*Rolls over underneath rock*

*opens eyes sleepily*

*Stretches and yawns*

*looks over at calender*


Um... Hi guys! Remember me? Annie here.

I've go some explaining to do. I know I haven't published in ages, and truth be told it was because I felt like I lost my talent of writing. I couldn't think of the words anymore and I took a massive hiatus to write. But it became hard to ignore the PM's and the reviews begging for me to come back. I owe it to you to keep writing.

I'm back guys, and hopefully my writing is better than before! This chapter was before I took my hiatus- so I'm not overly pleased with it. Sadly, The Games of Life is a chapter away from the end. BUT NEVERTHELESS! The games shall continue in a whole new series!

Stick around after the end to find out what happened to Fred and Hannah's beginnings... the meetings... Hogwarts... Quidditch... sneaking into the kitchens to steal the Christmas ham... Vampires... Dominic... Irish grandmothers... and better than ever Frannah tension!


Hannah was in love.

She was in love with teeny little baby feet that curled when she tickled the soft soles that so perfectly fit in the palms of her hands. She was in love with teeny little baby hands that eagerly grasped onto anything they could reach- whether it was the familiar golden curls, or a blinking purple tie. Hannah loved how her daughter fit so perfectly in the safety of her arms, held close with her perfect little face resting on her shoulder. She loved the warm little breaths that brushed across her neck as Darcy slept, lulled to sleep by her father's piano playing. She was in love with her daughter.

"Darcy, Sweetie," Hannah crooned one rainy afternoon to the squirming infant. "Be good while Daddy is at work!" Darcy, as usual, paid no attention and continued to watch the rain slide down the large window. The green of her eyes, so identical to her mothers, sparkled with an innocence that captivated everyone who met her.

"Beeeeee!" Daring to take her eyes off her daughter for a quick second, Hannah turned around to grin at Leonardo. The Pygmy Puff was quite taken by the newest addition, much to Hannah and Fred's relief. Fred was still cautious, and refused to let the Pygmy Puff within three feet of his little girl.

"Yes Leonardo, baby!" Hannah laughed in delight and clicked her fingers gently, enticing Leonardo closer. "You can see Darcy. Fred's not here!" Leonardo squealed in delight, bearing his tiny little canine teeth.

"Beeeee!" He screamed. Startled by the sudden noise, Darcy quickly turned her head, covered in a thick wave of red hair, towards the orange Pygmy Puff perched on her mother's lap. The tiny baby cooed excitedly, kicking her legs out repeatedly, as she always did when she got excited. Hannah smiled and stretched out on the soft blue blanket on the floor, curling around her daughter. Lifting her head onto her hand and elbow, she hovered over her baby girl while Leonardo rolled closer, ready to grab the orange fuzz ball if needed.

"You hurt that baby Leonardo and you'll be a fur scarf for Christmas!" She warned. Leonardo made a distinctive noise that Hannah perfectly understood to be a curse, and continued closer to Darcy, who was looking in awe at the ball of fur that so closely resembled Grandma Weasley's yarn.

"Eeeee!" Leonardo purred, gently tickling Darcy's toes with his long tongue. Hannah laughed as Darcy's eyes, her eyes, flung wide open in shock. The tiny baby- Hannah could never get over how much she looked like Fred- gazed down in awe at her feet, now sticky with Pygmy Puff saliva.

"Good boy Leonardo," Hannah murmured, tracing Darcy's cheek with her pinky finger. "Good boy."

Leonardo rolled up to Darcy's hands, and sat patiently as the baby girl ran her chubby little hand across the silky orange fur. Hannah smiled as Leonardo shot her a smug look.

"Shut up," she yawned, feeling her eyelids droop. Ever since Darcy was born, Hannah found herself growing more and more tired while Fred worked. But Hannah was determined to make every moment with Darcy special, considering the fact her baby girl would soon grow up into a holy terror like her father.

"Eeee!" Darcy squealed. Leonardo looked up proudly, making Hannah burst into laughter as he licked Darcy's rosy and freckled little cheeks- chubby and round, just like Hannah's were at her age.

"Leonardo, you found a friend!" She laughed. Purring contently, Leonardo snuggled into Darcy's side, soon snoring quietly. Darcy turned her head to look up at her mum in awe, clapping her hands together excitedly. Hannah rolled her eyes playfully and wrapped Darcy against her chest before standing up to walk to the windows, peering out into the rain.

