Okay, here's chapter 13 for you as promised.
As I'm not able to promise the upload of the next chapters this is a little longer than my usual chapters. I hope you don't mind! ^^

Read and review please!

To the guest: Thank you for the hint concerning the chapter numbers. You were right. I changed it again. ^^

Enter the Wicked

Chapter 13: Breaking and Entering

"What the hell is going on here? Are you all crazy? At first this attack and now you wanna kill somebody because of some dame cloth?" Stefan shouted at them all.

"An attack?" Caroline asked and upon turning around to face Katherine her eyes were blue again. "Are you hurt?" she asked her and moved to take a closer look at her.

"No, I'm fine. But they got Mason."

"Who cares. He's a dog. He'll probably live." Caroline reasoned.

"No, we we're about to get the moon stone when I could feel someone nearing us..."
"Someone? Who?"

"... Vampires."


"Well, not himself. But the vampires that came clearly carried his scent. And to that came that they weren't alone. Werewolves were with them." Katherine went on.
"So much for being natural enemies and stuff... Doesn't anyone give a crap about traditions anymore?" Caroline shot out dramatically with a sigh.

Next to them Stefan and Damon who thought it would be safe to leave his place on the floor again watched and listened somewhat dumbfounded. They had no idea what or whom they were talking about. But both of them knew that nothing good comes from vampires joining werewolves so they decided to listen and finding out more about it for now.

Suddenly Katherine's cell phone went off, telling her that she received a message. She took it out and read it. "It's Mason, he's in trouble. And he has it." she told Caroline. "But he's got company."

"We gotta get it and move as fast as we can! I'll get the car!"

"I'm not going to go anywhere until I get some answers!" Stefan exclaimed.

"Then stay here. We've got more important things to do." Caroline sat to him. "See if I care."

"Listen, guys. You wanna stay here? Fine with us. Just prepare yourself for some trouble arising ahead. If you want some answers you more or less have to move with us. Decide for yourself. For now, we've got work to do." Katherine told them as a matter of fact and within the next second both her and Caroline disappeared from their sight.

Meanwhile at the Lockwood estate:

"What's going on with you? And what are you looking for?" Tyler asked his uncle as Mason ran into his father's office and went from closet to desk and back, throwing everythign that came into his reach around the room.

"I'll explain to you later. For now you've got to trust me."

"Trust you? On what? What the hell is going on? We tried to reach you after Dad passed away but had no success. And then you appear out of the blue and turn my father's office upside down?" Tyler complained.
Mason was about to answer him as suddenly the bell rang again.

Tyler went to get it. "No!" Mason tried. "You can't open this door! Stay here with me!"

"You are crazy. That's probably just Matt." Tyler shot back and moved out to the stairs without giving his uncle a second look.
"Tyler, no!" Mason called after him and went to get him as suddenly his foot got caught in the rag lying on the floor.
"Damn!" he cursed and was about to stand up again as his eyes caught sight of something. The rug was tangled with his left foot and therefore it was moved out of place a little. And it gave away a hidden porthole in the floor.

Unknown to him Tyler was moving down the stairs by now. The doorbell rang again and he was already beyond the point of being annoyed. "What a night..." he muttered to himself. As he arrived upon the front door he could hear a loud crash coming from his dad's office which got him to turn around and take a look upstairs.

Upon deciding to find out about it later on he opened the door behind him while slowly turning around again.
"Matt, buddy, you won't believe what..." he began but was stopped as he turned around and was knocked out by a fist coming his way.

Some place near...

"I thought you said that you wouldn't go anywhere?" Caroline said nonchalantly, directed at the two Salvatore brothers which appeared next to them as soon as Caroline and Katherine got out of the car, a safe distance away from the Lockwood estate.

"Well..." Stefan began.

"As I told you before, there is only enough room for two vampires in Mystic Falls. And me being on the council I, for one, have to find out more about this." Damon interrupted him.
"No better excuse?" Katherine shot back at them to which Damon could feel his anger rise up slowly.

"Stop it. If there is an attack in Mystic Falls that involves vampires and werewolves it is our concern. No matter what." Stefan stepped in while laying a hand on Damon's shoulder in order to stop him from doing anything inconsiderate.

"Well, then be prepared for quite a show." Caroline told them. "And whatever you do, don't stand in our way!" Katherine joined in.
"What is your plan?"

"The usual procedure: Arrive, breaking and entering, compel people, get the moon stone and get the hell out of this town." Caroline explained.

"The usual procedure?" Stefan asked.

"Got a problem with that?" Caroline asked but not really wanting an answer. She exchanged a look with Katherine and both nodded to each other.

And with that both her and Katherine disappeared again.

"You know, this whole disappearing is starting to get on my nerves..." Damon told his brother. Stefan and Damon both exchanged a look then and began moving towards the mansion.

Back at the Lockwood estate:

After Mason finally found what he was looking for he heard a loud thud coming from downstairs. As he moved down the stairs he half expected to find his nephew somewhere on the verge of dying. But nothing could be seen as he reached the front door.
Slowly and acting with caution he searched as much as he could with his eyes and hearing. But he got nothing. Just an open front door.

"Looking for someone?" someone suddenly appeared behind him and without thinking twice Mason turned around and tried to slam his fist in the face of the intruder. But as said intruder seemed to be expecting such a move Mason's action was without success as his fist was stopped halfway by the attackers left arm. Suddenly another one appeared next to them and Mason found himself beaten up on the floor next to the open front door.

Spitting blood Mason tried to move up only to be kicked in the side.

"What... How.." Mason stuttered. He lay back on the floor and opened his eyes and inspected the two men above him. "You are werewolves!" he exclaimed astonished.

"And the winner is..." one of the men

"And what's his prize?" the other one joined in.

"Well, how about... death?" the first one spoke up again and slight panic crept up inside of Mason.
"Where is my nephew? What did you do with him?" he demanded to know.

"We didn't do anything with him. Well, aside from knocking him out, that is." A cruel laugh followed. "But don't worry, he's not far away. Right in front of the house as a matter of fact."

And with that being said Mason turned around to look out of the front door and found Tyler... being held up by the same vampires which held him captive... one of them holding a dagger at his nephews throat... and one of them holding a burning torch in his hand while standing next to... a jerrycan?! And that was when he smelled it. The smell of gasoline.

"Leave him alone!" Damon and Stefan heard a voice calling in front of the Lockwood mansion as they neared the mansion from a safe distance and took the situation in.

A man was dragged out of the house by two men and thrown on the ground right in front of another group of three men. As it seemed an unconscious Tyler was held captive was threatened with a dagger. Damon and Stefan exchanged a look again and decided to zone in with their hearing.

"Keep your damn hands off of him! He has nothing to do with it!" the man being dragged out called out again. The men holding him threw him on the ground and walked to stand with the rest of the group again.
"It depends. You've got it or not?" one of the man spoke up.

"I've got it. And I' ll give it to you! Just let him go!"

"Give me the moon stone and we'll see!"

And with that Mason put his hand in his pocket and took out a small bag. With a deep sigh he threw it over to the ordering man in front of him which caught it with ease. He laughed to that and in the next moment they released Tyler and threw him over to Mason in exchange. Upon being thrown to the ground Tyler somehow came back to his senses.

"Mason, what's going on?" Tyler asked him upon regaining consciousness again.

"Everything will turn out fine, Ty, trust me. You just keep low for now." Mason whispered while still keeping a hold of his nephew. Together they got into a standing position and Mason stepped in front of Tyler protectively.

"You've got everything you wanted. Leave now!" Mason ordered them.

"And why would I take orders from a low wolf like you?" the leading vampire shot back with a smirk.

"Why not? Comparing to the one you take orders from this could actually be an improvement!" Katherine suddenly appeared next to Mason.

"Well, look what the cats brought in. This night just gets better and better. Do you have any idea how high the prize above your head is? And I'll gladly collect it..."

"Sorry, but I'm not really into letting myself being finished off by some guy I don't know."

"Please, excuse my manners. May I introduce myself? My name is Alexis and..."

"... and I don't care! You give me what I want and leave."

"Or else?"

"Or else the only thing you will collect are you own body parts as I will rip you apart." Katherine threw him a look which left no doubt on her meaning what she said.

"On second thought..." Katherine continued after a few moments of silence. "I'll just rip you apart and take the moon stone. You see, I'm not into sequels and I sure as hell don't want to see anywhere again." And with that she threw herself upon him and they battled.

One of the other vampires was about to join in only to find himself flung across the ground.

"Never heard about it being rude to fight two against one? And against a woman nonetheless?" Caroline shouted at him lying on the floor. The man shot her a growl.
"Stay out of it! I'm much stronger than you! You've got no chance!" He lunged at Caroline who moved out of the way just in time. But she didn't see the third vampire making his way over to her and battling her to the ground. But Caroline fought him off and threw him off of her... and therefore the third vampire landed directly in front of Mason and Tyler.

The other vampire was about to lung at her again as well as his head was suddenly grabbed from behind and Stefan simply broke his neck.
"I'm getting a headache already..." he more or less muttered to himself with a sigh.

The third vampire was about to lung at Mason but suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and fell to the ground. Behind him Caroline stood with his heart in her hands.

"That's for ripping my jeans, bastard!" she stated.

"Set this whole thing on fire!" Alexis ordered his men as he was able to keep Katherine off of him for a few moments.

One of the werewolves ran and took hold of the jerrycan and began to move towards the house. He was about to reach the building as he was suddenly twirled around and flew against the front wall. "Nobody is setting fire to anything! At least not on my watch!" Damon shouted while taking a secure hold of the jerrycan. With that he turned around with a winning smirk on his face and ...

"Caroline!" Damon suddenly screamed.

The second werewolf was about to throw himself on Caroline, ready to rip her heart out. Damon knew that he was too far away to make it but ran over nonetheless.

Caroline turned around as well and caught sight of the attacker but wasn't able to move out of the way just in time as he was moments away from reaching her.

To her the whole situation turned into slow-motion and she found herself unable to do anything than wait for the inevitable.

She saw his hand coming nearer and nearer with a force that would surely break her skin, having her heart as a target...

And he would have reached her if it hadn't been for Mason who threw himself in and pushed Caroline out of the way. But that didn't stop the attacker as he crashed into Mason and threw his hand deep inside his torso. Mason cried out as he could feel him breaking his flesh. He shut his eyes as pain took over and somehow waited for death to come...

But somehow it never came.

A heavy weight fell upon Mason next and threw him to the ground. Mason opened his eyes again and found his attacker laying motionless upon him, his fingers still breaking his flesh but not moving or anything. But then he spotted the dagger inside the attacker's back... And behind him a very disoriented Tyler starring at the now dead attacker in front of him.
"Ty..." Mason began but found himself unable to continue as suddenly Tyler's eyes flashed with a golden shade and as Tyler looked upon his uncle again he suddenly collapsed in and lost consciousness.

He fell to his knees and was about to fall on the ground full length if Mason hadn't used his last strength to move the attacker off of him and getting a hold of Tyler before he met the ground.

"Tyler!" he cried out loud as he hold onto him.

Next to him Katherine and Caroline took care of Alexis as Damon and Stefan took care of the rest of them. They had the upper hand and won in a short matter of time. Not leaving survivors Alexis' dead body shortly joined the rest of the attackers on the grass below them.

In a short time Katherine found the small bag and retrieved a translucent milky-colored, flat ovoid gemstone from it.

"So, this is it? The moon stone?" Caroline asked in a small voice as she came up behind her.

"You need to leave!" Mason suddenly called out after a few moments of silence. "While they held me captive they spoke about their two masters and how those two were upon circling in on you. Take the moon stone and hide it in a safe spot!" Mason explained them. Caroline just watched him a little uncertain.

"What about you?" Katherine asked him and the concern in her voice surprised Caroline who turned around to take a good look at her best friend.

Mason gave a small but nonetheless somewhat comforting laugh to that while smiling a little at Katherine.

"I gotta stay here and look after him. I thing the curse was triggered." Mason told them while holding onto Tyler still laying on the ground unconsciously.

To that Katherine only nodded and exchanged a long look with Mason before turning around to leave the place. "Care, you coming?" she shouted back over her shoulder.

"Mason..." Caroline spoke up with a small voice while focusing him with her gaze. Mason looked up at her with a questioning look.

"Thank you." she told him in a sincere voice and nodded her head. "I hope everything turns out okay with you and your nephew." And with that she parted as well.

"... So Lockwood junior here is a werewolf?" Damon asked out loud.

"Goodbye tree" And goodbye to you, tree, as well! And you!"

"Caroline!" Katherine called her off with a warning tone.
"Come on! We're finally heading back home! Don't spoil my good mood!" Caroline shot back to which Katherine only sighed. The sun came up already and left some kind of hopeful atmosphere.

'The morning after...' Caroline couldn't help but thinking to herself. 'We made it!'

But she could see that her enthusiasm wasn't shared by her companion sitting next to her.

"You okay?" Caroline asked her as she moved her Audi along the lonely streets heading out of Virginia. They were driving for about half an hour and she could see how exhausted her friend was.
"Well, nothing a long bubble bath and a good manicure couldn't help with."
"Good that I already made an appointment, right?"

"You did?"

"Of course. Andy is meeting us at home as soon as we tell him to come over. After this night my hands look like I'm a professional grave digger! I wouldn't be caught dead with fingernails like this anywhere in New York!"

"I just love you, Care!" Katherine exclaimed.

"Who doesn't?" she shot back with a laugh. "You'll love me even more when we lay on our couch and watch 'Breakfast at Tiffany' with freshly baked croissants in our hands!"

With that Katherine relaxed into her seat again and just watched the trees go by. After a few moments she muttered more to herself "If we'll ever see them again?"

"I have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of them..." Caroline said to her. Little did she know that indeed a black Chevy Camaro actually started in Mystic Falls in order to follow them.

"You think we'll find them?" Stefan asked Damon a little bit uncertain as his brother brought his car on the road.

"Well, even thought they both managed to keep a low profile for the past few centuries they certainly don't know anything about driving plates." Damon told him.

"And with me being on the council and all the sheriff was more than willing to do me a favor and gave me the address on which this black excuse for a car is registered on." he told him with a smirk and moved his sunglasses in place while kicking the accelerator.

"So, where are we going?"

"To get some answers in the city that never sleeps..."

End of Chapter 14

So, Care and Kat are returning to NY with our favorite Salvatores on their trail. What will happen?

And where are Klaus and Elijah? What about Tyler and Mason?

Your thoughts on this?

OMG! We're going back to New York! Are you as happy about it as I am? :D

Love and hugs,

Nick Angel!