A/N- Hello, welcome to my new story! It's a rather complex story, so I am going to give you the full summary here:

The Games of Life is set during the seventh book, during the war. It's spring, roughly mid-April, and the Weasley family is getting restless. The Weasley children are stuck at their Auntie Muriel's house. Mrs Weasley stays at the Burrow most of the time, because she knows the Death Eaters are watching, and she wants life to appear as normal as possible to them. Mr Weasley works all day. Charlie is getting extremely restless- he wants something to do, but there is not a lot to do at their aunt's. So when he sees that Fred and Hannah Jay are closer than usual, he decides to use that to his advantage. He fills in Bill, Fleur, George and his girlfriend/Hannah's best friend Kaylee Oak in on the plan- to bring Hannah and Fred together. His plan is to play a bunch of games in hopes that Fred and Hannah realize how much they care for each other. Little did he know how stubborn Fred and Hannah are. But when the Snatchers start hunting Muggleborns, the games become a little more deadly.

Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, Hannah's little brother Dominic is causing mayhem with Neville and Ginny. But one day, Snatchers come to the school and take all the Muggleborns, including Dominic. When Hannah gets word that her little brother is captured, she will stop at no means to get him back. Will Fred and Hannah find love amidst the horrors of a nation at war?

There you have it. If you enjoyed this one, please check out my other story- Love Triangle! In Love Triangle, you can meet Hannah, Dominic, and Kaylee at the very last chapter. Take a look! You can meet them there! But for now, enjoy The Games of Life!

Charlie Weasley groaned and rolled off of his Auntie Muriel's couch. He looked around, scowling slightly. He was very familiar with his Aunt's home, but it wasn't the same as the Burrow. It lacked the chaos and disorder the Burrow had. Across from him on the couch was his little brother Fred- stretched out on the couch making little puffs of coloured smoke come out of his wand. On the floor lay Fred and George's best friend Hannah Jay, who was reading a book.

"Fred stop that!" She giggled, as Fred teasing pointed his wand at her, making an orange puff shoot into her face. Fred grinned playfully and shot another one, making her slap him with her book. Fred laughed as she fell back against the couch, covering her face from the smoke. Charlie snickered and glanced into the kitchen. George was in with his girlfriend Kaylee Oak, Hannah's best friend, and they were sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar discreetly, not wanting to get caught by Auntie Muriel- again. Charlie sighed. It didn't feel right being there without their parents or Ron and Ginny, or Hannah's brother Dominic. Charlie sighed again- he was bored. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind as he watched Fred teasingly fire rapid streams of smoke at Hannah, who got up and beat him with her book. Fred laughed and tackled her to the ground playfully, making her burst out laughing. Charlie grinned- he knew how to pass the time. Slowly, a plan formed in his mind- to him it was foolproof. He knew just who to turn to to help him get it started.

"BILL!" He bellowed, running up the stairs to his older brother's room. Bill was crashed onto the bed, and Fleur, his wife, was lying beside him. Both Bill and Fleur had decided to spend part of the year with the rest of the Weasley's, when they realized they were being tracked by the Deatheaters. Bill shot up and gave his brother a confused look.

"Yes Charlie?" He asked. Charlie grinned mischievously, and plopped onto the light blue bed beside him. Fleur raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow and sat up as well.

"I'm bored," Charlie announced. Bill rolled his eyes and yawned, the scars on his face stretching.

"What else is new?" He retorted. He walked over to the window and looked out. It was pouring rain. Charlie grinned happily.

"I have a plan," he said, "Fred's been single for a while now, right?" Bill nodded, and smirked, scratching his chin.

"For about two years now," he chuckled. "I think he was pretty shocked when George landed Kaylee in their last year at Hogwarts! What's that got to do with you being bored?" Charlie grinned again, and walked across the room and out the hallway. Bill and Fleur followed, suspicious about what the dragon tamer was up to.

"Well," Charlie said importantly, "I'm getting concerned for my little bro. BUT! I noticed that he and his Muggle-born friend, Hannah, are pretty close. Their friendship is borderline flirtatious, I dare say." Fleur smiled, and her blue eyes twinkled as Charlie walked down the hall to the entry to the attic.