"You're going to have as big of an ego as your father, no doubt," she crooned. "Won't you, little darling?" She pressed a tender kiss to Darcy's crown, smiling through a quiet hum when the little girl with flaming hair and a knack for throwing things over the kitchen cuddled into her chest, sucking gently on her fingers before falling into a sleep.

But when a distant flash caught the corner of Hannah's eye, the special moment between mother and daughter came to a quick halt. Reaching swiftly for the familiar cherry wood, Hannah narrowed her eyes in an attempt to see past the thick blanket of rain that covered the countryside.

"What in the hell?" She murmured, carefully pulling Darcy to her chest. Flash. This time there was no mistaking- the blinding light Hannah saw on a daily basis was coming from the oak tree in the yard, where two year prior, Fred had given her a pretty white lily before falling ten feet to the ground.

Hannah's eyes widened and a heat rose from her core to her face, blinding her in redness. How dare they show up here! "Leonardo, you're on babysitting duties!" Hannah gently but swiftly laid Darcy in a tiny bassinette resting on the blanket before sprinting out the oak door, barely managing to throw on a pair of black boots. She stalked across the yard with her fists clenched.

"Fancy seeing you here, Goldilocks!" The paunchy photographer jeered at Hannah, using the nickname the tabloids had given her. Hannah flinched and considered running back to the house, but the thought of a tiny girl with her eyes and her father's cheekiness gave her the strength to face the camera man, who lifted his camera and snapped a photo of her dripping wet and madder than Professor Snape on a Monday.

"Yeah, fancy that." Hannah folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes. The photographer, barely Hannah's height, smiled and revealed a mouthful of yellow gravestone teeth. His rum and cigar scented breath hit Hannah's nose at full force. "I'm going to ask you nicely, but if you don't get out of my yard by the time I count to one hundred, I am not afraid to curse your ass. Why are you taking photos of me and my child?"

"The public needs to know, Goldilocks." The photographer lifted his camera to his eye and prepared to flash again when Hannah's hand covered it. "Come on, just one photo of the kid. You'll make a poor man happy!"

"The public doesn't need to "know" anything!" She said, pointing to the house. Through the downpour of rain, she could hear a small cry emitting from the window. "Our daughter is none of their business. And you certainly don't have my permission to exploit her!" The photographer smirked again and scratched his protruding belly, accidentally releasing a button against the pressing torso.

"No can do Goldilocks. You see, that first photo of that little baby in there is worth one thousand Galleons." Hannah's stomach flipped over and her breath caught in her throat.

"You mean to tell me you're trying to sell a picture of my daughter for money?!" She yelled, whipping out her wand. The photographer nearly dropped his camera in his haste to stagger backwards.

"It's just a baby, Little Missy!" He protested. "Just a little tyke who won't know the difference!" But with those last words Hannah blasted him in the ass with a well placed stinging hex and, yelling in pain, the photographer fled. Quickly turning to flee back into the house, Hannah rushed into the doorway, not bothering to wipe the mud from her shoes before dropping to her knees to pick up the still crying Darcy.

"It's okay Sweetie," Hannah crooned, rocking the tiny baby with flaming hair against her chest. Darcy's cries quieted into sniffles when Hannah soothing stroked the nape of her neck with her damp fingers, lulling the infant into sleep once more. Leonardo cooed unhappily as a tear escaped Hannah's eye and onto her lap. "It's not fair, Leonardo," Hannah sighed, pressing herself against the couch's soft material with Darcy lying on her lap, blissfully unaware of the fame being thrust upon her. Kissing her tiny cheek, Hannah vowed to herself that Darcy would never be caught in the frantic workings of the media surrounding her family. Not if she could help it.

Fred was in love.

He was in love with the way Darcy's little eyes, so much like Hannah's, twinkled with delight when she saw him. He was in love with the sound of her voice, already so musical. He was in love with how she clapped her hands with excitement when he played the piano to help her sleep, and he was in love with the way she could make him laugh- whether it was by throwing her bottle on the floor after Hannah had already given it back to her for the sixth time, or whether it was when she deliberately fussed when they tried to dress her or, or even when it was how she knew just what cries would make her mother panic in just the right way. Fred was convinced she was a little Einstein. Hannah was convinced she was a little Fred.

