Author's Note: Hi there! This is the story after Attraction. You're probably wondering why I'm up-dating so soon and that's because my mom as yet to take away my computer and I'm taking advantage as much as I can. ^-^

Rena: (grumbling in corner)

Now, now, no need to be so angry.

Rena: honestly what kind of Hurricane gets everyone so worked up and at the last minute it turns a tropical storm!

It's better then a Hurricane, but it did knock two trees down near where I live.

Rena: I know you're right but I'm still peeved at Irene, so is your sister.

Yeah, my sister wants to punch Irene in the throat because her flight to her collage was canceled. Anyway onto the first Chapter of Hoping for Tomorrow!

Rena: Enjoy!

Side Note: this was suggested so I guess I'll go along with it, in this story Naru will be called Naru, yeah, so that sounded redundant, but you'll see why in the future.


Chapter One

Rena's P.O.V

I was walking with Naru in a near by park. Our dates were about walking around until we found something to do. Neither of us would be able to go on a fully planned date. That would involve to many headaches and arguments. It wasn't that Naru and I were incompatible it's just that we were both sort of distant. His personality was cold and indifferent and there wasn't much to be done about it. I wasn't by no means as shut down as he was but my family believed in maintaining a composed appearance, anything overly emotional was out of the question. It was only natural that I'd pick up on it as well.

"How about we go there?" I suggested pointing to the drift store, they were always a bunch of fun.

"How about we go to that cafe," I almost had a heart attack, it was the same cafe I went with Kazuki, Kayla would so rat me out.

"No, I really want to go there, anyway we can always go to another cafe," I suggested.

Pushing him to the store. Maybe I was exasperating but I was too close now to take any unnecessary risks. I just hoped that Naru didn't think that I was acting strange.

"Alright, alright, I get the picture," he said grabbing my hand.

Naru was always like that, doing things without trying to put romantic stuff behind it. I didn't really mind it was more natural that way. I was the compromise-er in the relationship. That's why Naru and I got along so well. He had an icy personality and the only way someone could get close to him was by allowing him to do as he pleased. Ice may be strong but it's not indestructible. That was the only way to describe our strange relationship; I put up with his cold attitude and he put up with my fickle personality. We were looking around poking through stuff.

"Oh, wow, look it's old porn," I pointed out he groaned and pulled me down the aisle.

"You just don't say things like that," he complained looking at the different cups they had on display.

This was one of the many examples why Naru and I were able to get along so well, there aren't that many people out there that would react to nicely to a comment like that.

"Well it was just funny," I said he gave me a skeptical look.

"Okay maybe a little,"

And then we really lost it. We started laughing and had to half run out of the store before we could make an even bigger scene. I tried getting myself under control as I leaned against the building.

"God we can be such kids," I said lamely he leaned next to me.

"Yeah but you're the one always telling me to let loose a little," he reminded me I put a finger to my cheek and titled my head up.

"Really?" he smirked and ruffled my hair. "Hey, don't touch if you're not going to fix it,"

"It's just hair, how hard could it be?" I glared at him.

"You would be surprised,"

"Well then, shall we keep walking?"


Mai's P.O.V

I smiled nervously as Ayako beat Bou-san with a book.

"You good for nothing bassist!"

God, why didn't they just confess?

"Shut up you old hag!"

They should just get over it, then again I was one to talk. Still Naru was still put off with them since the last time their fight escalated to throwing. He still hadn't quite forgiven them for getting Rena involved in the cross fire.

"Why are you sighing so much Mai-chan?" Yasu asked me I looked up at him.

"It's nothing really," I told him.

"Are you having love trouble again?" I glared at him.

"Don't make my love life sound so unimportant!" I snapped.

"But Mai, you don't even have one," Masako pointed out.

"Oh, yeah you're one to talk, you had to black-mail Naru into dates," I accused she looked away covering her mouth.

"But we are talking about you," she reminded me.

I was going to throw something at her but Lin walked out of his office. Speaking about love problems, that so happened to be mine. Lin Koujo, the man that I found myself slowly falling in love with. There are however a few problems with that.

"I have to run an errand, could you tell Naru if he shows up, Mai?" he asked.

"Sure, no problem," I said cheerfully.

Now, just stop looking at me so my heart can stop beating so fast. Problem number one, he's eight years older then me, he's my best friends' older brother, has this uncanny ability to make my heart race; and did I mention that he's handsome enough to make me feel plain in comparison? Okay, so these little problems aren't that big but they sure as hell complicate a relationship, especially one that started on such bad terms. I wouldn't be to peachy with someone who made a bookcase fall on top of me.

"See you soon then,"

He walked out of the door and I noticed that the room was unusually quite. Did they figure it out already? Sure they said I wore my heart on my sleeves but still.

"You like Lin-san don't you?"

I let my head hit the table. There went my hopes and dreams.

"Mai-san, please don't do things like that," John said pulling me back up.

"I won't, but I'd rather keep my head here," I told him he sighed but gave up.

"Well at least you've matured enough to not make a fool of yourself," Ayako commented.

"What is wrong with your taste in men? You always complicate your life," Masako said.

