Chapter 1

Gaara was at one side of the couch drawing in his sketch book while Kankuro sat on the opposite side working on his puppets. Kankuro set down the puppet he was working on and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As he walked back to the living room he tripped over the coffee table causing most of water to spill all over Gaara's face and shirt. Gaara's T-shirt was white splattered with fake red blood on the front making it easy to see his chest. Luckily his sketch book didn't get wet. Gaara was about to get up and go change until Kankuro stopped him. "I'm so sorry Gaara." Kankuro whispers warmly in his ear as he wraps his arms around his little brother's waist. Gaara didn't push him away but he couldn't help being a little confused. Kankuro gently took hold on Gaara's chin to press his lips to his little brother. Pale, sea green colored eyes widen with his heart pounding in his chest. Kankuro then started to run his hand up Gaara's soaking wet T-shirt. Gaara gasped at the touch and making him open his mouth letting his older brother to enter.

That's when Gaara woke up from the dream. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest and cheeks hot with blush. He has had many other dreams about the puppet master and Gaara didn't know what to do about it. Since he was in his room he decided to forget about the thought by looking at his sand collection. He always kept glass bottles of sand under his bed. After the 8th bottle of sand he examined he started to get drowsy and soon fell asleep.

Kankuro was walking back to his room. As he walked by Gaara's room he heard a strange muffled sound. When he noticed that Gaara's door was cracked opened he put his ear up against the opening to hear what was going on. A few seconds pass and he heard yet another muffled cry echo through the cracked door. "What's he doing in there?" he said to himself in almost a worried tone, wondering if Gaara was in pain or maybe not feeling well. Kankuro opened the door quietly to see what was wrong. It was pretty dark in the room. The only source of light was the moonlight rays glowing through the window. "Gaara, are you in here?" Kankuro whispered as he was about to flick on the light, but stopped when he found him on the bed.

'Is he sleeping?' About to take a step forward, Kankuro halted when Gaara started to whimper softly. 'Is he having a nightmare?' He stood there not sure on whether to wake him up or leave him alone. As Kankuro stepped closer to the bed the whimpers and moans coming from Gaara's mouth became more clearer, but not enough to understand what he was saying. "Ahhh..." Gaara gasped loudly as he arched his back and threw his head back. Kankuro froze as and his eye went wide. It was not just because of how loud Gaara was, it was also for the fact that he has never heard Gaara moan before. At least not like this. Within two minutes Gaara was panting and moaning uncontrollably Kankuro just stood there in awe at the sight. He was so trued on by his little brother having a wet dream, and the sounds he was making. 'If only I were causing this to him. Making him moan and be all out of breath, screaming my name, and begging for more.' Kankuro sighed sadly knowing for sure that it would never happen. Gaara would never accept it, little alone take it lightly. More importantly, they were brothers for hells sake. "Please..mmm…more..ahhh…" Kankuro focused his attention back to Gaara. 'Who is he dreaming about?' but after that thought Kankuro Gaara's hand that was on his chest was now slowly moving down to his groin while his other hand griped the sheets underneath him. Kankuro could feel his face burning up with fever as Gaara's hand reached his clothed member. Gaara moaned, almost screamed as he thrusted into his hand. "Mmm...kahh…Kan-kuro…more…" When he heard his little brother say those words it felt like his face was on fire. He got out of there quickly and quietly trying not to wake Gaara, and ran to his room.

When he shut the door behind him, he slid down to the floor. "He was dreaming about me?" thoughts rushed threw his head. 'What going on in his dream, how long has he been dreaming like this, but more importantly what am I going to do about this?' he questioned as he ran his fingers threw his brown hair.

I hope you liked Chapter 1 of Strings Attached. Now you're probably thing of some questions like;

Is there going to be another chapter? (Yes)

Will there be a juicy lemon scene? (Hells Yes!) ^-^

Is this story going to have a happy ending? (Of Corse)

Will I regret not reading the next and last chapter? (Most Likely)

So don't miss out on Chapter 2, and remember I want reviews whether it's good or bad. All I ask is to be truthful. I Promise the next chapter will be longer. Thanks for reading! ^O^