat go into my cheeks,

"Yes actually we," Gabriel pointed at himself and then at me, "can how do you think the park was Tessa?" Will glared at me and that gave me strength I could date who ever I wanted,

"It was beautiful Gabriel but all that walking makes me tired would you like to come in?" I asked,

"That would be nice," Gabriel looked back at Will smirking. I sat on the bed while Gabriel looked through my things he picked up one of my bras, "nice." He mumbled he smiled at my angry expression putting it back down. He joined me on the bed and we talked about nothing important. Suddenly the door was pushed open Jem and Will stood there bemused,

"You guys are just talking?" Jem asked while Will muttered something under his breath,

"Um yeah I'm not a jack ass like some people!" Gabriel retorted looking at Will. He glared and started towards us,

"I'm the-"

"Stop!" I yelled, "this is my room!" They froze looking at me,

"Sorry," Gabriel murmured,

"That's ok," I told him and he smiled. I got up off the bed my dress swaying slightly,

"Gabriel its time to go!" I heard his mom call from down the hall,

"Guess I have to go I'll be back to pick you up tomorrow," I nodded as he kissed my cheek walking briskly down the hall. I sighed looking back at the other two guys in the room,

"Out," they looked at me confused, "now!"

A.N) I know boring you say but it will continue.