Me: Hello! I'm captainameliagirl! Ok...To cheerful. Look, just call me Kitty. I decided to trick all the Treasure Planet Charaters to come to my house so I can ask them Truths, and Dares, so can you!

Amelia:-pulls on door handle- It's locked! Damn!

Jim:-bangs on door- Help! Someone save us!

Me:-pats his shoulder- i think you forgot that my neighbors all have Ipods. And a odd love of loosing their hearing to Metallica.

Jim:-gives me a 'Mercy on my soul' look-

Me:-laughs evilly while everyone sadly sits in chairs around the room.- And to join me is-

Ben: Oooo! A pink unicorn?

Me: No as I was-

Ben:-jumps up and down- A kitten?

Me:-looks annoyed- Nooooo! It's-

Ben: Frosty the snowman? Santa clause? The easter Bunny?

Me:-slaps hand over his mouth- My cousin Tessa! -takes hand off Ben's mouth-

Tessa:-walks in room- Hi! -waves-

Silver: Why you bringin' in a child?

Me: Because...I feel like it. She can stand everything taht will happen here.

Everyone:-raise one eyebrow-

Me: She has to older brothers

Everyone: Oooooh...

Me: Now lets get started!

Arrow: Dear god. I come back from the dead for this?

Scroop: Your not the only one.

Me:-grins- K, the first dare goes to-looks at notebook I write dares in- Jim!

Jim: Oh crap.

Me: The dare is from TMNTdisneyfan2013. She dares you to video tape Amelia snoring, then put it on youtube!

Amelia: I do not snore!

Tessa: Prove it!

Amelia:-growls- I don't snore.

Jim:-shoves something in Amelia's face and she passes out, snoring loudly.-

Me: o.0 Jim...What did you just do?

Jim:-brings out camera and records Amelia snoring- Drugged her with catnip.

Delbert:-looks at his passed out wife- Where'd you get the catnip?

Jim: Your spice cabinet.

Delbert: Oh...

Jim:-finishes recording, and uploads it to youtube- There, happy?

Me: Yes, very much.

Tessa: Can I say a dare?

Me: fire away.

Tessa: M'k. I dare that dude -points at Arrow- To stand on his head!

Arrow: You have got to be kidding me.

Me: What are you? Chicken? -makes clucking sounds-

Arrow: I'm going to regret this. -stands on his head, and crashes through my wall-

Me: O_O Crap! Nice going Tessa!

Tessa: What did I do?

Me: Your the one who dared him to stand on his head!

Tessa: So?

Me:-points- Your room, now!

Tessa:-grumbles and flips me off as she walks upstairs-

Sarah:-mumbles- Lovely child...

Arrow:-gets up, and looks at the whole in the wall- oops...

Me:-Sighs- Oh well, onto the next one! -looks at notebook- Uh, anyone know how to wake up a drugged cat lady?

Everyone:-tries kicking, and moving Amelia to wake her up with no success-

Delbert:-shakes his head and dissapears into my kitchen, returning with a bucket of water- This'll work. -Dumps water on Amelia-

Amelia:-lets out cat yowl, and jumps up, punching Silver in the nose by accident.- What the hell?

Silver:-holds nose- Ow! Me nose!

Amelia:-stands up, and looks around- What the hell happened?

Me: Jim drugged you, and now there's a video of you snoring all over youtube.

Amelia:-glares at Jim-

Me: Don't kill him, I need him for the story. Anyway, TMNTdisneyfan2013 has a truth for you.

Amelia:-is drying herself off with a towle- What is it?

Me: Did you ever have feelings for Arrow?

Amelia: What does she mean by that?

Me: did you ever date or anything?

Amelia:uh, heh heh...-Blushes- Maybe...

Me:-looks at Arrow- Did she?

Arrow:-looks at Amelia-

Amelia:-sighs- Fine. We dated for awhile, then uh...I rather not tell what happened.

Me:-Smirks- MmmmmHmmmm... C'mon what si it?


Me:-holds up tape- Tell me, or this video of you batting a ball of yarn around goes on youtube too.

Amelia:-eyes widen- You wouldn't dare!

Me: Try me!

Amelia:-growls and looks at Arrow- One of the higher ranking Navy officals caught us kissing. And told everyone.

Arrow: Mochery in the Navy is just not good.

Me: So you broke up?

Amelia:-points to Delbert- What do you think?

Me: Point taken. -tosses tape to Amelia-

Amelia:-takes tape and puts it in video camera- What the? This is a recording of Barney!

Me:-smiles evilly-

Amelia::( Why you little! You tricked me!

Me: Worked didn't it?


Ben: any for me?

Me: Not this time Ben. That was the last one!

Ben: Awww...

Everyone else: Yay!

Me: For today.

Ben: Yay!

Everyone else: Aw...

Me:-puts on TV announcers Voice- Now, Give your truth or dares in the comments! A truth, or a dare for one charater, a dar for a charater, and then a truth for another, or a truth, and dare for one charater! Keep 'em comeing until all of you are completly stumped! Remember, for all Treasure Planet Charaters! Including Morph! And other people...

Jim:-crosses arms- Lame chapter ending.

Me: Oh shut up.

Amelia: you forgot the disclaimer.

Me: I don't own Treasure Planet! Happy?

Amelia: Very much.