Sparks in the Dark

Nothing but cuddly fluffy smut, set around the time that Harry, Ron and Hermione are living in Grimmauld Place on their own. Enjoy.

Ron gripped the sink with both hands, breathing deeply and trying to control the heat washing through him. It was getting so hard for him, lying so close to her, tasting her scent on the air he breathed, seeing her body barely covered by a blanket, close enough to touch. He had spent so many nights like that now, aware of her presence next to him in the dark. It was as though electricity jumped between them, jolting him awake and attuning him to her slightest move. He was amazed that the room wasn't lit by the sparks that seemed to engulf him as she turned her head a little on her pillow.

He could have lain like that for another hundred nights, sensitive to her like he had been to no other person in his life. He could have settled for the intimacy of darkness, the caress of her light breaths, electricity in the night. But tonight was more than he could take. He bowed his head and gripped the sink tighter; trying not to think of the way that she had rolled towards him, deep in sleep. He tried to chase his mind from thoughts of her hot breath on his neck and the way that her arm had slid over his frozen chest, pulling him close as her head rested on his shoulder.

He knew that she was asleep, seeking comfort in the depths of a dream, but to feel her move so close had taken the air from his lungs and stirred feelings that he had fought to keep down. With her breasts pressing into his arm, he could do little but address these feelings, finding them both urgent and alarming. It was one thing fantasising over a girl that lay close but had the distance of friendship and respect. It was quite another to be thinking about a girl lying on top of you, her hand resting on your chest, less than an inch from your nipple. Suddenly it all felt more real. It would be almost too easy to have lowered his head and kissed her, to have moved his hand to cup her face, to cup other thingsā€¦

Cold water from the rusty tap splashed over his face as he tried to jerk his thoughts to anything but the soft flesh that had been so available only moments before. He had done the right thing. That was what was important. Feeling his body react to the sudden overwhelming closeness, he had faced a choice and, despite his better judgement, had chosen to walk away. Hers was a move borne of innocence, what kind of man would he be if he took advantage of that? So he had eased her body from his and slipped out of the room to remove himself from temptation and to give himself a moment to recover.

When he realised that there was no way he could go back into that room and still keep his hands off her, he pressed his forehead to the cracked mirror above the sink, preparing to sleep in the bath if he had to. It was then that he heard a whisper behind him.

'Ron' The whispered word sent a jolt of electricity down his spine, the word both familiar and delicious in that voice that he knew so well. 'Are you okay?' He turned slowly, his breath catching as he saw her in the doorway, her arms clutched below her breasts, trying to ward off the chill of night that her skimpy nightdress did little to address.

'I'm fine' he breathed, unable to keep his eyes from wondering the length of her perfect body.

'The bed was cold' she said, meeting his eyes in a searching gaze, and he worried if she could read the truth in his face. 'I was worried'

'It was nothing, couldn't sleep' he muttered, turning away to hide his blush. 'Go back to sleep, don't worry about me.' He felt her move further into the room but still jumped when she rested her hand on his shoulder blade, her thumb just brushing the nape of his neck. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second at the feeling, and turned back to face her, allowing her hand to slip back to her side. Except now she was so close. The air between them buzzed and he felt dizzy from the heat emanating from her body. It would take so little now just to lean in, to plant a kiss on those perfect lips, to touch that perfect body.

'What's wrong?' The words cut through his thoughts, drawing his eyes back to hers from her full lips.

'It doesn't matter' he spoke, looking straight into her hazel eyes. 'It's not something you can fix.' If only she knew just how much he lied. How any touch would cure him in an instant.

'Try me' she whispered, moving a little closer, removing the last gasp of air from between them. His mind was roaring with the sound of blood being pumped by his frantically beating heart and his breathing sped as her words tipped him over. Suddenly he had no resistance. He had to try her.

He leant forwards, breaching the last gap between them, and caught her shocked lips in a tender kiss, closing his eyes to savour the moment without having to see the rejection in her face. He moved against her unresisting lips, determined to pour his soul into that kiss if that was all he would ever have. He pressed harder, deepening the kiss and a thrill went through him when he felt her respond. Her lips moved to counter his while her body curved against his, every inch melting into his embrace.

His heart ached with happiness as he pulled away, looking urgently into her eyes and meeting her smile with a glow radiating from his entire being. As she pulled him close again he whispered words that caused her to pull him even tighter, her passion more than matching his.

'I lied, you could always fix me. Let's warm that bed up'

If you like it fluffy stop here. If you want more, the next chapter contains mature content. You have been warned.