The Soulgaze

I stared into your eyes

And I swear I heard waves crash

As you looked into my future

And I looked into your past.

Nothing between us

But the flesh of mortal beings

I forgot about the importance

Of all these things.

I only wanted you

My love so deep and true

Being with you forever

Was what I wanted to do.

Singing songs of love

My soul daned in joy

And I could swear you saw it

Just as clearly as I saw yours.

But then reality came crashing down

In a glass of ice-cold water

Even thouh to me

In the world there was really nothing hotter

Than you staring at me unclothed

Dripping wet from the shower

But alas I guess it wasn't meant to be

You had the power

To resist my charms

Even though I wanted to eap into your arms.

A/N: A poem that describes what Molly felt for Harry when and after they soulgazed. I do not own Harry Dresden or Molly Carpenter!