When he came home late that evening, he was much surprised to find Hannah fast asleep on the couch with her head resting against the now fogged glass and her wand arm curled around her knees with the slender cherry wand dangling limply from her fingers.

"Darling?" He whispered quietly, walking over to shake her shoulder. He quickly realized his mistake when Hannah jerked awake and tried to hex him. Rolling to the floor rather ungracefully, he ducked his head beneath a pillow.

"Oh my god, Fred I'm sorry!" Hannah wailed, hurriedly rising to her feet. Fred groaned and sat up, taking her hand gratefully as she hauled him to his feet. "I thought you were that horrible photographer again!" His heart quickly leapt to his throat and his stomach dropped to his feet.

"Wait, photographer?" Fred quickly snapped the curtains shut and hurried to lock the door. "What photographer? Did he talk to you? Were there reporters?" He gasped as a new thought flooded his mind. "Where's Darcy?" He went to sprint up the stairs, but Hannah snagged his elbow and hauled him back.

"She's in her crib, and Leonardo's guarding the door!" She hopped up and down in front of Fred to reach his eyes, but he stared determinedly at the staircase with a longing in his bright blue eyes. "Fred!" The sudden shout finally caught his attention.

"Okay, okay I'm listening!" He snapped. Hannah glared at him. Fred blushed and nudged her with his elbow. "I'm sorry Darling. It's just…" Hannah covered his mouth with her fingers, making a gentle shushing sound.

"Fred," she whispered through a yawn, "I love you. I really do. But it's been a hell of a long day. Darcy was fussing, the photographer pissed me off, and Leonardo decided it'd be fun to use my bras as a swing again." Fred had to smother a smile. "I'm going to bed and hopefully will wake up to find out it's been a horrible nightmare… or something like that."

With a sleepy smile and kiss on the cheek, Hannah tiptoed up the stairs, rubbing her eyes sleepily before peering in at Darcy to make sure she was fully asleep before plodding into their bedroom. Fred leaned against the fridge and sighed. He rubbed his eyes wearily, wondering just how everything got so out of hand.

It's just one bloody thing after the next, he thought bitterly. Next thing you know, Charlie shows up with a Veela for a wife. But he paused and smirked at the thought. Never mind. A soft cry from up above snapped him to attention, and he quickly rushed up the stairs.

"Coming Darcy!" He called. "I'm home now!" Skipping the top two steps, Fred cleared the landing and poked his head into the nursery. Darcy, still squirming in her crib, looked over at her father and squealed in joy, flashing a gummy smile. Fred chuckled and tiptoed into the room, briefly stopping to admire the family photo hanging on the wall. Charlie had taken it two weeks after Darcy was born- Fred and Hannah were sitting in their living room with Darcy on their laps. Hannah had her finger pointed in the air and an intelligent comment on her lips while Fred was too busy playing peek-a-boo with the sleepy Darcy, who had her arms extended towards the sleeping Leonardo that was curled up on her mother's shoulder. Fred felt the photo represented their small family perfectly, right down to the way Hannah's back arched slightly to the way Darcy mischievously reached for the orange ball of delight.

"You've been waiting for this all day, haven't you?" Fred laughed quietly as he bent over the bars of the crib to tickled Darcy's stomach. The little girl cooed happily and grabbed onto his large hand, eagerly clutching her father's long fingers. A smile cracked across Fred's weary and freckled face.

"Of course you have," he murmured. "You're daddy's girl, aren't you?" Darcy's large green eyes flickered up to her father's face, and she smiled a cheeky little grin. Scooping her up gently, Fred rocked his little girl in his arms. "You make it all worth it, you know that?" Darcy crooned again and buried her tiny face, no bigger than the palm of Fred's hand, into his neck and sighed.

A gentle purring at the door sent Fred whirling around quickly. Leonardo, sleepily smacking his lips, rolled into the room and came to a halt at Fred's feet. He cooed contentedly and eagerly licked Fred's foot.

"Get out of here," Fred hissed, protectively shielding Darcy with his hand. But Leonardo merely smiled gummily and purred. "I mean it fuzz ball," Fred warned.

"Leeee!" Darcy suddenly squealed, grasping with her tiny fist. Fred looked at his daughter in shock.

"Did you just say what I think you did?" Fred asked in confusion. But Darcy merely cooed again and kicked her legs. Fred rubbed his eyes, assuming a lack of sleep was getting to him.