"Shut up," I mumbled into the desk.

"This could get ugly," Bou-san added.

"You're right he is older then her," Yasu said.

"Gee, thanks for the moral support," I told them lifting my head up.

"It's not our fault that you like Lin," Masako said.

Just before she said that the door to the office had opened, please, please don't let that be Lin. I turned and almost died.

Well it wasn't Lin. Nope. Not him. It was just Rena and Naru. Yup, that was so much better.

"Yeah, you figured it out!" Rena said smiling and going over to pet my head.

I was blushing with utter humiliation. Naru scoffed and walked into his office. At least he had the decency to hold whatever petty comment he was going to make.

"Well, that's it, my life is over," I muttered hiding my head again.

"Don't let Naru bother you, he's just stupid," Rena told me.

"You know, you're the only one nice enough to give me moral support," I noted.

"Well, what kind of future sister would I be if I didn't?" she said I gagged.

What the hell? Rena could be worse then Yasuhara sometimes.

"It's not like that," I protested.

"Yeah, you keep on telling yourself that,"

"Maybe you should re-think this," Bou-san said.

"Mai's too young," Ayako protested.

"Of course she is what the hell are you thinking?" Rena demanded. "I said future, which implies after college,"

Okay so maybe she was a little better then Yasu.

"Don't I get a say in this?" I asked.

"Just let them get it out of their system," Yasu suggested.

And sometimes Yasu was better then her.


"It'll be over soon Mai-san," John assured me.

"You brought it upon yourself," Masako told me.

"I know,"

"Wow, you're being very mature about this," Rena said.


ring ring

We looked as Rena picked up her cell phone.


She pulled it away and looked at her phone.

"What is it?" Bou-san asked.

"Beats me, no one answered, oh well must have not been important," she put her phone away.

Was it just me or did her voice seem to catch a little? Maybe it wasn't just a simple missed call.

"Look at the day Rena, come on let's go," Bou-san said cheerfully hauling her out of the office.


And like that they were gone. I sighed as Ayako looked ready to blow a casket. Recently Yasu, Bou-san, and John had begun taking Rena out for lunch. Bou-san got Fridays, John Thursdays, and Yasu Saturday. Today was Friday. I looked at Ayako again and sighed. And here I was thinking my lover life was tuff.

Rena's P.O.V

Bou-san handed me my meat bun and soda.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked as we started walking away from the stand.

"Pretty much, so what was the phone call really about?" he asked.

"Veronica has the house ready; she sent a copy of all the aspects to her friend who lives here, he's the client for now," I told him.

"She's good," Bou-san commented between bites.

"Yeah, but she did say she'd have it ready by spring break, and Spring Break does start Monday," I said.

"Which means that I should probably introduce Len soon," I nodded my head and took a bite. "Give him a call and we can make a plan right now,"

"Give me a second," I handed him my soda as I started looking for my phone.

"Len, we're thinking of introducing you today, why don't you step out of your hiding place?" I suggested.

"Haha, very funny, and seriously?"


"Fine look to your left," I did and waved at him.

"You're such a stalker," he rolled his eyes.

"So what's the grand plan?" he asked.

"Well first off do you know anything about the supernatural?" Bou-san asked.

"Don't worry about it my dad's a monk too, and out of all his sons I should the most promise," Len said.

What? Since when?

"Wait, then how did you end up in Kazuki's gang?" I asked him taking a drink from my soda.

"Well I didn't really like living in a temple so I kind of picked up and left," he admitted. "One day I meet up with Kazuki, and I need a place to be but I kind of had a habit of doing the right things, it's kind of a hard not to end up in Kazuki's gang considering the circumstances,"

He reached for my soda and took a drink. I stuck my tongue out at him but let it go. That's right I always did say that Kazuki and his men were a bunch of Robin Hoods.

"Well that's pretty much settled then," Bou-san said.

"But this time I have a question for you, Rena," I turned to Len taking my soda back.


"I know that this one here is like your brother," he pointed Bou-san. "Yasu's like the cousin you really like but would rather not live with, and John's you're best friends, so were does that leave Kazuki and the guys you were with earlier," I smiled nervously.

That wasn't good. Naru and I weren't keeping our relationship a secret but we really hadn't told anyone. Okay, so we didn't tell anyone on purpose, so sue us.

"Wait, is he talking about Naru?" Bou-san asked.

"Umm well you see," they began to corner me.

"Rena what have you been hiding?" they asked.

I gulped and put up my hands up moving back.

"It's not like that, really-

I lost my footing, I'd walked right onto stairs going down, well this wasn't going to end nicely.

Dream World

Syaoran's P.O.V

I was sitting in the meadow. Ever since I'd attacked those bastards I hadn't been able to return to my body. I was worried but not so much about getting back but, what would happen to Rena if I didn't get back.


I knew that voice I turned around and sure enough Rena was standing in front of me. What was going on?

"Rena," I breathed I got up and she flung herself at me. "Rena,"

I held her tightly. It really was her. It was really Rena.

"Syaoran, is it really you?" she asked.

