Disclaimer: Richelle Mead owns The Vampire Academy Series, not me.

This is a continuation of Rose218125's FanFiction called Caught in a snowstorm, read that first, the link is in my profile!

Моя любовь

Chapter one: Роза

My name is Rosemarie Hathaway, but I'm known as Rose, I'm seventeen years old, I have dark brown hair that's almost black, I am a Dhampir, one of the three genres of Vampires in my world. A Dhampir is half vampire half human, this is our makeup even if our parents are Moroi and Dhampir we are still considered half human half vampire, we have curves and muscles that help us we have speed and strength on our side which helps us protect our Moroi charges, we are their guardians. We can also pass by as humans, we are tan and we do not have fangs. We cannot have children with other Dhampirs, we don't know why.

Then there is the Moroi who are full blooded Vampires, they don't kill to feed but they do drink blood to survive. They drink blood from feeders-humans who willingly let them drink from them because they love to get high from the endorphins that were left behind- The Moroi are pale and slender, model like, they have fangs but know how to talk and smile in a way that if they were in the human world that it wouldn't be noticeable. The Moroi can also wield elemental magic.

Lastly there are the Strigoi, they are the dead vampires. They're evil; they kill to feed and are remorseless. In order to become a Strigoi you have to drain blood from a victim, whether it be a Moroi, Dhampir or Human, Strigoi are not born they are made. Strigoi lust after Moroi blood the most because it's stronger which makes them stronger and it tastes better, or so I'm told because I've never drank blood, the other way to become a Strigoi is being forced to become one, which is the Strigoi drinking from you and forcing you to drink from them, it is the most horrible act because nine times out of ten you have to kill someone you have once known, you mustn't hesitate because Strigoi are the most powerful Vampires this world has, though there are cons to being a Strigoi, they can't touch silver or go out in the sun. But the pros are they are super-fast and strong, they heal, which makes them a formidable foe to fight.

I have never fought a Strigoi but I have seen one, her name was Natalie Dashkov, she willingly turned Strigoi to get her father Victor out of the school holding cells, I was no match for her she nearly killed me, but Dimitri Belikov who was patrolling the school, found the drained body of a teacher and realized what happened, he saved me in the nick of time and staked Natalie, the school guardians had captured Victor once more after he fled once his daughter let him loose, he willingly went with them.

I was taken to the hospital once Dimitri admitted his feelings to me saying, 'If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.' Referring to him and me being Lissa's guardians, she's my best friend her full name is Vasilisa Sabine Rhea Dragomir, I've known her since kindergarten.

Dimitri Belikov is my twenty-four year old 6'7" Russian mentor, who I had practically made out with twenty four hours ago in a hotel room, we were going to go see. Arthur Schoenberg-A Dhampir Guardian- for my qualifier, but there was a terrible snow storm that was too dangerous to keep driving in so we stayed at a hotel for the night but once our night at the hotel was over we left to go get my qualifier done, but once we got to Guardian Schoenberg's place we discovered that him and the Moroi family he had been protecting were massacred by the Strigoi, so here I am now laying on my bed in my dorm room at school just thinking about the kiss with my certain Russian, when there was a knock on my door interrupting me of my thoughts, I got out of bed and pulled on a pair of pants and a shirt on, I walked to my door and opened it, seeing none other than the person of my thoughts.

"Comrade! To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting at such an ungodly time of hour?" Dimitri looked at me with a slight smile on his face, you could see the amusement dancing in his eyes, as always he took a little bit to answer.

"Only you would think that it is an ungodly time of the day, I have come to tell you that your morning practice has been canceled." Looking into my Russian's eyes, I stepped aside and let him in, shutting the door behind him I turned to look at him.

"Why? Am I such a bad ass student that you thought that I need a break." I questioned.

"No, I'm leaving for a few days, and anyone else who could train you in my place is unavailable, so you'll have a break." He said in his accented voice staring straight into my eyes.

"A few days? Who am I supposed to bug while you're gone, I mean it's not every day that the person who keeps you in line is going to be gone, I could cause trouble, and you won't even be here to stop me." I said watching Dimitri's face for a reaction, but he kept his guardian mask up.

"Rose, stay out of trouble, if not then I'll up your laps to thirty more than I already have you doing." I just rolled my eyes, and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my head against his chest, he slowly replied to my hug but it was only for a couple of seconds, after all he had to leave soon and we weren't supposed to be doing this even if we were in my room where know body could see what we were doing.

"Be safe Dimitri. I love you," I said as he turned around to head to my door.

"I love you too." Was the last thing he said as he opened my door and left.

I stood where I was for a couple of minutes already missing Dimitri, I just sighed to myself and took my pants and shirt off and threw them somewhere in my room, I proceeded to jump on my bed and close my eyes as my head the pillow, I was asleep within seconds, my dreams were filled of my Russian god, I was awoken by loud knocking on my door. Who would disturb me like this, I was trying to sleep, and don't these people understand that I need to sleep. Angrily I got out of bed and walked to my door throwing it open.

"WHAT!" I said practically enraged, I looked up into the face of Lissa.

"Rose, were you sleeping again?" Lissa said making her way in my room and shutting the door behind her, I just ignored her question and walked back to my bed and flopped myself face first in a pillow.

"I'm tired Lissa, I hardly got any sleep because I was getting interrupted from my beauty sleep." I said sleepily.

"I understand the tiredness because I know Guardian Belikov came here to tell you he was leaving, but Rose you really need to pay attention to how you open the door, you are wearing nothing but your undergarments."

"Lissa is there a reason you came here? I know you didn't come here just to lecture me on how I answer my door." I felt a weight on my bed and looked up to see Lissa lying down beside me.

"Well I was wondering since you don't have any training to do until Guardian Belikov comes back if you would like to do something with it being a Saturday and all." Normally I would love to grasp any free chance I had to hang out with Lissa, but today I didn't feel like it.

"Lissa I'm tired, can you come back in three hours and ask me? Or if you want maybe an hour and a half?"

"I guess, but what am I to do while you're sleeping? I have absolutely nothing to do." I groaned mentally and then studied her, she had her long platinum blond hair tied in two pigtails one on each side of her head, and she was wearing plum colored eye shadow that made her jade green eyes pop out, her attire was a short silver dress with black and purple butterflies on it, she wore black flat boots, she looked absolutely stunning.

"You look nice Lissa, go walk in front of Fire boy, I'm pretty sure he'll hang out with you."

"Rose why do you have to be so mean to Christian?" She questioned in an exasperated tone.

"Because I can, have fun." Lissa left shortly after that and I went back to bed, I was having a nice beautiful dream when I was jolted awake by screaming.

AN: I hope this is up to y'alls standards, do you thank anything needs any improvement? What do you think so far?

Please R&R!