I just wanted to take this time, this chapter, this empty space to thank everyone who has had something to do with helping me put these three stories out. I posted the first chapter of The Sweetest Vice on April 4th, 2009, with not many readers, only two previously published (admittedly not well-written) stories and a big idea for a Joker/OC story. I started writing, just figuring to myself that I would just sort of see where it went and if I felt it sucked after a few chapters, I would delete it and start something else. But as the chapters went on, the more response I started getting, the more readers I started gathering, until by the time I finished the third story of the JnJ saga, I had just short of 300,000 hits on all three stories collectively, nearly 700 reviews and more thank you's and shout-outs than I know what to do with. So let me give it a shot...

My first two beta readers, all the way back in the very beginning of Sweetest Vice-

Andra and Kiharu. They encouraged me to keep going, even when I felt no one was reading my story, even when I wanted to scrap everything and say fuck it. Thanks ladies!

One of my best friends in real life, Amie Mae, for listening to my rantings-on about Sweetest Vice, for staying up all hours of the night and reading everything I wrote before I posted it. I love you much, darling.

My darling friend Martin, for being my inspiration for the character of Dotcom. You look nothing like your counterpart but your flamboyant ways helped me really nail his character. I love you, boo boo.

My favorite black guy, Steve-O, for being the most perfect inspiration for Tre's character. He really became an extremely important part of the trilogy and I could not have written him nearly as well without thinking of 'yo black ass'. Thanks a lot, bruh.

To Miss Ella Jane, my bestest best friend in real life, for patiently listening to my constant, audible brainstorming sessions and offering your advice and critique along the way, supplying me with ideas and inspiration whenever my thinker was running low. You are such an important person to me and my life and I could not have continued with this story for so long if you had not encouraged me to keep going and offered me constructive criticism when I needed it most. You helped me put songs on my playlists, looked through pictures of my characters with me, read everything I sent to you for a second opinion and I can not thank you enough for the outstanding patience you have shown me over the past three years. I love you with all my heart. = ]

To Lacey, ClownQween69, for making me countless pictures of Heath as the Joker, Emily Didonato as Jayde, adding scars, changing hair color, cropping backgrounds, editting clothing, and again, having more patience with me than I could never have possessed myself. Haha You stayed up late with me, allowing me to gush over 'this one part I just wrote', reading everything I sent you, sending me sneak peeks to your stories. We don't agree on much of anything but one thing we do, is the Joker. I'm so glad to have found someone who shares my passion for that character and has no problem sitting around, talking and writing for hours on end. I love ya, chick. = ]

To Mister Heath Ledger, for being my sole inspiration for the Joker. Your interpretation of that villain has sparked so much creativity in so many people and I sincerely hope you are resting peacefully in whatever heaven you believed in. You have so many loyal and loving fans that adore you and miss you and the least we can do is pay tribute to your legacy in our stories. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to not only myself, but to millions of people the world over. We all love you.

And last but most certainly not least, I'd like to thank YOU. Each and every one of you who has ever read, reviewed or even taken a second glance at my stories over the past three years. If it were not for the outstanding support I've received, I would have scrapped everything a long time ago and would not have met half of the people I've know now through the writing of this story. I truly love writing things that entertain people and hope that if you've taken nothing else from my stories that you have at least caught a bit of the writing bug and have started to write your own stories, no matter what genre. Creativity, in my opinion, is contagious. If we keep writing and reading, the world will keep learning and true art will never be lost. So if you have an idea, write it down, turn it into something and keep it going. I promise you, it will be worth it, whether in three days, weeks, months or even years, you will feel satisfied when you look back and see your work.

Again, thank you so much for reading my stories, especially thanks to those who have left me a review over the past three stories and I can guarantee, THIS WILL NOT BE THE LAST FROM ME. You can count on that...

All of my love and thanks, The Queen of Mean