"Fred, Love, could you change Darcy for me?" A sleepy voice from down the hallway called. "I'd love you forever." Fred grinned.

"Aren't you supposed to anyways?" He called back. Hannah giggled.

"I don't know, I mean, there was that whole issue of who left Darcy at the shop the other night…" Fred scoffed and tickled his daughter's neck. The little baby giggled and clutched her father's finger tightly.

"It was George's fault, not mine!" Fred smiled when Hannah snorted indignantly. Fred wrinkled his noise, looking down at the tiny red curls covering Darcy's small head. "Darcy, you need to be changed!" He groaned. But his daughter, true to her Weasley roots, squealed proudly and yanked on her father's shaggy ginger hair.

"Yes I know you're proud of yourself," Fred retorted. Darcy cooed happily, but the moment Fred laid her onto the cool dresser, her green eyes narrowed suspiciously, and her tiny hands curled into little fists. Fred couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that face all too well. She was more like her mother than he'd admit. Her small whimpers turned into an abrupt cry. Fred's heart leapt into his chest. If there was one thing he couldn't bear, it was the sound of Darcy crying. It broke his heart to see his little girl miserable.

"No Darcy, don't cry!" He pleaded. His desperation only led Darcy's cries to escalate. Fred groaned. At his feet, Leonardo smirked and squeaked repeatedly before rolling from the room. Fred glared after him.

"Thanks for the help. Twat." He muttered angrily. Darcy continued to cry, squirming fiercely under Fred's hand. Fred looked around, desperate to distract Darcy. Finally, he grabbed a fresh diaper and stuck it on his head. Darcy stopped her howls long enough to look up at her father in shock. Fred breathed a sigh of relief. Of course- what better way to make the daughter of a Weasley Twin smile than to give her something to laugh about?

"Fred?" Hannah's startled voice echoed from the doorway. A deep blush rose to Fred's freckled face. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Darling, I can explain." He scooped Darcy into his arms and tickled her little stomach before turning around. Hannah pressed her palm to her mouth, masking her crooked smile. Slowly, she lowered her hand and smirked deviously.

"I always knew you were a shithead. This just proves my theory." Fred scowled and shook his head before passing the now sleeping Darcy to her mother, who kissed the red headed little girl on her cheek.

"I'm too knackered to give you a witty retort," Fred yawned. He sat down on the carpet and promptly tipped onto his side, using Leonardo, who had followed Hannah into the room, as his pillow. Tiny and indignant squeaks echoed from below his head.

"I've been thinking-"

"I'd be worried if you weren't."

"Shut it Fred. I've been thinking, and we should consider joining Kaylee and George back at the flat." Fred popped open his right eye to glance upwards.

"What do you say, Darly? Do you want to go live with Auntie Kaylee and Uncle Georgie?" Fred teased his daughter, hopping up to tickle her feet. Hannah stiffened and glared at Fred, despite the shrieks of happiness from the baby in her arms.

"What did you just call her?" She growled through her teeth. Fred meekly stepped back and grinned wolfishly.

"Darly. Isn't a cute nickname?" He crooned to the little baby who squealed excitedly. Hannah methodically set the little girl in her crib before turning back to Fred. First there was silence. Then, the explosion.


"The coast looks pretty clear," Fred murmured. Hannah swiftly climbed onto his back and clung to him like a monkey, entangling her legs around her husband's well defined hipbones. Fred quickly wrapped his large palms under her thighs.

"No cameras today. Well this is a first," Hannah said sarcastically. Fred snorted, peering into the streets of Diagon Alley most untrustingly. Hannah looked at his reflection in the glass and frowned. "You don't look happy."

"Course I'm not happy," Fred muttered. "my family is being harassed." Hannah smiled sadly and hugged him tightly.

"They think the world of you," she whispered in his ear. Fred scoffed and shook his head. "That's all, Love."

"I don't think we deserve to be worshipped because we fought in a war. Most of us are trying to forget it." She felt her heart soften and kissed his freckly cheek, smiling when he blushed.

"I know," she murmured, gently rubbing a tiny circle along his jaw. Fred looked over his shoulder and smiled when Kaylee entered the room, carrying Darcy in her arms.

"You two are absolutely sure about this?" She asked worriedly. Fred nodded and Hannah slid off his back, holding out her arms for her daughter. Kaylee set the little girl against her mother's chest and sighed. "I still don't think it's a good idea."