"I noticed too," she said, her French accent still lingering, "a Veela, even part Veela, have been gifted to know when there is any hint of attraction between two people. This attraction between Fred and Hannah has been going on since the beginning of summer! And here it is, now April!" Bill raised his eyebrows. Charlie pulled down the ladder and coughed violently as dust poofed into his face.

"So why does this have to do with you being bored?" He asked, following Charlie up the ladder. Charlie grinned and grabbed a box labelled, "Muggle-Games: property of Arthur Weasley". Charlie sneezed as dust flew into his nose- the box belonged to their father when he was a kid.

"I want to get them together," he said, rummaging through the box, "and I know just how to do it!" Bill raised his eyebrows and walked over, peering into the box.

"Ok," Bill said slowly, "tell us how. Merlin knows we are dying for entertainment around here!" Charlie grinned, and pulled out two items- a Muggle game called Twister and a bottle. He blew the dust off of them and grinned again.

"You see," he said. "Fred has always been a competitive person, right?" Bill nodded. "So is Hannah. Some good healthy bonding should help. This Muggle game here, Twister, will enable close contact. Needed in a relationship, no? I feel that we can manipulate some games, and use it for our advantage." Fleur's eyes shone with understanding, and she took the bottle from Charlie.

"This will be for Spin the Bottle, non?" She inquired. When Charlie nodded, Bill chuckled.

"You have other games in mind, don't you?" He asked, kneeling beside his brother. Charlie nodded again and grinned at Bill.

"This way, we are entertained and we are doing our little brother a favour by helping him with his love life." Charlie explained as if to a two year old. Bill sighed.

"I don't know," he said slowly, running a hand through his shoulder length hair, "I don't know if Fred and Hannah would want us to interfere with their friendship." Charlie patted Bill's shoulder, and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Bill, Bill, Bill," he said, shaking his head. "I'm doing them a favour! Think about them!" Bill bit his lip, and thought about the past summer. Fred, George, Kaylee, and Hannah had been staying together at the shop. When Bill and Fleur's wedding rolled around, George and Kaylee went together, so Fred and Hannah went alone, without dates. But when the Deatheaters crashed the wedding, George was quick to grab onto Kaylee to keep her safe. Fred was frantic the whole time, trying to find Hannah, who was trying to find him too. When they found each other the four Disapparated to the shop and stayed there until they got word from Mr Weasley to go to Auntie Muriel's. Kaylee was going to stay with George no matter what, but Fred was firm- he told Hannah that for her safety she needed to stay where he could see her. Hannah agreed, and the two haven't been more than five feet away from each other. Since then, it was becoming evident that something was starting to bloom between them. They were blushing when the other entered the room. They glanced at each other more. Bill smiled- yes, he wanted this for Fred.

"I see what you mean," he said. Charlie grinned and started to walk back to the ladder with the box and bottle.

"So are you in?" He asked, "we will have to fill in George and Kaylee though." Bill sighed and stood up.

"Ok," he agreed. "I'm in." Charlie grinned and disappeared down the steps. Just as Bill was about to join him, Fleur latched onto his arm.

"Bill," she murmured, "I don't know about this. I don't think we should get involved in their personal lives." Bill chuckled and ran a hand over her silvery hair.

"Love, don't you want this for Fred?" He asked, "and I know you care about Hannah." Fleur's eyes filled with anguish as she held onto Bill.

"But this isn't right!" She insisted, "we need to let love take its course! Surely you must agree!" Bill shot her a confused look.

"But I thought Veelas made people fall in love with them all the time," he asked, "and not by natural means!" Fleur's anguished eyes were replaced with anger as she stepped away from her husband.

"I'm not a full Veela," she growled, "I would never use my powers like that!" Bill looked at her in alarm and quickly kissed her, calming her down.

"Of course love," he murmured, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me- it was a wrong choice of words." Fleur's shoulders released their tension and she smiled.

"You're forgiven," she said, "but I still don't agree with this." Bill smiled and kissed her cheek. He was sure that all would be fine. He took his wife's hand and helped her back down the ladder. When they got to the kitchen, they found Charlie sneaking up on George and Kaylee, who were sitting at the table, whispering in each other's ears. Bill smiled at his little brother, and glanced back into the living room. Fred was sitting on Hannah, who was sprawled out on the floor, and she was beating him with her fists, screaming at him. Fred laughed and tickled her bare feet, making her burst into peals of laughter. Bill smiled. Yes, he was sure this would go perfectly.