I pulled back to get a good look at her. She was crying and I probably was too. Her power, I was right. Rena was getting weaker the more time I spent away from my body. This wasn't good being near me like this would do more harm for her.

"Syaoran, what's wrong?" she asked again trying to reach my face, I grabbed her hand.

"Go one Rena, go home," I whispered.

It wasn't worth finding me in this world. If I kept calling Rena here without meaning to her powers would weaken to the point where she couldn't use them.

"Where are you Syaoran?"

"I don't know,"

I felt a pang when she began to grow blurry. It was for the best.


Despite myself I reached a hand out only to grip air. I looked at my hand for a while.

"Rena, I'm sorry," and this time I did feel the tears fall.

Rena's P.O.V

I groaned and opened my eyes.


"It's alright she's waking up we'll take her to the hospital ourselves, thank you very much," I heard Len telling someone.

"Hey Rena are you okay?" Bou-san asked I sat up and put a hand to my head.

"My head hurts," I muttered.

"I would expect it too, considering you did fall down a flight of stairs," I looked at the stairs, so it would seem.

"Come on let's get you to a hospital," Bou-san said picking me up.

"No. I'm okay really you don't have to," I protested trying to get down.

"Sorry but you don't really have a choice," how I wanted to kill them.


"You don't have a concussion, but that's a pretty nasty bump you'll have for a while, and it'll probably bruise, so put this ointment on it and take one of these a day for the pain," the doctor told me.

I nodded my head jumping of the examination table.

"Thank you," I told him.

"Okay, you take care of yourself, alright?" he told me I smiled.

"I will," I promised.

Len lead me out while Bou-san held the door open.

"Len the comb,"

Bou-san grabbed my shoulder and turned me around messing with my hair.

"Hey what are you doing?" I demanded.

"Hiding the evidence, something tells me it would be better if your brother and Naru found out about this when Len and I aren't around," he said I sighed. "All done,"

"I had to agree with him, sorry," Len told me I stuck my tongue out at him again and he smiled.

"Let's get going," I said, what a bunch of boys.

Syaoran, I felt my face fall a little. What did you mean when you said go home?

Mai's P.O.V

The door to the office opened and Bou-san poked his head inside.

"Where's Naru?" he asked.

"In his bat cave," I answered.

He nodded and Rena walked in with someone else. He had blue hair that was slightly black and golden eyes. Her hair was covering part of her face, that was new. I gave her a questioning look but she shook her head.

"Who did you bring with you?" Masako asked.

"This is Kawasaki Len, someone I met a while back," Bou-san said wrapping an arm around Len's neck. "And he showed some promise in exorcism so instead of letting his talent go to waste I decided to take him under my wing,"

Everyone introduced themselves.

"So what was the point of bringing him here?" Naru asked, so the king emerged.

"Well, I did say I was taking him under my wing I need activities to do that silly," Bou-san told him.

But Naru wasn't paying attention his eyes were locked on Rena's hair. He walked towards her and she titled her head away.


G.D. ran out of the kitchen and Rena got up.

"What did you do?" she said walking into the kitchen wasn't that strange? She didn't even seem that concerned. Naru followed her and I saw Bou-san pale.

"What did you do to her?" Ayako asked.


"Shh!" Yasu told them pointing to the kitchen.

"What happened to you head?"

"I kind of fell down a flight of stairs,"

"What's the matter with you? You're becoming just as clumsy as Mai,"

What was that suppose to mean?

"And what does that mean?"

"Exactly what you heard,"

"You bastard!" something hit the ground.

"Quite throwing things around,"

"Why should I? It's not like you'll do anything about it, and you want to know why?"

The door to Lin's office opened.

"What are you doing here?" Bou-san asked.

"Enjoying the show," he answered; we turned back to the kitchen.

"I don't think that you'd enjoy the implications,"

God, I know I hated it when he used that damn smug voice of his.

"Really? Is that what you think?"

"Rena don't,"

"Why not? I know damn well that it won't matter and you know why?"


"Because we're going out!" we all froze.

"Are you satisfied now?"


"Okay then, I leave the rest in you capable hands,"

We were still in too much shock to take notice that Naru walked out of the kitchen and into his office.

Rena poked her head out of the kitchen.

"You're going out?" we asked.

"Well shoot,"

Author's Note: Poor Rena and Naru, looks like the cat's out of the bag.

Rena: that's kind of cruel, don't you think.

Sure, sure. Anyway, just a little fun fact. That scene in Rena and Naru's date, me and my friend Austin were hanging out one day so we walked into a Drift Store and right there on the counter for the whole store to see was a porn magazine from the 80's. It was pretty funny.

Rena: You find the strangest things to use don't you?

Be nice, or I won't tell them.

Rena: (thinking it over) Alright, I'll be nice.

Okay, I'm also saying this because it was strongly recommended. I'm allowing Rena to have her very own Rena Corner on my profile page, so if you're interested in learning more about my OC just stop by and take a look at my profile page.

Rena: I'll try my best so please take a look, okay?

I hope that you enjoyed the chapter, later!



P.S. Please review it would mean a lot to us!