"I don't either!" A new voice added. George joined Kaylee and stood behind her- in his arms, a little baby boy with reddish brown hair. Hannah doted on her nephew, especially when they learned he was not the girl they had assumed, but a chubby cheeked little boy with his father's eyes and his mother's face. "I don't like the thought of my little Imp being stuck out there with all those… vultures." He muttered in disgust, protectively leaning over to tickle Darcy's tiny feet.

"If it'll get them off our backs we are willing to do anything," Hannah replied honestly. Kaylee frowned and scooped up little Alfie, now nearly fast asleep, into her shoulder.

"Logically speaking, it'll just backfire and all of you will be in the spotlight more than ever." Fred opened his mouth to agree, but George beat him to the chase.

"Yeah, can you imagine the headlines? The sight of a Weasley Twin- though not as handsome as his identical twin, obviously- out in town with his wife and daughter? The very daughter who has been the talk of the town since before she was born?" Hannah scowled.

"It's the mystery around her that is keeping her in the spotlight more than anything," she said angrily. George ducked his head and didn't say another word. Fred reached over and took Darcy into his arms, making sure the blanket wrapped tightly around her covered her face buried into her father's chest. He sighed and held her protectively, glancing over at Hannah.

"It's now or never," he said grimly. Hannah nodded, suddenly very scared of the upcoming events.




Hannah grit her teeth and clutched Fred's hand tightly, determined not to lose his grasp. Without even walking twenty paces from the shop door, a crowd of photographers and news reporters swarmed them. Flashes of light danced before her eyes as yet another photographer snapped her photo. When the lights stopped blinking, she glared at the man, and scowled even deeper when she recognized the paunchy belly and rum and cigar smell.

"Hello again Goldilocks," he jeered. Fred squeezed her hand warningly when out of the corner of his eye he saw the blonde reaching into her pocket for her wand.

"Not now," he muttered.

"FRED, DON'T BE AFRAID TO SHOW OFF THAT BABY." Fred made the point to tuck Darcy into his chest tighter. Now, the tiny girl, miraculously asleep throughout the chaos, was barely visible. Only a little hand curled around Fred's jacket lapel was visible. Hannah stumbled over the cobblestone, swearing angrily when several flashes of light caught the moment forever on film.

"Oi, Hannah, are the rumours true?" Hannah's ears could not ignore this question. Turning to face the diamond toothed reporter with an acid green quill in her hands, she paused.

"What rumours?" She asked cautiously. Fred stopped in his tracks and turned to place his hand on her shoulder, ready to Disapparate if necessary. The reporter smiled and tapped her blood red nails along her crocodile clutch.

"That you are secretly planning to start your own clothing boutique with Kaylee Weasley, and pooling your earnings together to run away to an island resort where you will discover the magical properties of coconuts in order to seduce the Minister of Magic!" Hannah blinked several times, secretly admiring the creative ingenuity of the Wizarding World.

"I could never run away to some island resort," she smiled. "Kaylee's skin is far too delicate. I will not, however, rule out Antarctica." Fred chuckled in her ear as the reporter eagerly scribbled in her notebook.

"You're having too much fun with this," he grinned. Hannah smiled and pinched his bum lightly. "And far too cheeky." But the grin on his face quickly slid off when a new and drawling voice called out to him.

"What's this we hear about a paternity test, than?" The shouting died down into a quiet buzz as a new reporter- clutching a fresh quill dripping with dark red ink slid into view. Fred narrowed his eyes.

"What're you on about?" He asked darkly. The reporter smirked and ran a pale hand along his closely cropped blonde hair. Hannah quickly clutched Fred's jacket sleeve, fearing for the baby in his arms when she saw her husband tense.

"They claim you're not the father of that baby-" a collective gasp rose from the crowd, and Fred's face turned scarlet- "rumour has it, your twin brother and that lovely little blonde on your arm had a jolly time in the shop one night. Isn't it true he used to fancy her? Would you agree with me that your pretty little wife-" he shot Hannah a triumphant smirk- "is no more than a curly haired slut who would screw any of your brothers if she had the opportunity?" Hannah was shell shocked, but was more surprised when Fred calmly turned around and passed the now stirring Darcy into her shaking arms.

