Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter but the awesome J.K Rowling

Chapter 9


Dear Lexi,

I apologize for not writing back soon, but I'm busy trying to find a way to warn Harry about Karkaroff. You do know he's a Death Eater, right? I suspect he's the one that put Harry up to the tournament, trying to kill him off. Be very careful of him and help Harry keep an eye out for him.

I'd talked to him for a while yesterday, and he told me about his first task; it's Dragons. He's really worried about it and I didn't have the chance to tell him about the spells I know against dragons 'cause someone was coming. I'm also pretty sure the wizardry family whose house I broke into are coming back as well.

Harry told me you've been really distance lately, did something happened with that Slytherin kid you were talking about? Is it that serious that you have to annihilate Harry from your life? You can screw that slimy snake and help Harry instead. He needs you Lexi, more so than ever.

Do tell Harry about the Conjunctivitis Curse, as a dragon's eyes are its weakest point. I'm sure it'll come in handy against the dragons once he mastered it.


I angrily crunched up the letter into a ball before throwing it into the fireplace. It had been nearly three weeks before I got a letter from Sirius and what he talked about?


It's all Harry this and Harry that, even implying that my own problem with Theo was nothing compared to Harry's. Sirius actually broke into a house to contact him! He risked his safety just to talk to him through the floo network! I didn't see him doing the same for me! What do I get instead? One short letter… about Harry.

How lovely.

"Alright there, Lex?"

I jumped a little when I hear Draco's voice, forgetting that his head was resting on my laps. He had one of his eye open, staring at me curiously. We were both just lounging in the common room after finishing up all our essays, many Slytherins already in bed at this late hour for classes tomorrow.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I grumbled, resuming running my hand through Draco's hair. His hair was really soft, like silk, and he would occasionally let out this soft humming sound of contentment. It's cute really.

"Hmm, good." He murmured, closing his eyes again, leaning into my touch. I smiled a little before opening up the second letter with just one hand. Well, tried to at least. But I was having so much trouble with it that Draco got annoyed, him snatching the envelope and ripped it open for me. It seemed that I'd actually been poking his face with the edges of the envelope when I was fumbling with it.

It was real surprising though, when Dippy had delivered two letters instead of the usual one, only to realize the other letter was actually from Remus. Apparently, Sirius had actually been using the help of Dippy to keep in touch with Remus, and for some reason, Remus decided to write me a letter now.

Dear Lexi,

How's my little cub? I'm sorry it took me so long to write to you, I'd been travelling around before I finally settled down on a small desk job that accepts my 'condition'. Regardless, thanks to Dippy and Sirius, I am able to keep myself updated about Harry and you.

What's this I heard from Sirius about this Slytherin git that's messing with my cub? Sirius didn't go into details and I would like to hear more about it if you don't mind, it seems important and I'm concerned. William had his fair share of problems in his house before, and I know it's never simple.

How's your relationship with Malfoy? Is he treating you right? Of course he is. The poor boy is smitten, so much it actually reminds me of James. How about classes? I heard the ex-auror, Alastor Moody, is the new DADA professor of Hogwarts, he's not giving you too much trouble, is he?

Dippy told me you've not been smiling as much as before, seemingly stressed and worried all the time. If you ever need me, don't hesitate to ask, I'll do whatever I can to help. In fact, if Dumbledore agrees, maybe I can make a visit to Hogwarts. I do have some things I would like to tell you in person after all.

With love,



I've put a little something in this magically enhanced envelope. Just turn it over. I hope it'll help a little.

Excited, I turned the envelope upside down and instantly, boxes and boxes of chocolate frogs dropped out, falling onto Draco's face.

"What the fuck!" Draco spluttered, sitting up in split second.

"Tut tut, language Draco, what would Narcissa say if she heard you?" I grinned, picking up all the chocolate frogs. There's got to be about 20 boxes, and it most definitely would help.

"She would say not to murder her precious son in his sleep," Draco groused, rubbing his eye a little. "Where did these chocolates come from?"

"Remus sent them," I shrugged.

"And why's that?"

I stared straight at Draco, my grin gotten wider, very much like a cheshire cat.

