Ughhhh... This story literally drank the BLOOD out of me. And the sweat. And yet it STILL took a long time to write and load! AUGH.

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter One: I'm Not Your Girlfriend, Baby

Touko… She's my cousin. And she's dead.

The strange man before me stared at me, as if he saw a ghost.

"That's… impossible." He mumbled.

"What, death? Everyone dies, sir." I raised a brow at him. His black and white cap covered most of his face, his head lowering to the ground. "Touko did."

"That's not true! How can she be dead? It's only been a few years!" He kept muttering to himself.

"Can you please stop freaking me out here?" I groaned. "I'm going to take my leave now…"

"Wait! Can you tell me how your cousin died? I'd like to know." The strange man grabbed my wrist. I pulled back with all my strength, stepping back a few steps.

"I barely know the woman myself, let alone know how she died." I muttered, walking backwards slowly. The green haired man just stood there, in silence, possibly thinking of what to say next.

"Accompany me on that Ferris wheel, if you don't mind." He ordered. Who does he think he is? A king?

"And why should I? My mom always told me never to ride with strangers." I hissed.

"I want you to tell me what you know about Touko." His silver/green eyes pierced right through my heart. Was he Touko's boyfriend? He certainly was handsome… Something about him seems oddly familiar though…

"Fine. C'mon, let's go." I sighed, rolling my eyes. Hey, at least I get to ride the Ferris wheel. We got in the tiny capsule. I looked over the window, wondering if he was going to say anything. "So, what connection do you have with my cousin?"

"I'm her fiancé." He mumbled. Fiancé, huh? Eh, I was close. I feel sorry for the guy a little bit. He must've left, and when he came back, she's dead. But that familiarity between us…why does it seem so strange to me?

"That's weird…" I sighed.

"What?" He raised a brow at me, tilting his head to the side.

"My mother never said anything about Touko being engaged." I rolled my eyes, thinking this man is just some crazy stalker.

"Did she mention about her having a young daughter? Right now…she's around the age of 3…" He asked desperately.

"No, none of that either." I shook my head, raising a brow at him. "What's your name anyway? Maybe my mom mentioned something about you or something."

"My name is…" He started.

"N." Both of us said at the same time. The green haired man widened his eyes. Why did I just blurt that out?

"You…" He gasped.

"Forget what I just said. What is your name again?" I rolled my eyes, trying to forget that moment.

"You and I said it at the same time… My name is N." He stammered. For a moment or two, we just stared at each other in silence, both of us shocked.

"I guess my mother has mentioned you at one point… Maybe she even showed me a picture of you… Oh well." I sighed, watching the clouds in the sky go by.

"I see…that's it… Now, what's your name?" He asked. I didn't bother to even answering that question. "What's the matter?"

"I'm considering whether or not to tell my name to a stranger like you…" I mumbled.

"I'm not really considered a stranger…but…" He trailed off.

"My name is Loretta." I sighed.

"L-Loretta?" He gasped.

"Yes, now stop repeating it." I rolled my eyes. He seemed to be gasping a lot, hasn't he?

"But…That's... Never mind." N muttered, still feeling shocked, I guess.

"Okay…?" I raised a brow, wondering if I should've easily trusted this creeper. Well… I can see that the Ferris wheel ride was almost over, so that's good. But I noticed that it was also nearing sunset, which meant I have to go see my mother soon.

"You really look like her, you know." N sighed, smiling as he stared out into the setting sun.

"Most cousins do." I rolled my eyes. How much longer do I have to be in here with him?

"And you even sound like her…"He continued, probably reminiscing memories about my unknown cousin.

"Where are you going with this, you creep?" I asked, my face forming into disgust.

"Ah- nothing." N shook his head, still staring at the blazing star. He seemed to be contemplating about something. Muttering under his breath, "Maybe I should go see her mother…" caught my attention almost immediately.

"What was that?" I snapped my head to his general direction. Before he could even answer, the door of the Ferris wheel opened.

Seeing as a sign from Arceus himself, "Nothing, nothing at all." Acting like a gentleman, he helped me off the Ferris wheel. When I safely stepped onto the ground, I could see that he was staring straight into my blue eyes. What was he thinking right now? He has such a love-drunk look on his face… he's not going to kiss me is he? "You-"

"I heard it once; I don't need to hear it again." I hissed.

"But please! Listen to me! Are you honestly sure that you don't know anything about Touko?" N demanded.

Growling, "Tch. I'm leaving." I instantly got onto my bike and quickly peddled away from that creep. Was he really my cousin's fiancée? My dead cousin? This is all too unrealistic… At least I would never see him again.

Then again, I haven't been wrong before.

"Hello, dear." My mom answered as I walked through her front door. Suddenly, a mess of familiar green hair and emerald eyes caught my attention.

"YOU!" I screamed, pointing at the man. "How could you follow me all the way to my mother's house? You really are a freak!"

"Loretta! Calm down!" My mom begged. "Don't worry, he's not a freak… he's an-"

"No, no… Ms. White, we already met before. I'm sure she wasn't too sure that I am who I said I was." N explained.

"I see. Well… Loretta…sit down." My mother demanded. Finding no reason to complain, I sat particularly close to my mom. "N, welcome back home."

"It's good to be home." N smiled a soft grin that felt… oddly familiar. It was astonishingly warm, warm enough to scorch a part in my heart. It was…magnificent.

"Well, Loretta… As you may heard… Your cousin, Touko, has a fiancée who was… travelling abroad for a while. And complications arose and so he rushed here as fast as he could to Unova." My mom tried explaining to me.

"What's your reason for coming here then?" I scoffed, crossing my legs. N and my mother looked at me with surprised looks on their faces.

"Excuse me?" N gasped the words out slowly.

"You heard me. Why did you come here?" I repeated, this time more sternly.

"Loretta…!" My mom yelled out.

"It's because I found out that my father has done a horrible thing to the love of my life." N growled. "And the next thing I know… she's…she's dead!" He started sobbing like a little baby. I sat there across from him, showing no care in the world. But… my insides would say otherwise.

"N…" My mom sighed. "Honey, thank you for coming tonight. I'd like to speak with N by myself. Oh, and thank you for dropping off the package like I asked you to."

"No problem, mom." I sighed, walking out. "Bye." Slamming the door behind me, I violently stomped on the ground the second I felt grass.

I needed answers. Now. Who is this man? Who is this Touko? What is all this dramatic tension that arrived ever since that green haired man named N came? And why does he seem so gosh darn familiar? But, more importantly, I needed to see him.

Yes, Touya.

DUN DUN DUNNNN. (Yes, that was well needed.)

I am about to pass out from exhaustion over the immense amount of work I worked on the last couple of hours! Funnn...

So, I'm going to say this in every chapter in every single story I update this week... Yes! Finally Spring Break has arrived for me! And as you didn't know, Spring Break is a chance for me to catch up in every single thing I have written on in the past and haven't continued! So, I'm making a commitment that almost every night (With the exception of the night before Easter and occasionally a day after a full nighter day.) I will stay up ALLLL night writing a chapter or two and upload it for all of you guys! With everyone's support, maybe I can make my goal by updating EACH story by one chapter!

So yeah! Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter!