Hey there!
This is my new story. Everything in season 1 happened with the exception that Caroline is not living in Mystic Falls. She's the best friend of Katherine who turned her back about five hundred years ago. By now they live in NY. See what happens to them as history comes crashing down and they both find themselves in Mystic Falls due to our favorite Salvatore brothers, a doppelganger, the Originals and a certain sacrifice.

I hope you enjoy it! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Enter the Wicked

Chapter 1: Welcome to the city that never sleeps

"And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. Xoxo, GossipGirl."

"You're still watching this show?" A grumpy voice of a young brunette with big curlers in her hair could be heard upon entering the living room.

"Hey, I like it!" A blond one responded while currently occupying the leather sofa in front of the flat screen hanging from the wall.

"I don't get what you see in it. It's got no style!"

"Yeah, that's why you order about every dress Serena appears in, right? Because it's got no style!"

"That's beside the point! The point I'm trying to make is that it's just too far from reality. And you know that, Care!"

"Really? And, may I ask, what is the reality of living on the Upper East Side, Kat?"

The latter came over to the back of the couch and leaned her arms on it while lowering her head down to Care's face. As she was right in front of her face she replied with a grin "Our life."

That was true. A few years ago Katherine Jones and Caroline Swan, as they called themselves, moved to New York and since then every day has become a grand party for them. They were living in a two-story apartment on Park Avenue which consisted of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a grand living-room with enclosed kitchen and a loggia. As they were on top of the building they even had a big deck which allowed them the best view all over the city.

Secretly Caroline even got Katherine and herself to enroll in one of the elite private schools, namely the Nightingale-Bamford School for girls only in their first year in town. Thinking about it Caroline could still fall over laughing remembering the day Katherine found out about all of it.

- Flashback -

"Seriously? Freaking school? Again?" Katherine pouted while dangerously staying in front of Care holding the mails in front of her face. Actually only one particular, namely the letter concerning her admission including info material about life at Nightingales.
That wasn't the first time Caroline pulled something like that off but the first one she considered her permanent death at Katherine's hands about to come. "Do you have to do that every freaking time we move somewhere else? Girls only? Do I look like a freaking nun to you?" she all but screamed at her face. But after Caroline convinced her about the importance to get a proper entrance in New York's society and reminding her of the possibility of becoming the bitching queen bee of school in consequence of putting everyone else's life in misery for one year Katherine accepted it. Even only after Caroline's comment on how guys got the hots for girls coming from girls only schools.
There cover story was soon made up as they both were sent to New York for proper education by their befriended families living in the South. With a little help of compulsion more information on their background and how to cover the fees were of no importance.

And as predicted both girls reigned the school for a whole year, becoming two of the best known persons living in Manhattan. They graduated with outstanding notes and even more outstanding connections.

- End of Flashback -

But that was about two years ago. By now both of them were enrolled at Columbia. While Caroline had a major in fashion and a minor in theater and film Katherine went for psychology and occupied a minor in photography.

Both of them were very popular among other students and the center of attention on every celebration taking place. And as Katherine had a thing for football players most of the celebrations were throwing by her in honor to the Columbia Lions. Caroline even joined Columbia's cheerleading squad and became the head cheerleader in no time. As soon as she told Katherine about that and suggested her becoming a member as well the latter only replied that she would only cheer for football players if they were worth it. And Katherine being Katherine that didn't involve their actions on field but their actions in bed.

"Still you have to get ready for the annual ball thrown by the Bogarts tonight. So get going! We only have two hours left!" Katherine broke Caroline's line of thoughts. By now she was standing in front of her blocking her view on the screen. The Bogarts were one of the New York's most influential and oldest families. They had three daughters and one son. Back at school their youngest daughter, Daphne, was one of their minions and still fascinated about both of them. By now she was a student at Brown but every time she got home she invited both of them to different celebrations as she not only wanted to see them but wanted to be seen with them.
"The Bogarts? So, you wanna take a bite out of their son again?" Caroline joked while Katherine fixed her an annoyed glare. While John, their son, was madly in love with Katherine she only used him as her personal blood bank and as entrance card to certain happenings.

"Watch it, Caroline! Seriously, sometimes I don't know why I keep you around."

"Well, you turned me so I think you're stuck with me for as long as eternity, Katherine." Caroline replied and stuck out her tongue at the former.

After fixing her with a glare Katherine stuck her tongue out as well and both started laughing.

Caroline stood up and went for her room as Katherine pondered out loud "Seriously, sometimes I don't know how I can keep up with your irresponsible actions. It's only a few hours left for us to be there and you haven't even started! If that isn't going to change I think we have to separate again!"

If Caroline hadn't known Katherine so long by now she would have taken this one to heart. But Katherine being who she was only wanted to have the last say on that matter.

"Yeah," Caroline responded while still moving forward" and look how well that turned out the last time!"

"Hey, what do you mean by that?" Katherine wanted to know.

Caroline than mimicked her voice and answered "Oh Stefan! I love you so much, Stefan Salvatore!" With that being said Caroline run around the corner and only heard one of their vases crash against the wall she had been at only moments before.
Unnoticed to her Katherine then settled down on the couch in the exact position Caroline had been in and watched Gossip Girl.

"Oh God! This dress is so beautiful! I just have to get that!"

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading! This was the first chapter of my new story. Please tell me what you think about it and if I shall continue it!

As far as the planning goes all TVD characters will appear in this as the second season will take place with a few slight changes. And I will write about the history of Katherine and Caroline and how it came to Care being turned into a vampire.

And before you misunderstand me: I'm a huge fan of GG! I love the series! And I can't wait for the next season to start! The same goes naturally for TVD! :D

Please review!