"Because I'm awesome."

"D-Dragons." I panted, seriously lacking air. I'd caught sight of Cedric at the end of the hallway when I was searching for Harry, and that said raven hair boy was still nowhere to be found. Without much thought, I started to run after Cedric, he didn't know about the dragons yet!

I caught up to him alright, grabbing him by the back of his robes and literally pulled him to a halt, apparently almost choked him to death. Can you imagine what the headline would be if I'd really choke him to death?

'Champion died under the hands of the beautiful, mega awesome Slytherin before Tournament!'

I'll be famous! Everyone would want to be me, cameras would follow me, crowds would want to get a glimpse of me, people would be asking for my autographs-

"-exi, Hogwarts to Lexi, hello, you there?" Cedric was standing in front of me. His fingers snapping, and a look of puzzlement were on his face. I stared blankly at him, what were we talking about again?

Oh right!

"It'll be a galleon for each autograph, you can pay my agent for it."

"What? " The confusion on Cedric's face only increased, him staring at me as if I'd grown two heads.

"You were saying about... dragons?"

"Oh, that's right! Dragons. You can't ask me how I know it, but you'll be facing dragons for the first task in the tournament." I said carefully, expecting Cedric to freak out on me. I most certain did so when the information had sunk in. They're letting students, going against dragons! No wonder the death rate of the Tri-Wizard tournament had always been so high.

"You broke curfew and almost murdered me just to tell me that?" Cedric asked, amused, still rubbing his throat.

"Wait, why aren't you the least bit surprise? I'd just said, you have to face a dragon. D-r-a-g-o-n. You do know what it is right? Hundred feet tall, few thousand pounds heavy, sharp claws, spit fire and eats people?"

"Yes Lexi, I'm aware of what a dragon is." Cedric said with a grimace, trying to force a smile, "And I know I'll be facing it for the first task. Harry told me this morning."

"Oh," What a shocker. Self righteous Harry wanting to play fair. I'd run ten feet for nothing.


"You're worried about me, aren't you? That's why you told me about the dragons." Cedric pipped up again, a warm smile on his face.

Urgh, I always hated that smile, it's too... Hufflepuff. Oh yeah, Hufflepuffs have their own signature smile, just like how we Slytherins have our signature smirks and sneers; the lot of the puffs smiling at you as if you're the best thing since chocolate frogs. If Hufflepuffs ever face with the Dark Lord, I swear, they probably would try to smile him to death than using their wands.

"Pft! No way! Don't go around assuming things that's not true, you're starting to sound like Granger." I said tersely, straightening myself up.

"Don't worry, I think I have a plan on how to handle a dragon." Cedric continued, ruffling my hair, acted as if I had not say anything. I swat his hands hand, pissed.

What am I? A kid?

"I'm leaving, I've already wasted enough time doing something so pointless. Good night." I huffed, turning on my heel and stormed away.

Honestly, what's with people thinking about I'm worried for them? It's outrageous! I was just about to turn into a corner when Cedric called out my name. Turning my head around, I see him still few feet away, beaming another one of his Hufflepuff smile at me.

"What?" I yelled back impatiently, still ticked off.


"I'm so screwed..." I whispered to myself, I'd never gotten the chance to tell Harry about the spell Sirius suggested. That stupid raven hair boy was nowhere to be found yesterday, thus my current predicament.

If Harry's killed during the first task, I call not guilty!

"Lookie look what we have here George, one tiny little snake!" Before I knew it, two arms were draped over my shoulder, sandwiching me between the Weasley twins, the only two Weasley I held respect for.

"Who are you calling tiny and little you arseface!"

Yeeeep, that's me, showing respect.

"Ouch, your words wound us badly-"

"-so very badly." The two of them said with mock hurt, finishing each other's sentence as always as they directed me towards somewhere private. Guess it's time to talk business.

"There's still a week before I have to pay the both of you for your services, so I guess I can safely assume you two want something from me. So, what's up?" I asked them with an arched eyebrow, still being dragged along with them.

You heard me right, I pay the Weasley twins for their services, I- EW! Not that kind of services! Don't deny it! I know you thought about it!

