A/N: Okay I know I should stop doing this… So feel free to comment on how I should update my other stories… xD this was purely for fun so I don't know if I'll update. Don't worry I'm working on updating my original three stories just be a little patient :3 ENJOY!

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A Kiss that Can Take Your Breath Away... Literally

Chapter 1: The… thing

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I was walking through the busy streets, taking my sweet time to get to school. I checked my watch, I still had time… sort of. I started to run when something hit me… Not like an idea or something but a solid object. I found the culprit: a small golden pendant with blue jewels. It looked like one of those good-luck voodoo things. I picked it up and studied it. The thing started creeping me out so I threw it towards a tree and resumed my run.

"Better hurry up." I whispered to myself.

"Len, hurry up! Gakupo is already inside!" my friend Kaito said as I reached the school gates.

I silently followed Kaito. I was never the talkative one… yet why do girls find me interesting, I mean I rarely talk… even to my friends. How does that work out? I mean, I never raise their hopes or anything. I usually try to avoid girls. I become clumsy around them… I don't like it.

"Ooh look… That is Len Kagamine. He is so cool. I love the strong silent type." I heard a girl say. I am seriously starting to consider moving to an all-boys school.

"Come on Len, you could have any girl you want yet you act like their invisible. Is there a hidden reason? Wink wink?" Kaito asked.

"I just don't like the attention. All these girls are pretty scary."

"Len Kagamine, sixteen years with four months and still no girlfriend." Kaito recited as if it were written in a book.

I sighed. Yep, that's my life in a nutshell.

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It was time for physical ed. So here I am running my fifth lap.

"Okay bring it in and get in your squads. " The coach said.

"Len you'll be playing offense." The captain of our team told me. I nodded and jogged towards the field.

The game started… soccer. Ten minutes into the game and I had already scored a goal. Either the other team seriously sucked or I was good. A flock of pigeons flew overhead. The girls panicked and covered their heads, not wanting to get "pooped on". I used it as an opportunity to steal the ball and head towards the other team's net. I was closing in hen something hit me…again. If it's bird poop I am sooo getting pissed.

I stopped running and let them take the ball away. I looked around to see where the bird had pooped on me. Instead, I found the same pendant from earlier lying besides my foot. How did it end up here again?

"Len! Get your head in the game!" Some guy from my team said.

I shook the scary feeling away and picked up the locket. I shoved it in my pocket. Better keep this close so it won't keep on falling on me. I'll throw it away later.


Homework… I stared at the books infront of me. I was currently within the privacy of my room sitting at my desk. The sun's light made the pendant glint. I curiously looked at the golden pendant. Until now, I hadn't realized it was attached to a thin chain. I let it dangle from my finger, watching it twirl around and around.

Wonder what's inside, I thought. Probably nothing… I got the tiny object in my hand and unscrewed the top.

A gust of wind made my hair flow wildly and smoke filled the room. I KNEW IT WAS CURSED!

I waved my arms around trying to make the smoke disappear. I rushed and opened my window. In seconds the blue-ish smoke was gone. Once where there had been nothing now lay a girl. Well at least I think she is a girl. She had short length blond hair, two arms, two legs, you know the usual stuff. The NOT NORMAL stuff she had were black wings and cat ears… and a cat tail. Crap, this is a weird dream… I am dreaming right?

I crept up towards the girl and was deciding whether or not to poke her with a ruler stick. She looked normal enough, wings and cat parts aside. Okay who am I kidding? SHE JUST CAME OUT OF A FREAKING PENDANT!

She suddenly opened her eyes to reveal dull green eyes.

She sat up and stared at me. The…thing… stretched and yawned.

"Nyaa, I'm so hungry…" she said.

I backed up to the other side of the room, climbing onto my bed. She looked at me questioningly.

"W-who or what are you?" I asked and got a pillow ready to throw if needed.

"Me? My name is Rin! Or number 17… I'm a Nekonian Demon, nya!"

Ok, its official games do screw up your head. They make you imagine demon cat girls! I am going to regulate my television and game hours from now on.

"Nya, I'm hungry," she said clutching her stomach, " I haven't eaten anything in a long while." I heard her stomach growl as if it were confirming it.

"Can you give me some food,nya?" she said, bobbing her head to the left like a cat.

"U-um sure… What do you like to ea-"

Before I could finish she opened her wings and lunged at me. She placed her lips atop mine. It was a slow yet needy kiss… Why am I starting to feel light headed?

"Nyaaa! That was delicious!" I heard the demon Rin say before I lost consciousness.

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A/N: Well yup, that's it for now. I don't know if I should update… Well whatever, leave reviews behind even if its to remind me that I still have to update my other stories xD