"OI!" Charlie shouted in a whisper. "You two!" George and Kaylee jumped apart, and glared up at him, angry that he interrupted their moment.

"What?" George asked in annoyance. Charlie grinned and waved them into the pantry. They followed suspiciously, and Bill and Fleur joined them. But the pantry was very small for the five adults- Kaylee, the shortest, was squeezed under George's arms, which were locked around her. Charlie, the next shortest, was standing in the middle of the group. Fleur was curled around Bill, who was pressed against the back. Poor George, the tallest, had to duck to avoid hitting his head on the light. Charlie grinned at them.

"We have a plan," he said importantly. Bill rolled his eyes.

"He means that he has a plan and if it doesn't work that means he can blame it on the two of us," he said. George snickered.

"Hey," Charlie said, looking offended, "let me speak!" He turned back to George and Kaylee. "I want to get Fred and Hannah together," he said. George chuckled, and Kaylee grinned.

"About time someone started on those two lovebirds," George exclaimed.

"We have been trying to do that since seventh year," Kaylee said, shaking her head, "but those two are as dense as ice. Hannah may be a Ravenclaw, but she is clueless about love." Charlie beamed.

"Perfect!" He crowed. Bill slapped his hand over his brother's mouth.

"Keep it down," he hissed, "do you want them to hear us?" Charlie shook his hand off, and continued to fill Kaylee and George in on the plan. Kaylee clapped softly after he finished.

"Brilliant," she exclaimed, "better than George's idea!" George blushed, and grinned sheepishly.

"I had wanted to spike their drinks with love potion," he said, "I thought it would work. But then Kaylee reminded me that it was an artificial love, so it wasn't the same..." Kaylee giggled and kissed his cheek. Charlie grinned, and rubbed his freckled jaw.

"Not bad," he said, "but it's still a stupid idea. Mine is way better." Fleur rolled her eyes, and glared at Bill. Bill shrugged and winced as his shoulder smashed into a can of pumpkin.

"Say," George asked, "why aren't Mum and Dad here?" Bill sighed.

"Ah," he said, "they are at the Burrow. They figured that since the Deatheaters are tracking us, it would be safer for them to stay at the Burrow, and send us here. They said our safety is their top priority, and when the Deatheaters stop tracking the house we will join them back at the Burrow. Until then, we are stuck here." Kaylee sighed.

"Where is your Auntie Muriel?" She asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Up in her room," Fleur said, "she was cleaning the tiara she lent me. She complained that it was dirty." Bill snorted.

"Old bat," he retorted, "it's Goblin made. It repels dirt." Fleur made a face.

"I know that, and you know that," she said, "tell Auntie Muriel that!" Bill laughed, and Kaylee coughed.

"Not to be the downer of the party," she said, "but can we get out of here? I really don't like the box of prunes pressing into my butt." Charlie laughed and opened the door, and they slipped out quietly. He grinned at the others, and walked into the living room.

"OI!" He shouted. Fred and Hannah gasped and jumped. Hannah blushed at Fred, and pulled her long blonde hair into a high pony tail, blinking her green eyes.

"Yes Charlie?" She asked softly, as Fred stuck his hands in his pockets, looking anywhere but at Charlie or Hannah. Charlie smirked- they were just too cute.

"We are bored," he announced, "and we need entertainment." Fred raised his eyebrows, and crossed his arms, grinning cheekily at his brother.

"How can we help?" He asked. Hannah cocked her head, and glanced at the others, who had filed into the room and were situated on all the old fashioned couches.

"We are going to play Muggle games!" George exclaimed. Fred glanced at his twin, and snorted.

"Alright," he agreed, "what did you have in mind? We can't exactly leave the house right now. It's pouring rain!" Charlie glanced out the window, and sighed. Sure enough, the rain was coming down in torrents. He thought quickly, and grinned.

"I know what we can play first," he said excitedly. Hannah pursed her lips and smiled.

"What would that be?" She asked. Charlie grinned. He knew a whole bunch of games from his Muggleborn friends at Hogwarts.

"Sardines," he said excitedly.

A/N- There you have it. The first chapter! Now, I know it may be confusing right now, and some things don't exactly follow the book. Ginny isn't at Hogwarts at this point in the book, but trust me- I am going to make it all work out. Any suggestions for games would be great! I have a whole bunch already, but the more the merrier, eh? Please review- it would be much appreciated XD