Disclaimer: Richelle Mead owns The Vampire Academy Series, not me.

This is a continuation of Rose218125's FanFiction called Caught in a snowstorm, read that first, the link is in my profile!

Моя любовь

Chapter two: Изуродованные студента

Previously on Моя любовь:

"You look nice Lissa, go walk in front of Fire boy, I'm pretty sure he'll hang out with you."

"Rose why do you have to be so mean to Christian?" She questioned in an exasperated tone.

"Because I can, have fun." Lissa left shortly after that and I went back to bed, I was having a nice beautiful dream when I was jolted awake by screaming.

I jumped out of my bed as fast as I could grabbed a dress from my floor and put it on as I grabbed my boots, I donned my boots as I ran out of my room, I followed the screaming down a couple of hallways that twist and turned every which way, when I finally got to the destination of where there was screaming I came to an abrupt stop for there before me on the ground was the mutilated body of a student, her clothes that were upon her body were ripped in places, she appeared to have been raped, but not only that her intestines were hanging out of her body, some of the digits on her hands were missing, she had been scalped, and what was even worse is that she was breathing, she's still alive. I looked around to see what everyone's reaction was, some were crying while others looked sad, but that didn't stop the screaming that was going on, I scanned the audience for Lissa but didn't see her, it's not like she would be here because her room was on the opposite side of the building. But what really got my attention was that not one of the guardians or faculty members were here. Looking at the dying student once more I ran away from the area to go to Lissa, from what I could tell with the bond was that she was in the church sitting in a pew with Christian talking to the priest. They were talking about sex before marriage because apparently she and Christian were caught in the middle of throes of passion. I laughed to myself; they would be the ones to get caught doing it in a church. I decided not to go to Lissa, I would just go find a guardian and tell them what is going on in the girl's dorm. I walked around and I was like the school was deserted, there were no guardians in sight at all.

"What's going on?" I questioned out loud to myself. What I didn't expect was an answer back.

"The Queen is missing." Dimitri said; I turned around in shock to look at him.

"I thought you were gone, and what do you mean the Queen is missing?" I had asked Dimitri, coming to a stop as I did.

"All the guardians were called back to the school. It's not safe to be outside the wards when the queen is missing. It's also best to travel in groups, we don't know exactly nowhere the Queen went, only that she's missing and it was possibly a kidnapping if that is so then humans where involved." Dimitri grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to wherever he was going. I obediently followed him. We traveled to the edge of the forest and went in about five feet. He stopped and turned to look at me his guardian mask slipping to one of worry.

"Dimitri what else is going on? There's more than what you're telling me." Dimitri looked like he wanted to tell me but also didn't want to tell me.

"Roza, I can't. Just do as I say, it's for safety reasons and precautions. Promise me." I noticed that he called me Roza; he only does that when he feels particularly affectionate. I looked up into the chocolate brown eyes of the man I loved. He looked so sad and usually he's never sad.

"I promise, comrade." I leaned up and kissed him. We got lost in the kiss for a couple of minutes before Dimitri pulled back.

"We better head back before someone comes looking." Dimitri gave me a peck on the forehead before he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

"Dimitri, do you know where all the guardians are at that are usually stationed in the school?" I had asked remembering what happened before I came out on the grounds; the grounds that were deserted but now full of people. Dimitri and I let go of one another's hands simultaneously as we emerged out of the covering of the trees.

"In headmistress Kirova's office, but as there are students out then they're probably back where they're supposed to be, why?" I looked up into Dimitri's eyes pondering what to say, how to tell him of the body that I saw before I came out here about an hour ago.

"You'll find out what happened today, but Dimitri I don't think the school is the safest place." Gazing ahead I saw Sparky, I mean Christian and Lissa walking side by side. "I see Lissa and Christian; I better go, see you at practice. Bye." I ran off over to them.

"Ahhh... I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again." Christian said once I got there, I seriously wanted to punch him, but since he was a Moroi I couldn't and Dimitri was watching us, it wouldn't be the best idea to physically harm Christian in front of the love of your life/teacher. So I just talked back with a witty Rose Hathaway remark.

