The Power of Royce Compels You

If only. Those two words continued to run through Beckett's mind even after she finished the letter from Royce. Why she chose to read it now she had no idea but she had ended up reading it anyway. Turning her gaze to Castle sleeping peacefully beside her she finally realized that she had to make the next move, Castle wouldn't push her and she both loved and hated him for it. Her and Josh are over had been over and nothing was in the way yet she still hadn't made a move or even told Castle that they were over. Sinking back in her seat to think Kate mulled over her thoughts, it finally became clear, she was scared. Scared that Rick didn't love her back, scared he would break her heart, or worst of all, that he didn't feel the same way. There were two and a half hours left of the flight Kate decided that she would sort out her thoughts then talk to Rick. 30 minutes later Kate had her mess of a brain sorted out; Rick had come around 10 minutes earlier she hadn't spoken to him until now.

"Rick, can I talk to you?" The use of his first name had his head snapping around so he was staring at her.

"Of course Kate." Kate sucked in a deep breath and gave a shy smile. Rick had no idea what was going on in her head but it must be important if she was this nervous.

"Rick we've been working together for 3 years and in the beginning I was annoyed but I grew to enjoy having you around and then I grew to wanting you around. We started as partners then became friends and now we're best friends. I didn't think there could ever be more until recently I didn't even want more I was happy with safe and secure and familiar. But we kept getting closer hell we still are and it scares the shit out of me because I don't want us to fizzle out or what if you get bored Rick? But I want this. I'm sure of that now. I love you Richard Castle.

Rick stared at her for a few seconds and asked the one thing she'd been expecting him to ask, "what about Josh Kate you two are still together."

Kate looked down slightly embarrassed "Josh and I broke up after the freezer. He wasn't what I wanted, who I wanted and it wasn't fair to him or me."

"Oh Kate, I'm sorry, and Kate I will never hurt you. I could never get bored of you and I will do everything in my power to make you unafraid of diving into this with me. I love you too Katherine Beckett." Kate reached out and took his hand squeezing it lightly, they began communicating through their eyes, and Kate only saw pure honesty and love in his eyes. The same feelings completely clear in Kate's eyes. Rick leaned forward slightly giving her space to back away but she only leaned father forward. When their lips were mere millimeters apart Rick asked his breath tickling her face "Are you sure?" Her only response was to close the space between them. The kiss started out light and tender quickly becoming deep and full of passion so powerful it had Kate's toes curling in her heels. When they broke apart they both uttered a simultaneous "Wow."

Kate was the first to break the silence mumbling a quiet "Thanks Royce." Then she turned to face Rick again. "I love you."

"I love you too." Then lifting the arm rest up Rick wrapped his arm around Kate and she curled up against his chest. That final step she had just taken was the best decision she could've possibly made.