Admit it!

*Cough* Anyway, the services I was talking about, was them taking the blame for my pranks or to clean up any mess I'd made. With the need to keep my records clean, I can't afford to be caught by any Professors, so who else better to take the blame when a prank was caught?

The Weasley Twins of course!

I'd made a deal with them, where I'll pay them according and let them have all the credits of the pranks. Having someone paying them to have a notorious reputation? They jumped straight into it! Thus, throughout the years, the Weasley twins had I had a business relationship, most of my galleons went to them.

Not just paying them for taking blame, I'd started to invest and provide them funds to experiment and create new prank products too, even agreeing to be one of their shareholders (Currently the only one) for their future joke shop they'd been planning to open.

So you see why I'm so cheap all the time, I needed every knut for my pranks!

"Ah, clever little snake," I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to bite their head off, knowing that they were just trying to get a rise out of me.

That's the Weasley twins for you.

"Cunning little snake,"

"We just-"

"Need you-"

"to do us!"

"... ..."

"... ..."


"One small favour!" They finished together after one long dramatic pause, grinning cheekily.

"Oh thank Merlin there's something more to that sentence," I sighed out in relief before eying them suspiciously, "What kind of favour? You need dirt on someone?"

"As tempting as it is-"

"That's not what we want."

"Can the both of you stop finishing each other sentence? It's bloody annoying!" I burst out, eyes twitching. I had a certain amount of respect for the twins, that I do, but when they start this twin bit, it can really get on my nerves!

"We know!" Their grin widened even further, ecstatic.

"Gits," I muttered, "Then what favour the two of you are talking about? It's not anything dangerous is it?"

"My my, where's your sense of adventure, Whyte?"

"We're disappointed." The both said in perfect unison as they shook their heads, clacking their tongues.

"Like you said, I'm a snake, not a lion. I'm not stupid enough to risk my life for the likes of the two of you. Well, I don't risk my life at all!" I scoffed, "And can you please make this quick? Draco is waiting for me."

"Yeah yeah, because you're such a good girlfriend. That foul git can wait," The Weasley on my right scoffed, rolling his eyes. Ah, so the one on my right must be Fred, him always much ruder to me than George. I can never differentiate who is who just by their appearance. Not that I'd bothered to try in the first place.

"You see-"

"No I don't see anything but a pair of idiots-"

"Ah ah ah, don't interrupt us, we're not finished." George tutted, wagging his index finger right in front of my face as if he was lecturing a child. I would hex them, I really would. But I won't because let's face it, no matter how good I am in duelling, I'm no match for both the Weasley twins. They may look the part of a joker that doesn't take anything seriously, but they were actually really good duellists, and when they work together, they're rather invincible.


"Anyway, as we were saying, you see-"

"We want to get back at someone-"

"And you're the only person we know who has the connections-"

"and the skills to pull it off."

"Who's the victim you have in mind?" I asked, watching the twins exchanged a look between themselves before looking back at me, an identical devilish grin on their faces.

"Ludo Bagman."

"Harry, whoever put your name in that goblet, I- I reckon they're trying to do you in!" I heard Weasley said when I'd just stepped into the first aid tent, my all time favourite trio reunited.


"Everyone has the right to be stupid Weasley, but you're abusing the privilege." I drawled, the three of them spun their head around towards me instantaneously. The three of them stared at me with much disbelief.

"Well, I'm not here for any of you, so don't let me ruin your party," I continued dryly, starting to walk towards the far end cubicle of the tent, "My party was already ruin with chosen one over there still alive."

I didn't even get far when Harry suddenly got and up and block my path, his face flustered from anger. I stood there, matching his glare with my own, standing on my ground.

"What do you want, Potter?" I asked icily, sneering.

"You're bloody childish you know that?" Harry snapped, "You know I didn't mean it!"

"You know Potter, that has got to be the worst apology I've ever heard, and trust me, that's saying something. Talk to me again when you have a better one." Coolly, I knocked him hard on his shoulder when I walked past him. His shoulder might be healed from the injured he gotten from the tournament, but I know it's still sore.

Low blow?

I can only say it's not low enough.