"It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying Sparky." Christian threw me a glare. Let me tell you a little something about Christian. He is a Moroi whose elemental magic is fire, hence why I call him sparky or anything fire related. His parents had willingly become Strigoi when he was a young child. They had planned on taking him with them and wait until he got older to turn him into a Strigoi, but rumor has it that his Aunt protected him until a fleet of guardians came and killed his parents. Many of the Moroi and Dhampir's stay away from Christian because they think that he'll become a Strigoi like his parents. The reasoning behind that was because he always where's black and keeps to himself. Christian has dark black hair and bright blue eyes that stand out; he's also madly in love with Lissa.

Now that you know about Christian now it's time to tell you about Lissa. As you already know her full name is Vasilisa Sabina Rhea Dragomir and she prefers to be called Lissa. Now what some of you might not know is that she's my best friend, naw you know that too, but some of you might not know that she is the last remaining descendant of the Dragomir clan. Her family and I were in a car accident that fatally killed everyone in it but Lissa. Yes even I died but Lissa brought me back with her elemental magic Spirit –which is a very rare power. Almost unheard of. She has a kind quite, just to prove it I'll tell you what she did that was so kind. She once dated a guy named Aaron two years ago because he liked her, even if she felt nothing like that for him, heck she even lost her v-card to him, which by the way is funny to mention to Sparky. Lissa had platinum blond hair and Jade green eyes. She's slim built like all Moroi out there.

Anyways back to what's going on. Sparky was about to say something about my awesome come back when I walked past him to stand by Lissa's side when he 'accidently' tripped face first in a the mud puddle before him. I looked around to see if anyone saw what happened. Dimitri of course did, he gave me a stern look before shaking his head at my antics. He then walked over to us.

"Guardian Belikov how nice to see you here guarding the grounds, Are you here to protect me from your mental student, or perhaps you're going to help us ponder why God didn't find Rosie Posy a better outfit." Christian said turning to look at me with an evil smirk upon that ugly face of his that was just begging to be punched in. Of course he'd say something like that when Dimitri was standing not even two feet away from me, because he knows I wouldn't dare harm him with my mentor near.

""No he's not; Dimitri is too busy helping God look for your brain" I replied before Dimitri could reply back to Christian's comment.

"Why you little bit-." Christian started to say glaring at me.

"That's enough you two." Lissa said interrupting Christian, she grabbed a hold of his arm and dragged him away. "I'll see you later Rose, Guardian Belikov." She said turning to us and then waved at us as she left with a sulking Christian behind her.

"So, ruining my fun I see comrade." I started walking as Dimitri came in step beside me; I looked up at him with a smirk on my face.

"I'm afraid so, you have too much fun with Lord Ozera, you should definitely give him a break, and sometimes I wonder how Princess Vasilisa has put up with you all of these years."

"If I give him a break what am I supposed to do for fun? Dimitri it's Lissa, she prefers to be called Lissa not Vasilisa, sometimes I swear tha-" I never got to finish what I was going to say because I was interrupted and it wasn't from Dimitri, an explosion is what interrupted me. Dimitri and I ran to where the noise came from, we didn't have to run far because the school was in flames.

AN: It's been quite some time since I last updated this fic but here is the next chapter. The next time this will be updated is when my Blood and Chocolate fic has nine chapters. When that happens I'll have my time in this fic.

Rose218125: Thank you, I'm glad you like it so far and Lissa's outfit as well.

Forever Winter: Thank you, and as promised in our PM here is the next chapter with the author note included.

roseskyangel: I'm glad you love it; here is the long awaited chapter.

Tangelo1: I'm glad those paragraphs were helpful best friend. Well thanks for liking the cliffhanger. Random moments are the best. It's Russian. Also my brother was totally upset that you didn't take the shoe's he gave you, he literally sat down eating ice cream and shredded cheese together when you left on Christmas.

Echo Uchiha: Thanks.

Nicia: Thanks for the critique, I went ahead and fixed the mistakes, if there's any mistakes in here I trust you to let me know. Thanks for calling it a lovely chapter.

QUEEN-PRUNCE: Aww, thanks, I'm glad I agreed to be your Beta, I will use the idea you gave me in a PM next chapter. I feel the exact same way. I believe yours is there as well, you have a fantastic plot and everything. I even have some suggestions if you want some more ;) You haven't been weighing me down. The only problem I have is a laptop that crashes a lot and it just recently turned a year old. Thank you for the compliment.

Please R&R, and remember I won't post the next chapter until my Blood and Chocolate fic The Following has nine chapters.

Well until next time my peeps/reviewers,