"Pardon me a moment, Darling." He said briskly. Turning back on his heel, Fred sprang for the reporter, and chaos ensued. Hannah's shouts mingled with the cries of the crowd around her. Fred was swearing, photographers were snapping pictures left and right, and reporters were buzzing- their ink flying as the scrawled onto their parchment the scene in front of them.

"EVERYONE SHUT IT!" From the doors of The Leaky Cauldron came the thunderous roar of Neville Longbottom, who pointed his wand threateningly at the reporters. Luna Lovegood rushed out behind him and quickly descended down the steps to lead Hannah away. They shifted nervously, and quickly scattered when Neville fired bright blue sparks into the crowd. "Fred, calm down! Let him walk away in one piece!"

Neville quickly bolted down the steps to haul the still fighting Fred off the reporter, who coughed blood into his scraped hands. Red faced and spitting with anger, Fred struggled to squirm out of Neville's strong grasp as the reporter limped away as fast as he could.

"That sorry good for nothing, low life scum, meddling-" a long stream of swear words ensued from Fred's mouth. Neville patted him on the back knowingly.

"I know Mate," he sighed. "Let it go. You've got a girl who needs you." Fred's blue eyes shot wide and he spun around to run back to Hannah- who was trembling and holding tightly to the baby girl in her arms. Luna quickly took Darcy into her arms so Hannah could rush to meet Fred's embrace.

"That was… that was…." She fought to find the words as Fred wrapped both arms around her waist, burying his face into her hair.

"The worst decision we could ever have made," he said grimly. Hannah choked back a sob and pressed her face into Fred's chest. Neville cleared his throat and beckoned towards the doors of the ever dreary looking pub.

"Step in for a pint," he said reassuringly. "My treat."

"What goes on in our love life has never been, and never will be, intriguing enough to be splattered across every bloody tabloid in Diagon Alley!" Hannah spat out, stomping her foot on the ground. Luna smiled serenely and cradled Darcy, spinning slowly to make the red headed baby giggle.

"She is an awfully cute baby," she crooned. "Did you know that red headed babies with green eyes are thought to have the mystical powers of the rare and endangered Fox Fairy?" As usual, everyone ignored her.

"They'll find some poor new people to bother in a month, you'll see," Neville said, patting her shaking hands gently. Fred sighed and glanced at him over the top of his Firewhiskey- with extra fire for his nerves.

"That's the problem, Mate," he said grimly. "It's bloody hard trying to raise a baby in all this. You know what it's like, you're stuck in this light just like the rest of us." Neville ducked his head and scratched his neck. Hannah crossed her arms and fought back tears. Fred looked over and his face softened.

"It'll pass, I'm sure," he quickly added, kissing Hannah on the cheek. She shrugged him off and scowled.

"I just don't get why they are so interested in us. I mean, it's a war we fought- we didn't win a beauty contest." Fred smirked arrogantly and took Darcy back into his arms, kissing her little hands.

"Speak for yourself. I overhead a couple of young lasses in the shop the other day saying- how did they say it? Oh! I was worthy of a shag and fit as hell. Apparently, I'm the sexy and charming twin while George is the flirty and charming twin." Hannah moaned comically and thumped her head on the wooden countertop.

"Oh great, just what we need- more ego boosts!" But it did the trick and a smile rose to her pale lips. Fred smirked and tickled Darcy's chin.

"I disagreed- I am clearly sexier than George and twice as good at flirting!" Hannah smiled and patted him on the freckled cheek, kissing him fondly.

"Whatever makes you happy Love," she said sweetly. Neville cleared his throat.

"So what are we going to do?" He asked. Luna smiled sweetly and skipped away. Hannah ignored her and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I know what I'm going to do." When the two men looked at her in confusion, she smiled wickedly. "I'm getting a Muggle job, Fred. I can't keep working in Diagon Alley with reporters peering in the windows. I am working in a Muggle environment with Muggle people, who don't know my name or my story."

Alright guys, one more chapter! I will spend all my night writing it until my hands are sore and my eyes are falling out of my head. I will finish this story so I can begin anew with The Games Begin- Hannah and Fred's beginnings from being young ickle first years until the start of the War! What more could Frannah shippers ask for?

Oh yeh- did I also mention that Dominic will be alive and kicking? Didn't think I'd forget him, would you?

I love you guys. You guys inspire me so damn much. I want to give you the best story I can.

If you'll give me the opportunity,

I'll give you that story.